If you want to find a specific drug that can reverse genes in a few articles, Chen Qun thinks it's just a fantasy. Even if there is a system to help with the simulation, the huge data will take a month or two or even longer. For kitajo, he doesn't have that much time.

It's better to look for an existing medicine to see if it has any therapeutic effect on Beitiao Guangyun than to do useless work. Therefore, in the system space, he first has to establish which reactions and which drugs will be effective after the disease worsens.

This is a top priority. In fact, treating a disease is like looking for a needle in a haystack. He needs to find the right disease in the right place and give the right medicine for treatment. As for the zebrafish experiment outside, it's just a medical cover for him.

Can do human simulation test, of course, no animal test.

As a result of the opening of a thousand treasure boxes together, the system gives him a brand-new treasure house of knowledge after finishing and optimizing. That feeling, for him, is like an electronic computer system suddenly crammed into his mind. He can clearly understand the working principle and code of every file, every construction, and even know how to correct errors.

Does that feel good? Just as he used to be a doctor, he was a very skilled civilian worker, who could skillfully use every program in the computer system, and even use it perfectly. But I don't know the principle behind every software or program. I just know how these things can be used and what kind of consequences they can cause.

But now, he can not only use every software, but also understand the principle behind every software. He can even rewrite the code to create a new software.

This kind of comprehensive coverage and accumulation of knowledge, even for genius, also needs 40 or 50 years of efforts to achieve this.

He, on the other hand, got a solid and incomparable medical treasure house by opening the treasure chest and became a real medical master. No, to be more precise, he is more like a walking medical library. He has all the knowledge he needs.

This kind of ability, probably the whole world can fully display this ability, only the system space. He can use his gold coins to create everything he needs.

In the laboratory of system space, several machines are rapidly detecting the gene base pairs of kitao Guangyun, while on the other side, thousands of drugs are conducting pharmacological experiments on human cells and tissues of kitao Guangyun in vivo.

This is the best way Chen Qun hopes to solve the problem.

Originally, he had another more extreme method, which was to exchange thousands of simulated patients for various treatments at the same time. However, the cost here is thousands of gold coins, so that he only has more than 200 gold coins, he can not afford so much expensive cost, he can only ask for the second. Use tissue cells for experiments. After all, slicing a person is at least thousands of test tissue cells.

In addition, with the molecular formula of the original drug, Chen Qun hopes to find an inhibitor that can synthesize this drug. This is just a simple biochemical experiment, which is most likely to be completed. Compared with his poor knowledge of Pathology, he now has a better way to use a more reasonable molecular method to break down these drugs into carbohydrates.

The use of pure chemical means, less harm to the human body. This is also his source of confidence in the rescue.

However, compared with his luxurious and advanced system space hospital, the more humble facilities outside and zebrafish breeding experiments have been reduced from the original idea of hundreds of tanks to 40 small tanks. Anyway, for him, the number of boxes outside is just a cover, and the last appropriate medicine will always appear in a box.

To do more experiments is just to make his treatment more complicated, more difficult and more credible. Otherwise, he suddenly chose one drug from thousands of drugs, which can treat patients. Then anyone will know that he has a problem, and nine times out of ten he may even be suspected of being a passer-by.

At least, several girls are now saying that his best explanation is that he will come back decades later to find the right treatment for each patient.

Of course, the biggest contradiction in this statement is that Chen Qun is a surgeon and can't explain his extraordinary skills. His main achievement is also in surgery. If the passer-by doesn't have this talent, it's useless to cross again.

As for the explanation of talent, several nurses who are addicted to "going through a scene is just for love" are speechless. Because with Chen Qun's great talent, even if you don't cross it, it's also such an achievement. It's just icing on the cake to cross it again. What's more, Chen Qun has never shown the biggest characteristic of a traverser - making money and speculating in stocks.

Up to now, Chen Qun is a pauper, and his financial power is controlled by his girlfriend. And his girlfriend has more money than him, so that all the little nurses don't know which one to admire. However, gifted scholars and beautiful ladies, poor scholars and princesses are the most marketable. Let all the girls wish them all the best. They must walk well together and have a wonderful story in the world.Chen Qun and others finished arranging zebrafish, just hope that the weather will be better tomorrow, they can go to the laboratory outside for the next experiment. Although the hurricane caused some damage to the laboratory, the specifications of the building were built to cope with the super hurricane. In addition to breaking many glass instruments, most of the facilities are still much stronger than the underground environment here.

For him, the hurricane also disrupted his girlfriend's plan to return home. It seems that Su wanting's fright is that no one has visited her in the past. However, crisis is always a danger and an opportunity. Su Da beauty was psychosis, but also one of the most reasonable factors.

It is her biggest backer and ally, Dongfang Wenxin, who is trapped on a desert island and whose life and death are uncertain. If there is no big miss's family relationship, Su wanting is an outsider in the family of Liyun group.

What kind of mental illness should she have in a hurry is the most realistic.

It's called triple strike!

Chen Qun thought of the triple transplantation he had just completed, and felt that he could learn and use it now. He informed the president of Su University. As soon as he thought of this, he immediately picked up his mobile phone and sent a very detailed proposal to the president of the beauty company. The main content was to confuse the public. Directly said that lost contact, behind the natural someone for her brain to fill out, fried the world.

Unexpectedly, as soon as his message was sent out, he got Su wanting's reply immediately.

"I heard that you had a very difficult operation, and now you have the leisure to give me suggestions. I think the operation is very successful, right? However, I also give you a suggestion that you should not be tired of yourself and my sister. Under special circumstances, it is OK to save people and stay up late, but for general first aid, you should not be busy day and night. There are always patients who can't be saved. In addition, you are too insidious to ask others to do everything for you. Is this calculation too deep? "

"The romance of the Three Kingdoms! At least I'm one of the military strategists with 90% intelligence. I don't have any idea. How can I call this name! By the way, I'll tell you another news, that is, the Beitiao family is also blocking the news. You don't have to worry that the reporters can find any information here. "