When 80% of the task is completed, you need two people's "sincere thanks" to open the treasure box.

When Chen Qun thought of it, he looked around for his prey like a hungry axe.

A strong man in his thirties, led by a beautiful nurse, walked into the side of the emergency operating room.

Chen Qun didn't have to look. He knew that the doctor in the relatively well-equipped emergency operating room was Wei Xu. After all, everyone in the hospital knows that Lian Changshan, the richest man in the county, donated a lot of medical equipment for his nephew. Of course, Wei Xu was most qualified to use these things.

The strong man with a silver nail on his forehead said in a loud voice: "I said it's OK, but I still have to go to shine. Now the result is out, can you find a vice to pull him out and stick a band aid. I have something urgent to catch the second bus to deliver the snake meat! "

Wei Xu's voice came out, "as you wish! Xiaoxue, get a band aid and put it on the gentleman. Today is your lucky day. The nail is put in and blocked by your bone. Now you can leave the hospital! "

The strong man blinked and came out. He also winked at the nurse in the hospital, "thank you, Miss nurse!"

As soon as the words were finished, the strong man leaned forward and leaned towards the beautiful nurse. He raised his hand and extended it to the little nurse's chest.


A clear slap rang through the noisy and congested corridor.

The strong man who got a slap didn't move at all. He leaned on the wall and fell to the ground unnaturally.

Chen Qun just looked in the past, and another picture immediately appeared in his mind.

"Theme scene mission leapfrog challenge: comatose sex wolf. The difficulty is five stars. Mission reward, unknown. The deadline is two days. "

What on earth is this for?

Challenge every day? Is it because of the hidden skill lucky star?

Chen Qun took a step forward and grabbed it. Then he put his finger on his left neck and immediately cried out, "inform Dr. Zheng quickly, prepare for intravenous epinephrine injection!"

A group of people with all hands and feet, immediately put the comatose man on the operating table.

Du Xue, who started to hit people, was in a panic and sobbed: "I... Didn't mean it!"

Chen Qun looked at the past with firm eyes, "don't panic. This patient's coma has nothing to do with you. He was in a coma before he tilted. He leaned over to you before you started. His ankle had been twisted and fractured in a coma. It should have been captured on the surveillance screen. "

As he spoke, he opened the big man's pupil and illuminated it twice with the flashlight. He found that the pupil had diffused a little. He knew that the situation was extraordinary. The difficulty of five stars alone is enough to make him unable to fight.

"Patients with disseminated intravascular coagulation will rapidly consume coagulation factors in the body, leading to systemic bleeding. Please solve this problem quickly and save the patient

The systematic and beautiful soprano sounded in Chen Qun's ear, which immediately startled him. Knowing that the system kindly told him of his illness, he was not afraid that he could easily solve the problem.

If he treated coagulation, the patient would die of bleeding; If the treatment of bleeding, patients will die because of coagulation!

Such multiple-choice questions, even experts and professors in large hospitals, are in a dilemma. Let alone an intern.

Is it systematic revenge?

Chen Qun just came up with this idea, but he was dumbfounded. If the system can do this, then he is God. Now, the system is giving him the greatest advantage. He can know his illness without diagnosis. The only thing he has to do now is to find out the root cause of the patient's illness, so that he can have a radical cure.

It's like looking for a needle in a haystack!

Chen Qun looked at the patient's swollen left ankle. He was hesitating when he saw Zheng Weiguo come in. He looked at the pulse and heartbeat data on the screen and frowned.

Zheng Weiguo saw the little nurse who was hiding in the corner crying. He couldn't help waving his hand, "you go back to have a rest first. You don't have to worry. I am under the sky. You are not a martial arts expert. You can fan a strong man into a coma with a slap! "

Du Xue sobbed, "Dr. Zheng, could he have concussion, and my slap aggravate the disease?"

Zheng Weiguo shook his head feebly, "what do you do as a doctor? Xiao Liu, go and tell captain Feng of the traffic police outside that there is a dispute here. Let him send two policemen in to supervise our medical examination. The instruments and the data will tell. "

After a meal, Zheng Weiguo looked at several interns in the room, "who told me what to do next?""Take CT first!"

"No, it's to reset his broken ankle!"

Zheng Weiguo came over, holding the soles of his feet in both hands. With a sudden twist and a click, he straightened his dislocated ankle.

Chen Qun thought of the system's tips and quickly pointed to the ankle and forehead and said, "in order to avoid complications, we should first transport 500cc fresh frozen plasma and crystalloid fluid to avoid deterioration of the disease!"

The busy emergency didn't come to an end until the evening. Chen Qun, tired as a dog, finished eating and lay on his own bed. Not to rest, but to use the system to find a way to treat patients.

However, the theme scene is not as easy as last time. After more than ten mistakes, even the cause of the disease has not been found!

In the early morning of the next day, Chen Qun appeared in front of everyone with a tired face, which made everyone stay. It seems that he didn't sleep for several days and nights. Who is it?

Patients admitted to the intensive care unit are getting worse.

Du Xue, who was also haggard, walked into the infirmary and handed a review to Zheng Weiguo. "Uncle Zheng, this is my review yesterday. I..."

The snow-white fingers are shaking in front of Chen Qun's eyes. The appearance of pear blossom with rain reminds Chen Qun of an idiom: people are more delicate than flowers.

Just as he sighed, his mind suddenly flashed and jumped up, "Du Xue, where did you put the nail pulled out by the patient yesterday? Please find it for me! It can prove your innocence and save the patient's life

A few minutes later, the silver nail was placed in front of the crowd.

Chen Qun pointed to the nail and explained word by word.

"The local villagers all have the habit of killing snakes with nails. This nail is so smooth that it should be often used to slaughter poisonous snakes. This man said yesterday that he was going to deliver snake meat. He should have contacted poisonous snakes. I asked for snake venom test! "

The results of the test soon came out. Although the toxin on the nail was not large, there was still a little residue. The patient's condition was easily solved. It was the local bamboo leaf green toxin that caused the patient's consumptive coagulopathy and led to coma.

Because there was no sign that the patient had been bitten by a poisonous snake, Chen Qun never thought of this when he looked through the information. As for the hospital, even the patient did not come to a reasonable conclusion about what the disease was, so the patient was treated by the injection of detoxification serum.