After dinner, Chen Qun was called by Yang Xiaoquan to the diagnosis room of the cardiovascular department, or to be exact, the small meeting room of the emergency center. Anyway, the old urchin took advantage of the original owner's departure and directly occupied his operating room. Even the new director of the emergency center handed over the conference room on the fourth floor to the old man as a diagnosis room.

Anyway, Yang Xiaoquan has a strong point in saying that he is a re employed doctor in the emergency center and has nothing to do with the cardiovascular department. However, there are more students around him. Many of them are old faces familiar to Chen Qun. Just Chen Qun sitting beside Yang Xiaoquan, the mood is a burst of regret.

From a resident in a remote area in just one year, he has become a leading figure in the domestic medical field who can compete with Yang Xiaoquan, the No1 of the young generation. Besides breaking the system, the fiancee plays a key role.

Without his fiancee to provide an astronomical financial guarantee, he would not have come to this step. Chen Qun has also considered this issue. If his fiancee is the daughter of a small rich man and has no influence in a county, can he get to the point where he is today?

The answer is obvious, yes, but it will take two or three years to get to this position step by step. Of course, without those advanced equipment, he can complete the operation, but without the opportunities brought by Dongfang Wenxin's relationship, his status is far from what it is today.

Of course, his luck also played a role that can not be ignored. Just like Zhang Haogu's promotion to the third level, he made great progress, relying on Zhang Yifei's good fortune. He appeared the most suitable person in the most critical place, completed the most perfect rescue, and played his role incisively and vividly. It was several grades less than one step.

Therefore, seeing that Yang Xiaoquan had kicked away his hated wheelchair and sat beside him with red light and loud voice introducing the patient's condition, Chen Qun felt familiar and in a trance. He didn't feel too much discomfort sitting beside Yang Xiaoquan. There was no other explanation except his great master's achievements.

After hearing this, Chen Qun Cai understood why he was arrested by Yang Xiaoquan, who had already been employed in the emergency center and didn't raise a cent. Because this patient in front of us can only be rescued by Yang Xiaoquan in China, and the probability is very low. So the old urchin did his best, and he became a big tea table, with only room to listen in and no right to refuse.

Qiu Xiyu, a six-year-old female patient with congenital dilated cardiomyopathy, has lived to this day. In fact, it is the result of the collective efforts of the medical team of Lucheng University, which is a miracle in itself. From birth to struggle with the pain, physical weakness, has been unable to support any more than two hours of surgery.

The child's only hope is that the myocardial cell layer will enter clinical application, and use the cell patch cultured in culture dish to save her heart. But now the only trouble is that the deterioration of children is far greater than the speed of myocardial cell layer into clinical use. In other words, before the scientific research results of the medical team of Lucheng university came out, the children could not support it.

"Now, the brain natriuretic peptide in the patient's body has risen to 900, and the ejection fraction is lower than 20%. In this state, the time of using artificial heart lung is extremely limited. In particular, two days ago, a small patient in the precise examination found that she had hit positive, that is, heparin induced thrombocytopenia

"This disease means that heparin cannot be used, which means that cardiopulmonary bypass cannot be performed. But in the condition of the patient's heart, if the artificial heart and lung are not suitable, the operation can not be performed at all. No surgery, that is, her only way of life has been cut off. Therefore, the treatment team of Lucheng Medical University asked me for help to see what they could do

With a dignified face, Yang Xiaoquan frowned tightly, announced the current situation of the whole thing to everyone, and then said a word to Chen Qun.

"This case is a national joint diagnosis, and Xiao Qi and his colleagues have also been connected in the Institute. Xiao Chen, you should discuss with them first to see if you have any ideas. I'm also working with other doctors to see if we can come up with a good way

Qi Hong's voice appeared on the TV screen with her elegant cheek.

"Teacher, maybe we can use agaqu class!"

"No, the patient suffered from heart failure and liver stasis. Argatroban can increase the burden on the liver. Obviously, it's a method that is close to the muscle cell layer. As a result, we have to have surgery to rescue, but we don't even have the chance to have surgery. All the methods are blocked by the patient's condition! "

Yang Koizumi slapped on the table to express his anger, dissatisfaction and helplessness.

"Teacher, I compared the data you sent me and found that the hit antibody in patients showed a decreasing trend. If there is no wrong judgment, all hit antibodies in patients may disappear in a few months. Then we can take surgical treatment.""What about now? Is it maintained by medical and drug effects? "

Gu Ning's head appears on another screen. It seems to see Chen Qun in the room. He shows an embarrassed smile, signals to him, and refutes Qi Hong's words.

When Chen Qun saw this scene, he felt a sense of absurdity. He knew that Gu Ning was only a few steps away from here, but he still stayed in the Department of Cardiology. In fact, he deliberately distinguished the relationship, and Qi Hong didn't come. This is not reasonable.

In a word, this is the way that Yang Xiaoquan, an old urchin, wants to show off. He deliberately gives Liu Yang, who is about to take office, face. In fact, we all know that he is careful and accompanies him in acting. He also knew the thoughts of these disciples, so he was reckless.

"No, it requires a ventricular assist device, or a percutaneous cardiopulmonary assist device, to assist the heart. In this case, even if you keep your heart, your hands, feet and internal organs will die because of thrombosis. There is no solution! "

After all, Chen Qun, the most important one, is still thinking there. Maybe the words of these young people can inspire him. This is already a normal state in Chen Qun's conception, so he is full of confidence.

Chen Qun and Yang Xiaoquan made a decision.

"Maybe we have only one method left, which is to use heparin for the final rescue. I will carry out the minimal operation to save lives in the shortest time

In fact, this is just a cover up for him. His real purpose is to carry out the operation. As long as the operation can be carried out, there will be unlimited possibilities. He can also replace other drugs to replace heparin. Although it can not be operated for a long time, there is no way.

What's more, he realized that the patient's condition was far behind the simulated patient given by the system space. He can save the patients with systemic visceral injury through countless drills, which is a great assurance for a heart.

If this operation fails, it can also let him try to fail for the first time in his life with sufficient preparation. He won't be hit much.