Chapter 97 is too hard for me

When Chen Qun put down the needle forceps, he found that in a word or two, he had already sewed up most of the patient's wound. Qi hongsuo, who is ready to come and take over, let him finish the surgical suture cleanly, and naturally gave him two sanitary balls.

Huang Haitao went up and down to inspect the wound he sewed up. People not only sewed the skin, but also used the simplest point-to-point suture for fascia and blood vessels, which ensured the smooth blood network of the patient's muscles. Compared with his hemostasis with an electric knife on the other leg, it is more sharp and refreshing, which makes his chief doctor lose face.

Where does this kid get the time to train so much?

Huang Haitao had this idea in his mind, and it was out of control. When it comes to stitching, he has always been a very gifted one. When other students were still suturing bananas and oranges, he had already completed some simple debridement and suture operations on the operating table, which was generally recognized as fast suture.

But compared with the guy in front of him, his aura of genius disappeared in a moment. The most ridiculous thing is that the four students next to him didn't think it was abnormal at all. It seems that Chen Qun is responsible for stitching the wound on the other foot, which is natural.

Sometimes, medicine is so simple. When you do better than others, it's better than saying 10000 sentences.

"Now that the patient has been rescued, what should we do next?"

Looking at Huang Haitao, who kept all the readings in a normal state, he continued his teaching. Of course, they don't look at the "new comer" or "who".

This is the rhythm that old man Liu wants to accept his disciples. Although he has only known it for less than three hours, Huang Haitao knows that Chen Qun, a young man, is so solid in his basic skills that he does not have to worry about food and clothing all his life. It's said that veterinarian Li tried every means to poach him, but his ambition was to be a surgeon and he didn't go at all.

Otherwise, if he goes to the cosmetic surgery hospital for a shave, he will earn at least several hundred thousand yuan a month.

Old man Liu left this guy in this talent training class, which should be to trigger the eel effect and give some color to the University bullys. Let's see what they sew. What do you sew?

Huang Haitao took a look at the patient's other wound, which was like the thread of an earthworm. He couldn't help staring at it. "Your basic skills look good, but it's a mess. Forget it. You don't have to sew it up again. Answer my first question first

Chen Qun glanced at him in the eyes of two health balls, and then heard the quick and clear voice of the female Xueba. In a few words, he answered the question. He didn't even have a chance to find out what was missing.

It's too hard for me to deal with not only a guiding doctor who seems harmless to people and animals, but also colleagues who roll their eyes. Of course, there is also a female devil outside.

Chen Qun felt that his study in Xiangyun hospital would never be as simple as calm.

"Well, this case has been disposed of. Here are your highlights for today. A 31 year old female patient had her first epileptic seizure a week ago. She lost her language ability and could only babble like a baby. She suffered from progressive mental deterioration. The results of MRI, CT, tidal wave and blood test were all normal. The three common brain tumor protein markers were also negative, and there was no response to radiation therapy. "

Huang Haitao led the five chickens to the last ward near the elevator and pointed to a comatose young woman on the bed. "I need your unreliable opinions. Any idea is OK. I need to find a way out of all the thorns and thorns to diagnose the patient first

"First of all, there is no abnormality in the imaging scan. Since it is not a tumor, what causes the patient's inability to speak and mental decline?"

Huang Haitao held his neck high and looked greedily at the five shivering little hens. As long as there is one person who answers wrong, he can sweep these bullies out of the door, so that he will not feel comfortable when he is a tutor, and he will not feel comfortable when he looks at these bullies.

As he spoke, he glanced at a new comer and saw that Chen qunzheng was holding a pen and recording something quickly. He was open-minded and eager to learn. At least it's a lot better than these guys who like to talk back.

Most of the time, patients who can't be diagnosed can't be transferred to other more professional departments, so they can only stay in the emergency department, even for the longest two or three years.

This patient who has been bothering the emergency center for several days is the secret weapon he used to fight against this group of talented Xueba.



"Ischemic syndrome?"


Looking at the order in which the four colleagues answered the questions, Chen Qun understood the key point. Every time the first one to speak is Qi Hong with big eyes. In addition to the gentlemanly demeanor of giving priority to women, it is more about the self display of the male peacock in front of the female peacock.One person says one, not many. It looks like rehearsing the flying flower order.

The fourth did not wait for Chen Qun to speak, but snatched the answer to his mouth. "Maybe it's Creutzfeldt Jakob disease?"

Do you need it? Even mad cow disease.

"Bird flu?"

Chen Qun rummaged along the above ideas, reluctantly gave an answer.

A burst of laughter immediately erupted from the mouths of several residents, and Qi Qi rolled a white eye at him.

Chen Qun couldn't help but mutter, learning to emphasize systematically and giving himself an achievement, "Congratulations, you've got four people's achievements. Every time you're glared, you have a very small chance to drop a health ball."

"Temporary task: diagnosis and treatment of a mad cow patient. Mission requirements, three days. The reward is unknown. "

Chen Qun's ears suddenly remembered the sound of the system releasing tasks, which made his mouth unable to close. The system even limits the time, which means that the patient has only three days to live.

"Could it be Wernicke's encephalopathy?"

Qi Hong, with big eyes, looked at all kinds of data displayed on his tablet and put forward his own views again.

"No, the patient's ammonium sulfate level is normal."

Huang Haitao denied the students' random guess and looked at Chen Qun, "who's the new comer? What's your opinion?"

"The day before yesterday, I used steroids for treatment, and the situation improved. Yesterday afternoon, I suddenly turned down and had epilepsy again, so I was transferred to the intensive care unit. I personally think that steroid drugs should have had an effect, but later the drug had adverse reactions, leading to the deterioration of the disease. "

Qi Hong's eyes turned quickly and answered Huang Haitao's question first, without giving "who" any room to speak. Poor hands-on ability, it depends on the brain to make up for, directly play their greatest strengths, the new flame to pressure down again.

I can't see him as such a modest gentleman. I betrayed him when I knew his name clearly. I had to disguise myself and pretend that I didn't have arrogance. Who would I deal with if I didn't deal with him?

Of course, Chen Qun knew that this kind of embarrassment and worry that he could not diagnose the disease and was powerless. Just like the pregnant woman he rescued last time, not only the embryo was the cause of disaster, but also there were parasites in his stomach, which scared him a lot.

Think of here, mind suddenly a flash of inspiration, thought of the answer.