Chapter 306 calcium channel disease

Chen qunzheng is glad to hear about the situation. For him, since there is such a strange existence as system in the world, maybe there are other existence. He is more interested in this matter than the patient himself. Just as he was about to open his mouth to inquire, he heard the lazy voice of Dongfang Wenxin.

"Five days later, it's Emily's concert in the capital. You'll be back as soon as you finish the operation tomorrow. I've arranged a Gulfstream jet to pick you up!"

"Not in a week? Why two days ahead of schedule? "

As soon as Chen Qun saw that the time was ahead of schedule, he was immediately flustered. His heart was pounding. He was even more flustered than leaving the dissecting scissors in the patient's stomach. He has been busy with the operation these days, and he has long forgotten about it. He also wants to rush to do his homework in the last two days just like he did when he was a student.

But the temporary notice to start school ahead of time, this is not to his old life, do not make up a dog at home will homework to eat the poor excuse?

The first time I was so flustered, is this girlfriend syndrome?

Qi Hong and a few girls who are eavesdropping on the side laugh and even speak out to help him out.

"Elder sister Xin, don't worry. If he is ready to run away, we will send him under direct anesthesia to ensure that he can arrive on time."

Sure enough, any genius has a crazy side. The female Xueba is definitely a hidden female killer, but ordinary people don't think of a way to turn it over.

Dongfang Wenxin seems to hear Zhao Xue's voice and adds, "Zhao Xue, come here too. I've invited President Gu and Dr. Zheng from my hometown to come here too. There are so many people to join us."

Zhao Xue did not expect the topic to turn to her head. She was happy and frightened, and she forgot to answer.

Qi Hong said out loud and considerate, "sister Xin, don't worry, we'll take care of the nursing work here!"

After Chen Qun made the phone call, he went back to have dinner, and as soon as he could, he lay on the bed, entered the operating room of the system space, and began to practice the operation. Since the upgrade of system space and the upgrading of his system doctor level to master level, the number of people he can form a team has been increased to five, and the cost has been reduced ten times.

Now, he can lavishly exchange a few simulated colleagues to act as assistants and nurses, instead of exchanging two girls at a very high price to do things that are not under his command at all.

All the members of the team can be completely controlled by Chen Qun. The operation time is four or five times longer. In only one and a half hours, Chen Qun finished Lu Wenyuan's brain tumor cutting. Before he could lay down the scalpel, he heard the alarm sound on several screens, and all kinds of wavy images on the monitor turned into straight lines in an instant.

The patient died!

What is the reason for this?

Looking at the virtual patients on the operating table, Chen Qun recalled the operation process, almost without any mistakes. But why does the patient suddenly die at the moment when the operation is completed?

This almost no signs, there is no state change in the process, like a moment all the organs of the patient lost function, immediately died.

This is not in line with any medical common sense!

Chen Qun is going to incarnate as a medical freak, dissect the patient and find out the cause. The system diagnostic template suddenly appeared.

"You can use the diagnostic video to restore the whole operation process, find out the cause and get the treatment. However, the cost of the system is high, and the cost increases geometrically every time it is used. The first patient needs only one copper coin, the second patient needs ten copper coins, and so on. Please use it carefully! "

"This is the first time to launch the diagnostic system. You have a free trial. Do you want to use it?"

This broken system is really unsettled and kind-hearted. Maybe he uses it seven or eight times, and then he has to lose his fortune.

But this broken system is not upgraded today. Why did it launch this function today?

After two minutes of hesitation, Chen Qun immediately realized that most of Lu Wenyuan's illness could not be solved, so the system would take advantage of the situation and give him a free lunch. It's a good time for him to go back to China to attend a major event. If his operation fails, the next time will be a mess.

Instead of fighting wits and braves with the broken system, we have to move forward to a great master. We can't be a small family. We just swallow the sugar coated bullet of the system and see how clever the detection, diagnosis and treatment system is!


In the twinkling of an eye, there was a row of diagnosed diseases on the panel. Lu Wenyuan had more than ten kinds of symptoms, most of which were diagnosed by Chen Qun himself.But a disease he never thought of.

"Type 2 ataxia caused by calcium channel disease, resulting in sudden death, is the root cause of the failure of this operation. The correct surgical treatment plan is shown in the following image... "

As like as two peas of Chen Qun, he began to operate on the operating table and completed the operation in less than an hour.

be fooled!

Chen Qun couldn't breathe at all. The whole operation was almost a copy of his original action. Just before the operation, he used drugs to control the abnormal calcium channels. During the operation, he kept a part of the cerebellum that he thought was useless, and cut less brain tissue close to the tumor, which was the size of a nail.

Your sister! Is it the best plan to add more drugs and cut less? Isn't it obvious that it's stealing money?

The system seemed to ring in my ears with a sneer.

"The operation only costs 1% of the cost. Knowing the condition and how to deal with it reasonably costs the remaining 99%. Surgery, in short, is to cut the diseased part of the patient in the right way, instead of cutting off the unknown. This is reaping human life

As soon as Chen Qun heard this, he lost his anger and immediately regained his composure. This broken system seems to have something in it. It's not difficult to teach the correct treatment plan. As long as he has enough practice and testing, he can also draw a conclusion.

What's important is that the system seems to remind him that the small piece of brain tissue he cut is very important. Just the size and thickness of a nail determines a person's life and death.

This site, in the known physiological medicine, is a blank.

Now, from the broken system of Shanzhai operation, he can at least know that it is a center controlling the movement of organs in the whole body, rather than having no effect.

What puzzled him was whether this piece of tissue belonged to the abnormal part of the patient or the common part of all patients?

Chen Qun suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind. He immediately exchanged the simulated exercise patient with visceral shock injury all over his body, and cut directly to his brain position.

The same alarms and data appear on the display.

The damned system is more cunning than the devil. Even though he knows the effect of this part, he has no reasonable evidence to explain it to the public. In other words, in tomorrow's operation, he can only omit the whole key part, and no doctor will find the problem.

As for Zhengque's open posture, he needs to do a lot of scientific experiments and write countless data before he can publish an aboveboard paper.

This system is really leak proof!

I don't know who's good at breaking the system or that outsider?

Chen Qun suddenly came up with this idea, but the system was silent, as if ignoring the existence of any suspected similar.