Chen Qun knew that Qi Hong was beginning to be nervous. After all, her first foreign led operation had problems, which was a big blow to her and Xiangyun hospital.

Now I give the answer without thinking about it.

"The patient should be bleeding somewhere, otherwise when you ligated the spermatic cord just now, there was no abnormality! Let me see, this is the time when the operation starts. There is no possibility of sepsis. Let's see if the broken vagus nerve stimulation leads to hypotension. Qi Hong, let's see if the patient's abdomen has blood spots. If there is, it should be internal bleeding! "

Qi Hong immediately uncovers Jennie's surgical cloth, and sees the blue and purple stripes on his waist. He knows that Chen Qun is right. In the mind fast movement, blink of an eye to come up with the reason.

"We got rid of all the testicles before we had abdominal bleeding. The only reason is that the testicular artery retracted into the pelvis, the incision split again, and internal bleeding occurred in the abdominal cavity. Dr. Lucas, we need an open stomach now! "

After that, Chen Qun rushed in through the side door after washing his hands.

"Give me No.10 scalpel and I'll save the child!"

Originally, it was almost impossible for the chief surgeon to accept this kind of temporary replacement. But the two plastic surgeons saw Chen Qun rescuing a completely hopeless patient from the gate of death. They admired Chen Qun's surgical ability very much. Knowing that there was a gap of at least several grades, they didn't resist at all and gave up their position immediately.

Chen Qun picked up the scalpel and gently cut open Jennie's abdominal cavity. There was a lot of congestion in her abdomen. Then, almost at the moment when the two surgeons didn't recover, Chen Qun cleaned up all the abdominal congestion in just two minutes, and relocated the culprit, the testicular artery, which retracted into the pelvic cavity.

Two plastic surgeons took a look, and they were greatly relieved. Knowing that this very rare situation was encountered by them, if Chen Qun and Qi Hong had not identified the symptoms in a flash and given rescue, they would have avoided the death of the patient on the operating table and the risk of dismissal.

Chen Qun finished the emergency rescue, immediately gave the position back to the two of them, acting as an assistant beside. With the help of Chen Qun, the two plastic surgeons were able to perform the following operations with ease. Almost before they took any steps, Chen Qun had already finished all the preparatory work and eliminated all the hidden dangers.

This kind of operation is difficult to succeed.

When Jane woke up, she saw that in addition to her parents and aunts, there was a beautiful woman with flowers in her hand. She rubbed her eyes and looked at her strangely.

"Sister Maria, are you... Completely cured? How can you come out? "

Holding the flowers, Maria showed a sweet smile and put the flowers on the head of her bed.

"It's just a little better. It can appear in special disinfected areas, and it can't move outside for the time being. However, it is only a matter of time. In two days, there will be an open-air concert here. A very special child will sing the most beautiful song in the world for you. I hope you can also attend this concert. "

On hearing this, Qi Hong, standing beside her, could not help but smile. Chen Qun has been rehearsing with Xiao Yiyun all day these days, but Dongfang Wenxin is furious. She wants to come to the concert secretly several times, but she is betrayed by Chen Qun. She reports directly to Su Da's beauty, and finally intercepts her.

The only way for Chen Qun to die like this is to sign numerous unequal treaties with his girlfriend. Finally, after he returns to China, he and Xiao Yiyun will hold a small concert every week to meet the requirements of the oriental lady.

Because of the special nature of the concert, President Ye Hanlin, who visited the United States, changed his mind. Finally, he was invited to join the CEO of Stanford medical center to attend the concert.

The concert was fully supported by Dr. Dudley, and all the advanced technology of the Institute was used to make the concert an eternal classic. Although Chen Qun and Zhou Lin ridicule this as flattery, Dr. Dudley's building of a special stage makes several young people who know the inside story feel an unprecedented shock.

The reason why the stage is special is that Miss Maria's condition is not completely good, and her immune system has been constructed, but it takes time, and it is impossible to completely expose her to the public in one step. Nothing else, just a variety of pollen, it is possible to let her just build the immune system completely ineffective.

Therefore, this stage, to some extent, is also a special stage installed in a glass cover. But after all kinds of optimization, people can't feel that the object as the isolation cover is not an obstacle at all. Instead, it has become an indispensable prop set. Many lens pictures are completed in the glass cover.It seems that Miss Maria can't wait to show herself to the world and let her, the mysterious "midnight elf", formally appear in the public view.

Because this is her first public performance, it naturally needs to be perfect. As soon as it appears, it will stir the whole world, which is no less than the artistic combination of miss Celian and Emily.

Qi Hong see rehearsal these days, Chen Qun was small according to cloud toss very miserable. With unparalleled musical talent, Xiao Yiyun soon cooperated with Miss Maria very well. However, as soon as Chen Qun joined in, there was always some discordance. It seemed that the three people suddenly went their own way. You played your music, I sang my music, and there was no match.

Although Chen Qun thinks that he is not a real pianist, any two of them are perfect.

After several times of this strange cooperation, Dongfang Wenxin, as a distance instructor, was completely desperate, so she had to choose a better and simpler way to make the program a little simpler, instead of cooperating with three people.

Chen Qun knows a little bit about this strange performance. His musical talent is actually given by the system, not his real ability. This system upgrade integrates the whole structure and forms a new system. Then his several auxiliary abilities are also excluded. Perhaps, because of the change of position, his ability appeared a little bit of fault, unable to cooperate with outsiders.

Of course, it's also possible that he didn't want to be in the limelight, and it's related to his refusal of this performance. He knows very well that he can only choose the same music and medical skills. If he focuses on music, his medical ability will probably stagnate.

Therefore, this performance, he also has a little perfunctory mind.

However, even if he is not so attentive and disliked by Xiao Yiyun, he makes several other people who are familiar with him think that he is not omnipotent, but also flawed. Dr. Dudley, who had a little doubt on him, completely put down his doubts and no longer regarded him as a heretic like an alien.

This may also be a blessing in disguise!