The next day, as an ambassador of folk culture, Chen Qun met with the royal family of Sweden. He also accompanied her to finish a large debt yesterday. Because most of the team members from the same group are old players, and they all have the experience of building a magnetic ball for a young lady, so they come together.

Chen Qun, Qi Hong and others have seen several different royal family members, so this time they are more open-minded and don't feel constrained at all. After the meeting, Chen Qun began to make more than ten chocolate sculptures with different Chinese characteristics in the Professional Pastry hall.

Although the pastry masters and authentic chefs are excluded here, it took Chen Qun five or six hours to complete this pile of pastries full of artistic style, take photos, send them to Africa and Latin America as postcards and distribute them to poor children in the third world.

In addition, Miss Dongfang also gave a real reason that Chen Qun's chocolate sculpture represents Chinese culture, which is in line with her status as cultural ambassador. She also gave a huge donation of one million US dollars as a modest contribution from the ancient oriental civilization.

For this behavior of the eldest daughter, Duke Antonio, who came here together, was very happy. I know that just like last night's banquet did not stop everyone from bidding, this wealthy successor of the consortium will surely compete for the price to an astronomical number, which is contrary to the current difficult international situation.

Although Prince Antonio doesn't know where the bottom line is, the donation of one million US dollars is a huge sum of money. Most of his guess is that he has got the consent of his family, and his heart is a little complacent. After all, what these Chinese value most is face. If you respect him, he will respect you. This time, the strategy of leaving thanks to Chen, a young man, has yielded unexpected results.

Just after the Royal reception dinner, Antonio looked at Chen Qun and suddenly asked an irrelevant question in front of the king and his wife.

"Chen, it is said that you knew Mr. Jones and his adopted daughter who had just died, and you helped the little girl. When you testified, you thought that Mr. Jones could not have died of suicide. But the police have carried out routine drug tests, with no results. Now the inspection part has been taken over by the Royal College of medicine. It may not be a matter of a moment for the College of medicine to find out a poison among countless medicines. But I'd like to hear your opinion. What kind of medicine do you think may cause people's poor breathing and can't be detected? "

Of course, Chen Qun knows that drug testing seems simple, but it also refers to common poisons for the general public. However, it may take a year and a half for some special drugs to be detected.

What's more, the fact that Duke Antonio came to inquire about this matter is to convey a message to him privately that Antonio is on his side. After all, for Europe, the more chaotic the other continents are, the better. Only in this way can old Europe return to its former glory.

Hearing this question, Chen Qun pondered for a while and gave an unexpected answer.

"When it comes to being undetectable, I think of the process in which I found this kind of active agent. This kind of active agent is completely decomposed into carbohydrates after staying in the body for an hour or two. There are still many kinds of similar active agents in the world. There are 20 or 30 kinds of active agents that work in the respiratory tract alone. If it is premeditated murder, as rumored on the Internet, it is more targeted to detect some oxygen molecular chelates. But I don't think it's that long before we can find a complete clue. "

Antonio put on the appearance of an old fox, tilted his head and stared at him, and continued to ask.

"If you don't think there's a clue, why test it?"

Chen Qun answered with confidence.

"It's very simple. The faster the molecules decompose, a lot of heat will be generated in the body, which will lead to the increase of other molecules in the body. Moreover, the decomposed substances will also exist in the lung cells, making the content of components in the cells exceed the standard. Which of the most common ingredients is too much or too little proves that someone has been planning for a long time. "

Duke Antonio thought about it and knew that it was only an academic question and answer. If it was to be implemented, it would be very troublesome. Originally, I wanted to invite Chen Qun as a member of the inspection team, but for fear of making any mistakes, I'd better throw Chen Qun out.

After all, it's a disgrace to the Royal College of medicine. Maybe we can discuss it in private after we go out to the palace.

However, Chen Qun then said a surprising conclusion.

"However, according to the murder arrangement, the more perfect a murder case is, the more careful planning and long-term preparation are needed. If I were Mr. Jones, I would definitely know which enemy I might have and what clues I would leave behind. I think Mr. Jones will definitely leave the clues in the hands of people his enemies don't know, to make sure he doesn't die in the dark. "

Antonio understood Chen Qun's meaning for a second and stared at him again."You mean the girl named Sen has a clue?"

Chen Qun immediately shook his head and gave an interesting answer.

"It shouldn't be possible. The girl was followed when we met her. Plus her self statement, it should be that Mr. Jones was deliberately hiding her information from any harm. So, for the sake of protection, it's impossible for Mr. Jones to give Sen any key information. "

Looking at the heated discussion between them, Miss Dongfang couldn't help interrupting.

"Maybe Miss Sen is the important message. Maybe Mr. Jones died to protect Miss Sen. Because in the conversation with us, he told us that Sen was very special and we would be interested. For a doctor, what he is interested in is only the medical field. Instead of looking for clues on Mr. Jones, we'd better check whether Miss Sen is related to Mr. Jones first. "

Even though she knows that Chen Qun thinks that Sen is a clone of Jones Thomson, she simply adds a fire to remind her. What's more, Sen's identity has aroused the suspicion of countless people. It's also the most common view that she is Jones's illegitimate daughter. Why don't you give some guidance to her.

Antonio looks at Chen Qun and Dongfang Wenxin and puts forward a small suggestion.

"If you have to check it, I think that if you ask Ms. Sen to make this request, you can realize it as soon as possible."

As an old fox, Duke Antonio certainly doesn't mind dragging two young people, Chen Qun and Dongfang Wenxin, into it to cope with the pressure from the opposite. He always has a lot of strength, especially in these intrigues. With the help of both of them, Sen was naturally easier to speak.

Chen Qun took a look at Miss Dongfang and nodded reluctantly.

"Let's have a try."