Even if the Liyun group is powerful all over the world and has abundant financial resources, it is impossible to easily intervene in the sudden murder of a billionaire in the current international situation. However, what Liyun group can't do for the time being doesn't mean that he can't do it. After all, he still has an identity, that is, the candidate who has won the Nobel nomination. He can pretend that he doesn't know the fact of Jones' death and still go to the appointment according to the original agreement.

Although Chen Qun wants to get there as quickly as possible, he also understands a simple truth - "gentleman does not stand under the wall". The Sanjing consortium he cooperates with has a direct interest competition with Neo company, which naturally has a motive to kill people. If the West wants to discredit it, now is a great opportunity.

"The Nobel Prize winner murders the deputy executive of Neo company", this news can impact the whole world in an instant, and all the attractive eyeballs are available. It can't be more popular.

After carefully planning strategies, Chen Qun dials Su wanting.

"Sister Su, Jones Thomson, deputy general manager of Neo company, died and made the headlines. It is said that he committed suicide. But I personally think it is a murder. If it is not handled properly, someone will definitely lead me and Xiaoxin. After all, Xiaoxin took in a rebellious girl high school student yesterday, and Jones is her foster and guardian. What's more, this girl has a lot of Jones' physiological characteristics. I suspect she may be Jones' spare clone! "


There was a strange sound from the microphone opposite. It was obviously the sound of tea and coffee. It took two or three seconds for Su wanting to make a choking sound.

"Dr. Chen, you are going to scare me to death and murder another person, aren't you? Well, let's not say anything else. Do you have any direct connection with the murder case? If so, I'll call the lawyer team right away. No matter if there is, I'll send a lawyer first. If there is a policeman to ask, there must be a lawyer at the side. "

"There shouldn't be any connection. Of course, the girl who is a human clone also met by chance. It's definitely not premeditated. Believe me, I have good eyes when it comes to the quality of people."

"What do you think of me? Is the overbearing female president or the cannibal Huang Shiren

Su wanting's interest was transferred to Java by Chen Qun. After all, any girl cares about this. Even if she is as strong as Su wanting, there are not many exceptions.

"It's like a trap question. No matter what I answer, I lose. But if sister Su really wants to know, I'll tell you the truth. In my mind, sister Su is an aggressive chivalrous woman. Unfortunately, she was born in the wrong age and became an overbearing female president, especially chivalrous. Although I don't like sister Su's overbearing, I'm the biggest victim, but I still appreciate her way of doing things! "

"Smelly boy, flattering is getting more and more powerful. No wonder Xiaoxin says you are going to be a flatterer!"

"Sister Su, it's hard for me. Xiaoxin has been suffering from premarital syndrome these days. She always looks at me in a bad way. Of course, I have to coax her. If she can't calm down, I'm embarrassed to marry her. "

When Su wanting heard Chen Qun's complaint, she naturally outlined his sad face in her mind. Her heart became more and more funny and a bit more proud. This smelly boy even dared to say that she was the overbearing female president and that she was a chivalrous woman, which really showed that he had a vicious and mature eye and recognized people very well.

The only person in the world who has said this to her is Taoist priest Qingye. Of course, a real God stick has the same opinion, but he doesn't dare to say it for fear that he will reduce his impression in his mind.

However, Chen Qun's reaction was really funny. He knew that he was dealing with him, but he dealt with it carefully. He was suffering from Stockholm disease, so he continued to bully him. Anyway, I know where this guy's bottom line and dignity are, so I'll be a domineering boss Cao and let the little military strategist bow his head and accept his life.

Su wanting from funny heart back to a strong woman, immediately turned the topic to business.

"Why do you know they were murdered?"

"If you want to commit suicide, will you invite me to your place tomorrow to talk business? What's more, there is only one reason for this kind of character to commit suicide. Even if he loses all his old capital, he will be humiliated by the people he despises, and then he will die. But no matter his current status, words and deeds, he does not have such characteristics, so he is more like being killed. "

"Who is the most suspect?"

"Of course, it's internal competitors. If it's external competitors, if they really want to do so, they will break the rules and will be attacked by a group of people. Therefore, the possibility of internal rolling is greater. Of course, these have nothing to do with us. Sister Su also doesn't want to send someone to investigate, lest Guaqian Lixia be slandered by the real murderer. At first, I was going to visit the scene, but I immediately changed my mind, and then I called you to make it clear. "Su wanting thinks about it and thinks that Chen Qun is right. After all, if she shows too much concern, she will definitely be blamed by the real murderer. Jones Thomson's opponent is definitely a person of the same level as him. If he carries out any murder, he will find the most professional person to complete it without leaving any trace.

Chen Qun may have been able to infer something in the past with his rich surgical experience and medical knowledge, but this guy was immediately aware of the advantages and disadvantages and turned to himself for help to deal with this sudden incident. The younger sister has taken in a girl who has a relationship with Jones, which is bound to attract the attention of the police. It is necessary to look for clues.

Su wanting suddenly thought of another thing, immediately to the computer in a hurry to order up.

"Remember, the Western police will ask you to testify as witnesses. You can't bring a lawyer with you, but once you are charged as a suspect, you must not fall into such a trap. Many people in China have been cheated. I have ordered several barristers from the largest law firm here to come."

Su wanting pondered for less than ten seconds and gave a statement.

"Of course, the name is that you sign an employment agreement with them, solve some harassment and attacks on the Internet, and maintain your own image. This is what you have to do. Now it's just ahead of time. For the rest, we should be cautious in our words and deeds and tell the truth. I wonder if your Qi luck is so invincible. We can't place our hope on these nihilistic things and prepare for the worst. "

"Yes, I'll let Xiaoxin testify as a diplomat."

Of course, Chen Qun knew what Su wanting was most worried about and added a few words.

"Maybe this matter will be regarded as a good opportunity by some more powerful people as a tool to attack Xiaoxin and Liyun group. I will try my best to avoid this kind of thing. I'm sure that the girl named Sen has a 99% chance of being a clone, which may be a trump card against Neo. Of course, Neo company doesn't realize it now, but it's only a matter of time before they realize it. At that time, this girl was very, very dangerous! "