Chapter 452 seeking common ground while reserving differences

Early the next morning, master zagu was sent into the MRI machine by two abnormal doctors and nurses, Chen Qun and Dongfang Wenxin.

Of course, before he was willing to accept Chen Qun's treatment, it had a lot to do with Chen Qun's early visit the night before.

Chen Qun and the young lady appeared in front of him. It seemed that the old man was not surprised at all, but frowned slightly. Looking at a pair of young people at the door who looked like a golden girl, they said something calmly.

"It seems that our appointed time is tomorrow noon? You're early! "

With that, zagu was ready to close the door.

Chen Qun's strength is equal to that of a heavyweight weightlifter with ten point arm strength and perfect physique. It's hard for zagu, the master of Taiquan, to shake a cent.

This kind of low-key strength really surprised Zhagu, who had excellent martial arts skills. He knew that his strength and position of pushing the door were very ingenious. Even if he was a big man in front of him, he would be pushed aside.

Dr. Chen has a little foundation in martial arts, but in his eyes, he is just an apprentice. He has practiced some basic skills, but he can't do anything else.

However, such an apprentice who only knows basic skills can directly crush him, the ever victorious general of underground black boxing, with his own talent and strength.

This boy is a tiger in sheep's clothing! If it's just hard work, even if you are young and strong, maybe you can't compete with this guy.

It's a gift. It's a pity not to fight black boxing!

It was only in his mind that zagu came up with this idea that he knew that he was extremely wrong. Because in the next second, Chen Qun took a quick step forward and pushed his arm away from the door.

This technique does not have the content of many practitioners, but it is still very fast to push him away by force.

At the same time, he has both strength and speed, and has a better understanding of the body structure than any boxer. If he is in this state to fight, he may be a real rookie. If he is allowed to fight without limit, no boxer is his opponent.

He will definitely shoot at the most vulnerable parts of his body, which are the parts that boxers are embarrassed to do. He's going to fight with all his strength. Japanese sumo wrestlers will be killed or half killed by him. Such people can never solve problems with fists and feet.

With one of Chen Qun's actions, zagu gave him a high evaluation, analyzed a lot of facts from his point of view, and gave up the idea of continuing to resist.

If someone came to settle the accounts, I'm afraid he would have been lying on the ground.

Now zagura opened the door and made a gesture of invitation.

Chen Qun did not go in at this time, but stood at his door and asked him the first question.

"Mr. zagu, when you were in the hospital in the afternoon, did you sprinkle some hallucinogen on my shoulder? Why?"

The former underground black boxing master and head lowering master was not surprised at all and nodded to admit it.

"Dr. Chen asked directly, so I'll put it straight. This is our rule. If you want to know something about me, you must pass our test. The powder I patted on your shoulder is a kind of local herbal medicine. It can relieve sleepiness and ease your mind. At the same time, it also has the effect of Memory fading, which will make you forget some things temporarily. "

Chen Qun looked at a very strange sculpture placed in his room and suddenly understood it. He continued to stare at this guy and asked a startling question.

"If we increase the dose, and then through some patterns of temptation, we will create the illusion of the ghost. I explained the use of this medicine in a very rare report. It will make people produce some kind of skull shaped pattern, if you continue to hint, it will expand the effect thousands of times? If there is no psychological hint, picture hint, it is basically a sedative

He has a false report in his mouth, but from the taboo medical room in the system space, he can be sure that this report will not appear in any media, because no one wants this secret to be disclosed.

Zagu nodded slowly,

"The so-called head lowering is to exert a mysterious force, basically psychological force, on the minds of ordinary people in some way. All kinds of rituals, in fact, are concrete ways to strengthen and imply this kind of terrorist force and deepen the impression. Mr. zagu, this is my understanding of your head drop. Do you think so? "

Chen Qun slowly expressed his opinion to zagu.Zagu burst out laughing.

"Foreigners have a saying that in the eyes of a thousand people, there are a thousand Hamlets. We have our own version of this ancient folk heritage. For medicine in modern society, there are other explanations, which I also agree with. Because you can't falsify it, and we can't prove it, is it dispensable? Dr. Chen, you didn't come here to inquire about the secret of our inheritance, did you? "

Chen Qun was also slightly surprised to see his statement. He didn't expect that the old man was really well-informed and had a wider range of knowledge than Zhang Yifei. He didn't oppose his statement at all. Instead, he adopted the statement of seeking common ground while reserving differences.

Hey, I'm the beneficiary of the greatest mysterious power, but I want to go into science. The most important object to study is not the mysterious head drop, but the demon disguised as a system in my body!

Chen Qun make complaints about himself, and immediately explained his intention.

"Mr. zagu, I come here this time because I think the drugs you have been exposed to for a long time have caused some nerve damage and passivation. I want you to go to the hospital tomorrow to have an MRI. If the results come out, we may have a way to treat your heartache. "

He was afraid that the old guy would run away, let his system reward disappear, and immediately persuade him.

"The old man should know the truth that Bian que saw Cai henggong. He might be able to cure his illness while it's still early. If it's too late, there's nothing he can do."

Zagu pondered for a moment, then nodded slowly.

"I have a little granddaughter who is very lovely. But she didn't know that I existed. She was also the only driving force for me to continue to live. She let me see the best side of the world. I also know that if something happens to me, she will definitely be affected. Therefore, I will try my best to live. At least I can't leave until she comes of age. This is my last wish, so I will accept your examination and treatment. "

For the problem of zagu, Chen Qun knows that there is no solution. Maybe the only way is to let zagu solve it by himself.