Song Jia saw the soul stirring beauty of the doctor's sister, holding a scalpel gently poked on her wrist, a small finger size hole, immediately out of a line of blood.

"Don't move, just watch. If there's anything wrong, we'll put a hemostatic patch on you right away."

"I know, sister. I'll keep staring at it. Although I'm not brave enough, I'm not afraid of blood."

The 14-year-old girl showed a resolute expression, staring hard at the bloodstain in front of her eyes without blinking. The vast majority of the doctors on the scene were staring hard at the other side of the panel full of gentle wave curves to see if it would cause large variations in brain waves.

Only Chen Qun is observing the other data of the little girl. At the beginning of the coagulation test, this girl, who should be a junior high school student, had her blood pressure rise a few points and her heart beat a little faster. But considering the natural physiological reaction and common psychological reflex function. It is normal for all data to rise, but abnormal if not.

"Sister, there are no ghosts in the world. I know it's true, but I can see what other people can't see. The old man said that I had opened my eyes. Elder sister, I want to ask, "is there really a heavenly eye in the human body?"

"From the perspective of modern medicine, No. At least not yet. But maybe you don't believe it. A few days ago, we also met another magical patient with a magical disease called vampirism. The main feature of this disease is that it is allergic to sunlight and ultraviolet rays. This kind of patient has a history of thousands of years since ancient times. This is also the real prototype of foreign vampires. So, you worry about some strange things. In fact, many times, there are scientific explanations. "

Qi Hong explained to the little girl very carefully. From the observation results in front of her, she was probably suffering from hallucinations for a long time, and her spirit was a little sensitive, even a little haggard. It's just that she tried her best to cover up and keep up her spirits. She seems to be in good spirits.

Needless to say, it's this girl who tries her best to cooperate with these doctors and leaders. She holds her left hand tightly and always pinches her palm with her fingernail to focus her attention. Of course, it's also possible to be afraid in your heart and try to keep your spirits up.

Qi Hong thought about it, took a new necklace from her neck and hung it around her neck.

"This is a small gift given to me by a child a few days ago. It's said that it's a talisman I asked for from the temple. It's left for me as a memento. Now I stabbed you, and I feel sorry for it. If I give you this amulet, maybe it will be of some use to you. This is the statue of Yulan Guanyin in journey to the West. You will like it

As soon as the girl saw it, her eyebrows lit up and her left hand held the statue carved out of green bamboo. She couldn't put it down and looked at it. Tiantian showed a smile.

"Thank you, sister beauty doctor!"

"Don't move. As I told you, take a deep breath and spit it out slowly. You can also close your eyes first to ease your mood. Don't jump so nervous. When you look at so many uncles in the room, your whole body is tense. It doesn't help our test results. Inhale, exhale, inhale... Exhale... Exhale. "

As a result, within a few minutes, the little girl was brought to sleep by Qi Hong and fell asleep directly.

"It shouldn't be a blood induced mental illness. Maybe we should think about hormones. Now it's six minutes later, the blood has coagulated, and the patient doesn't have strong mental fluctuations, which means that to find out the cause, we may have to wait for some more time. "

An old professor of Neurology looked at the time, pointed to the electronic screen and said his conclusion.

"Maybe we have to check the patient's cardiovascular and pulmonary oxygen supply. Did you see that the little girl's brain waves have become the patterns of deep sleep. But blood pressure and oxygen content increased by two or three points. However, my suggestion is to let the little girl sleep quietly, and then we can do other tests. She's in such a state of mind that she needs to relax. "

As Chen Qun expressed his opinion, he stepped forward two steps and picked up the palm of the little girl's left hand. There were several deep nail marks on the palm.

"She's been cheering up and talking to us, which shows that her mental condition is very normal. Hallucinations, I tend to be caused by physiological reasons. Mental health is not good, but the continuous strengthening of self-defense consciousness, which in turn leads to the aggravation of psychological suggestion and the further deterioration of mental status. "

Chen qunji came up with his own reasons and was not afraid of the old professors and doctors in front of him. He just found the root cause in the System Lab.

Now, it's just inducing the answer.

Chen Qun turns over the tablet in his hand, finds the test results of the girl several times, slides on it, and gives a conclusion to a large row of doctors."In fact, there is another detail here, that is, in the past two months, the patient's heart blood pressure has increased a little bit each time. Although it has not exceeded the normal warning line, it is still rising. If we say that this is just the result of different testing time and patients' own state. Now the patient is in deep sleep mode, and the blood pressure should be lower than the normal level. But the data on the instrument tells us another result. "

Chen Qun made a stroke in the air with a flat plate and hammered all the objections to death.

Liu Yang at the door felt a little funny, but also some taken for granted. When other young doctors see that their tests don't have the expected effect, they may have been flustered and don't know what to do next.

But for the young people like Chen Qun and Qi Hong, they can always find problems from some of the smallest places, and then make hypothesis verification.

Chen Qun was called here just to satisfy the curiosity of some higher-level leaders, and they didn't expect them to come up with different conclusions in a moment. But now it seems that the effect is very obvious.

Liu Yang covered his mouth at the door and asked Chen Qun questions directly.

"What are you going to do next?"

"Do a transesophageal ultrasound, a chest CT, and a routine lung test. Let's see what's causing the hallucinations in his brain. In order to meet Wan, I also need to do a routine DNA test. After all, a lot of mental illness is hereditary, and I need their DNA. "

"Do you think it's caused by another rare disease... What's called tension? Yesterday, you didn't ask for any tests on the patients you treated, so you used the simplest method to overturn the assertion that they were vegetative. "

Chen Qun's mouth moved twice, but he didn't force it to close. Instead, he made a more complete explanation.

"Dean Liu, in fact, you said that she was twisted. Tension is a pure mental disease. Yesterday, the patient's grade was similar to that of this little girl, but her limbs were stiff, and they were all misdiagnosed as vegetative. But the blood pressure is also much higher than this little girl. If this little girl is just a nervous or other emotional hallucination, there is no more extreme emotion than yesterday's patient. That's why I'm going to look for physiological reasons. "

"Don't stare at me! I know I don't know anything about mental illness. You dislike me as a layman and add psychological pressure to your treatment. Can I go? So that you won't say that I'm a layman and guide an expert and make a mess. Boy, tell me the accuracy. How many days can you diagnose the disease? "

Chen Qun spread his hands, waved his hand, and said the truth directly“ hear nothing of. But if you're lucky, it might be three or five days. "

"I'll give you three days, or I'll send the patient to Mayo Clinic in the United States for the more professional experts you know to see. You're a surgeon. What do you know about psychiatry? "