When Qi Hong went to work the next day, she found that she completely underestimated Chen Qun's determination and scale. In Chen Qun's office, not only six or seven writing boards were filled with all kinds of dense data comparison, but also a three-dimensional projector appeared in a corner, on which the patient's three-dimensional head structure appeared.

"This guy is crazy. He jumped up in the middle of the night last night and said he was inspired. He wrote more than ten lines of nonsense code on his computer, and then he ran to the office and began to toss. It is said that there is a new discovery, but I don't know how to use it. I can only nibble at the book data here. Let's leave him alone and see when he comes out hungry. "

Dongfang Wenxin, who is sitting idly eating breakfast, looks at the two steamed buns on the plate in front of her, and puts the rest in Chen Qun's mouth, letting her husband act as a real rice bucket.

For the young lady, although she slandered Chen Qun, the smile around her mouth could not be suppressed. After all, Chen Qun's dozens of lines of assembly language are right for Chen Qun, a guy who barely passed in mathematical programming, but his steps are in a mess. But it happened that this method gave her an almost genius idea on the formation change of UAV, and brought her close to a big problem that plagued her for several days.

As for this guy who wants to change his profession and become a science student now, the first lady is an idea. She intends to see his jokes. After all, with his data and programming skills, he just barely passed the exam, but he has to rely on Tsinghua University and Peking University. That's the end of a broken head. The eldest lady didn't remind him at all. Anyway, she was upset by mathematics in the use of these data. Let Chen Qun experience her mood. She totally agrees.

Qi Hong looked at the couple in a funny way and asked a question with her head tilted.

"So you two go to work in the middle of the night? What can I say? It's not that one family doesn't enter one family. It's very suitable for you two. "

"It's not midnight. My sister called me after five in the morning to complain, and then woke this guy up. He didn't know what to ask and said that he thought of a good way, so he began to pick up the computer to record what he thought."

Qi Hong suddenly burst into the flames of gossip, staring at the East and smelling Xin.

"Mr. Su? What does Mr. Su complain about? I didn't expect that Mr. Su, who has always been strong, would also complain. "

The East smell Xin immediately smile very brilliant, satisfied the beauty doctor's curiosity.

"She was tossed about by her twin sisters for most of the night last night. One of them went to bed and the other insisted on playing outside. Then she finally tossed the guy who was playing with the pet dog. She was tired and coaxed to sleep. The other woke up and immediately tossed the dog. Even the little dog was tossed out of strength. So my sister decided to sleep in the company and not come back to provoke two aunts and grandmothers. "

Qi Hong knows that with Su wanting's character, she can't be so devoted to her two adopted sisters. However, the special circumstances of the twins not only arouse Su wanting's curiosity, but also her tragic experience arouses her maternal feelings, so the two together become closer than her biological sisters.

What's more, with the special ability of the twin sisters, they can feel other people's feelings for them, so they know that Chen Qun is the villain who brings the greatest pain to their sisters to some extent, but they also know that Chen Qun is doing this to save them, so they are very close to Chen Qun.

As for the nurses and doctors who are really good to the two sisters in the hospital, the two sisters will smile. For those medical staff who are born to dislike children, the two little guys don't bother to look at them at all.

When Qi Hong thought of this, he scanned several writing boards listed by Chen Qun and found that most of them were written by heaven, involving many physical formulas. It seems that he recalculated the frequency of radio waves. A lot of knowledge is about cutting-edge science and technology. As for the contents on the other writing boards, which were medical, she could see them with two eyes.

Generally speaking, Chen Qun is going to take this patient as a real mouse. First, he establishes a complete baseline map of his brain wave, and then compares it with the data of other normal people. Finally, he relocates the different parts of the compared data to specific parts.

From the perspective of conception mode, it is to use data to determine the patient's problem, and then find the root cause, and then prepare to stimulate the patient with electric current to wake him up from deep sleep.

It seems that the theory is very simple, but data calculation involves many fields. It requires a lot of calculation and reasoning, and it can almost do a small project.

This guy is really serious. I'm afraid most of his colleagues can't understand what he wrote because they don't ask others to help.

I don't know that Chen Qun can produce so many things in just one night. It seems that Chen Qun's brain circuit is unique and can't be treated according to common sense.Although Qi Hong was a little surprised, he could understand Chen Qun's attitude. However, she didn't know that Chen Qun's purpose in making so many things in the office was actually one. She tried to trick some of her confidants around him to make these girls believe in his ideas. Then he didn't need to explain more strange things.

In a word, it is accurate to calculate that the eldest lady and Qi Hong only understand part of his plan, and they will always be looking at the leopard from the perspective, so that he can easily confuse the fish with the Pearl.

In fact, many of these things are based on the data that he has been operating in the system space for many days. Many of them seem to be theoretical. In fact, they have been proved feasible in the system space, crossed the gap between theory and practice, and completed a qualitative leap.

This is not so much a conceptual plan as a practical application method that has been formed. If the surgical plan is added, it is an advanced version of his Oriental surgery.

Qi Hong looked at it and found that the theoretical part was easy for her to understand, but the specific operation steps were just like clouds and mountains. Even so, she felt that she could understand part of it. For her strange idea, Qi Hong herself felt a little strange. It was a brand new thing, but she thought it was familiar.

It's just like she did emergency appendectomy for patients in the scenic area. She didn't do it alone, but she felt familiar with the light car at first, as if she had some muscle memory to complete the operation automatically.

This kind of feeling is not only her appearance, but also that when several intimate friends discuss this kind of feeling which is called both seeing and feeling in psychology, Zhao Xue and miss Dongfang all express the same feeling, and miss Dongfang also ridicules that this is a typical performance of following a strange psychiatrist for a long time and being fooled by his theory of following feeling.

Qi Hong has not only verified a few girls, but also Zhou Lin and Lu Yi. Everyone's opinions are similar. The final conclusion is that Chen Qun has done countless operations, but he has not done them, but he has seen them, so he is familiar with them unconsciously.

This may be the subtle power in the legend!