"The patient's electroencephalogram is normal, and his blood pressure is slightly low, but generally speaking, there is not much difference between his state and that of seven hours ago, which at least indicates that the operation has not brought more damage to the brain. Chen, continue with the most critical nerve sheath link! "

Looking at dozens of data and five or six pictures on the screen, Victor knows that the current situation is much better than before, which can be regarded as the best example of thousands of nerve operations in his life. In particular, Chen Qun's operation site is more dexterous and delicate than the mechanical arm, making a network of three-dimensional nerve terminal cells connected, from possible to impossible.

Especially in the contrast pattern of the computer, thousands of sky blue nerve waves are flashing one after another, which indicates that the operation has been carried out up to now, almost adding some missing links, without causing any damage.

Although the surgical link is only in the middle of the corpus callosum, which is about half the size of a thumb, there are numerous transverse nerve fiber bundles crisscrossed with each other, allowing the left and right hemispheres of the human body to exchange information.

This time, the neural link is to use artificial methods to re link 103 nerve fibers of different sizes to the left and right brains. Unlike other neurological operations, Chen Qun has built a neural network that looks like a football, linking more than ten of the most important nerve endings.

In fact, for the most complex part of this part, Victor is taking a conservative attitude after all. He thinks that if the patient's condition is discordant and complicated, he will stop the most delicate links in this part. After all, the human brain will slowly generate nerve endings and automatically link with each other in the long days to come.

Of course, this part of the situation will happen under very ideal circumstances. Generally, the neural network can only complete 50% or 60% of the links, at least better than none.

Chen Qun suggested that the artificial link, in fact, is to restore the patient to the level before the operation, rather than a conservative scheme, can only link part, muddle along.

This degree of neural fiber connection is an epoch-making technology, because human beings know nothing about the function of many links. But what we can do is to use computer to calculate from the original scars, find out the original neural links, and then restore them.

The operation is simple to say, but it needs precise technology to do it, and it can't make big mistakes. In a word, the skill of the surgeon determines the success of the operation.

What's more, this operation is a full live broadcast, which is broadcast all over the world on the website of Charlotte hospital. As soon as the video was released, the traffic almost burst the website, which forced Charlotte's website to limit its traffic and divert it to several international cooperation websites.

In the face of the world's broadcast screen, it is like a micro world circuit connection, so delicate that people hold their breath, afraid that a sneeze will destroy the operation.

The biggest difference of this operation is that it turns the general nerve connection into a more subtle connection of deep cell fiber terminals, and differentiates dozens of nerve terminals from the original simple natural connection of savage growth, connecting them one by one. It's like upgrading the 100 MB network card to the Gigabit network card. The internal circuit on the crystal head is twice as much.

And the practical significance is the same, of course, 100 MB network card can be used more process, see no difference; But gigabit network card is more silky and fast. This is a progress of germplasm, and also symbolizes the inevitable development direction of neurosurgery in the future.

Looking at Chen's concentration, Victor understood why Chen Qun would come to him to preside over the whole operation. Because he needs a trusted and appreciated neurologist to take charge of the overall situation for him, find out any omission and remind him of any possible mistakes.

As for Chen, he is completely in front of the world, showing a standardized neurosurgery cutting-edge operation. Countless neurosurgeons can learn a lot from his actions.

In other words, especially from the perspective of scientific and technological progress, even though Chen's operation led to the death of the patient, his forehead operation was completely successful. No one would even blame the patient's death on this operation.

As one of the world's top neurosurgeons, Victor feels that Chen's operation method can hardly show off any skill. Every action and every link is simple and easy to understand, so rigorous that people can't believe their eyes.

Maybe this is the highest level of Chinese skills. What's it called? By the way, Daqiao doesn't work. Chen is so skillful that he does not need to show off his skills in any way. He only needs to complete the most precise operation in the shortest time. To achieve the fundamental purpose of his operation is the greatest success.

These stereotypical German guys will like Chen's operation method very much, because these guys think that simplicity means reliability, and meticulousness means quality. They repeat countless simplest actions together, which is the most complex technology and the safest technology.Suddenly, Sir Victor knew that after the operation, a new look would appear in the world's neurological field. Chen Qun opened a door to the world, revealing a more brilliant world. As a pioneer, he had already told us how to open this world and how to walk in it.

Without any words, the operation itself is more powerful than any words; Without any call, the nerve fiber terminals on the links are just ropes connecting the future and the present.

Victor suddenly thought of the missing surgeon with a hundred million annual salary. He knew that Chen Qun might hate this kind of black sheep most. After all, the doctor's bounden duty is to help the dying and the wounded. If he pursues income, he will definitely be picky. It is impossible to treat the dying and the wounded equally and save lives.

Victor knew that it was his gentlemanly education when he was young that made him a friend of Chen only when he had his own bottom line. For Dudley, who had no bottom line, Chen would never really cooperate with him.

Perhaps, the Nobel Prize in medicine, which Dudley and the consortium behind the scenes decided directly, will be confused by Chen, and no one will get any benefit.

Especially for the Management Committee of several Nobel prizes, they are more willing to get more benefits from this kind of medicine which can change the medical process. It's no better to receive money from others than to earn it yourself.

What's more, the Nobel Prize has always been a black curtain. This time, the honorary chairman directly skipped Dudley's recommendation and treatment plan and went to Chen Qun for surgery. Maybe he was fed up with the instructions of those consortia. This may be the biggest difference between meiguoren and Europeans. Although the old Europeans are decadent, there is at least a little bottom line. Meiguoren, as an upstart, never have a bottom line.

Gentlemanly manner has always been something that the people of Mei country lack.