"I have been receiving testosterone treatment, but I forgot to inject it when I came to China for a few weeks last month. But I didn't have a girlfriend, and of course I didn't have a boyfriend. How could I be pregnant? "

Jack is lying on the bed, explaining the situation in fluent English. Seeing that Chen Qun doesn't show any difference, it seems that this man doesn't care about Nobel.

Chen Qun came to this conclusion and became more relaxed.

"Have you ever had a boyfriend?"

"I broke up half a year ago!"

Qi Hong looked at the information in his hand and told the patient very seriously.

"Maybe you can think about who you had contact with before you came to China, because according to the B-ultrasound results of the fetus, you have been pregnant for six weeks. As for the tumor in your brain, it's a hormone induced prolactin tumor. Combined with the tumor in your original brain, it has doubled

Jack leans heavily on the mattress and asks questions.

"It means that my pregnancy has led to the expansion of my brain tumor. If you don't have children, will brain tumors shrink? "

"The theory is that if you're not pregnant, your hormones will drop sharply, and the tumor may shrink. After that, we can treat your brain tumor with medication or minimally invasive surgery. Of course, the same minimally invasive surgery can be used now, but the risk is much greater. "

Qi Hong gave an accurate answer in front of him.

Jack seemed dissatisfied with the result and muttered to himself.

"Six weeks? How is that possible? That is to say, I was pregnant after I arrived in China? May I ask the doctor if I was pregnant in the past, or because of some special reasons, my pregnancy was delayed for several months? "

"Maybe, but the special case is always a small probability. If you don't mind, I think you need to call the police more. After all, your sex change surgery is not complete, only the removal of the breast, but retained the original female organs, perhaps suffered some abnormal invasion is also very likely

As soon as Qi Hong said this, she regretted it. This is not her style, but from the side, it also shows that this case of "man" pregnancy aroused her curiosity, and then she said these meaningless words.

Jack shakes his head twice, as if to throw these unnecessary troubles out of his mind. He goes straight to the subject and asks Qi Hong.

"Doctor, if we don't care about my pregnancy, what kind of surgery is needed to solve my head tumor? In fact, this time I came to work in China, I came to seek surgical treatment to a large extent. Several of my Chinese friends also told me that the price of surgical operation here is only one tenth of that of ours. "

Zhou Lin's mouth and nose immediately wrinkled, and Ouyang Yang coughed to show his understanding.

Chen Qun also understood in the video that the patient's condition is not very serious. Ouyang Yang's level can diagnose her condition. The first lady also knew this, so she would not let him participate in the consultation in the past.

He just sighed that it is small money that restricts the medical industry in the end. All patients are the most honest and do not transfer by any will. If there is no accident, more and more intelligent foreigners will come to China to collect wool in the future, which is both a good thing and a pressure.

Now the hospital is determined to turn Xiangyun into a world-class hospital. Naturally, foreigners will have to collect wool in the process. Maybe we can discuss with Su wanting and Liu Yang to balance the price.

Of course, it's easier said than done, but as long as we increase our income, Liu will never miss any chance to blackmail foreign rich people. Perhaps, we can first collect the wool from Stanford Research Institute and apply their method to Meiling center in the future to rob the rich and help the poor, which is the long-term strategy.

As soon as Chen Qun thought about it, he came up with several ways. Moreover, this black pot can be thrown into the artillery battle of president Liu, and this matter can be carried out in his personal style. As for Su wanting, she will never stop her. She even has to increase her money!

When he thought about the question of small money, Qi Hong also gave an answer to the patient.

"Considering the location of your brain tumor, we don't need to use the traditional craniotomy to make a hole in your head, but use a safer method to enter from your nasal cavity, which is called sphenoid surgery, or TSS for short. This procedure is safer than other invasive procedures. "

Of course, Qi Hong did not say that there are no more than three people in the center who can perform this operation. Apart from Chen Qun, only Huang Haitao and another leading professor can complete this operation. Even Lu Yi, who has the most potential, may not have enough experience and skills to complete this operation.Thinking of Lu Yi, Qi Hong immediately remembers the CT picture just sent by Eliza. Lu Yi's brachial plexus is recovering in the most perfect way. It can be said that it has no effect on his finger function. Chen Qun not only saved Lu Yi's life, but also saved his arm to eat, and can continue to advance to the peak of surgery.

Of course, the reason why Chen Qun spared no effort to save his arm is that besides protecting his short arm, he also spared no effort to save his arm with a kind of appreciative attitude of giving roses to others and fragrant hands.

"Wait a minute, Mr.... Can't perform TSS operation. If you turn back the CT picture, we can see that the tumor on the sphenoid bone of the patient also has butterfly like expansion, edema around, and gaps between the arterial rings. Dr. Qi, you first give the patient a simple blind spot test to see if there is something wrong with his visual nerve. "

Qi Hong recovers from reverie and immediately raises her middle finger to express her gratitude to jack on the bed.

"Sir, please keep your eyes fixed on my fingers. No, just keep your eyes still and look ahead. Don't follow my fingers. If you can't see my fingers, please explain."

"I see. Just look ahead and don't pay attention to your fingers. Wait, stop. I can't see here... "

With the movement of Qi Hong's fingers, Jack points out where he can't see everywhere. Then he looks up at a group of young doctors in front of him.

"Is it too bad for surgery?"

"No, Mr. Jack, it's just that we can't do minimally invasive surgery. The slightly more dangerous option is pterional craniotomy, which has higher natural risk and longer recovery time. This may also lead to gender anxiety and other psychological phenomena during pregnancy. So the easiest solution is to kill the kids. "

"No! Let me think about it first. Maybe it's a mistake for me to have sex change surgery! Perhaps, this is an opportunity to correct my mistakes. I'll let you know next week about my specific decision. "

"Sir, please hurry up. Every day, your tumor will grow a little. If it continues to deteriorate, it will lead to blindness in ten days or two weeks."