Chapter 1452

In the face of Vettel's strength, Zhou wending didn't feel anything. He said with a smile: "thank you, I will!"

"Let's go, let's have a rest, prepare for the qualifying in the afternoon and try to get a good result!" Luca smiles.

Zhou wending and Vettel looked at each other, then nodded and said, "that's right. Only when you have a good rest can you get good grades!"

With the end of the practice match, the whole stadium is much quieter, without those roars, as if suddenly from the manic summer, into the frozen winter.

After having a big lunch, Zhou wending entered his own lounge. Of course, he would not waste his time. After locking the door, he went directly into the space, used his skills and entered the breathing adjustment.

At 3 p.m., the first stage of qualifying officially began, and 22 cars were ready. On the edge of the race, the fans were also in high spirits. Regardless of the hot weather, they were holding flags, singing and dancing loudly, a scene of joy.

This time, different from the peso in the past, there are many more fans with Chinese flag on the sidelines. These people are not so much fans as personal fans of Zhou wending. Most of them are not senior fans, but after Zhou wending joined the motor racing, they became fans.

Looking at the flag on the sidelines, Zhou wending was also very excited. For the first time, he felt that he represented the honor of China and carried the dream of the Chinese people!

We must succeed!

He thought in his heart.

After all the preparations are ready, with the announcement of the organizer, we are ready to start the competition immediately!

The flag was waved and the qualifying game began.

Because Zhou wending is the first time to enter the competition, without any past achievements, he is the first one to enter the competition. As soon as the flag is waved, he will fly away.

The first lap is usually not the fastest, because the starting speed is slow, but even so, after he ran down the first lap, he even reached 1 Gong 38.55, which is very amazing.

"It looks like he's in great shape today!" Luca said with a smile on her face.

"Yes, if it goes on like this, even if he can't get the pole today, he should be able to enter the top five." Lacone stood beside him and nodded.

Sure enough, after the start of the second lap, Zhou wending's speed became faster and faster, like a flash of lightning.

"No, 1 minute 33 seconds 48! God, Zhou wending is really a great success. It's only the first stage. His state is so against the sky! " The host of Huaxia TV station looked at this achievement and cried with ecstasy.

This achievement can definitely enter the second stage. After all, it belongs to a pole position.

When he knew that he had achieved this result, Zhou wending didn't stop. After another lap, he ran into the 1:33 mark again, and then he didn't run any more.

"Congratulations Luca said excitedly.

Zhou wending took off his helmet and said with a smile, "it's just an appetizer. I'll be better in the next two stages!"

"OK, come on!" Luca said excitedly.

In China, the fans are also very excited. Although they have high expectations and strong confidence for Zhou wending, they did not expect that he would be able to achieve this amazing result in the first battle. It's really unexpected.

In fact, after the first stage, Zhou wending also ranked third, and Hamilton ranked first. He was less than one thousandth of a second faster than Zhou wending!

In other words, the gap between the two is very weak.

Vettel's performance is also good, also ran into 1:33 seconds, but slower than Zhou wending, ranked fifth.

After a short rest, the second stage will begin.

This stage is still ten minutes. The order is based on the results just now. Zhou wending goes to the back to start. He can run according to the results of others. This is also an advantage.

He didn't start until the front, after all thirteen people had run for a while.

This time, his start is still strong, not like a novice at all, and his previous performance has begun to attract more attention.

"This is a great week, Ferrari has found a real rising star!"

"Yes, it's a pity that we're a little slow and that old fox Luca took it away!"

Many of the owners of the major teams are sighing. At the beginning, they wanted to sign next week's contract, but they let Luca take the lead and make a big contribution, which makes them have no chance at all.

This time, none of the people in front of him ran into 1:33 seconds, which made Zhou wending very relaxed. He ran another amazing result of 1:33.28 in the third lap, which made him easily enter the third stage, that is, the qualifying match that determines pole position.

"Strong enemy

Looking at Zhou wending's performance, the experts, including Alonso, felt the pressure. Before they heard Zhou wending's declaration of winning the championship, they took it as a joke. But now they know that it's not wild talk at all, but real strength.

In the third stage, besides Zhou wending, there are also several experts, including Aron, Vettel, Hamilton and vistapan. But this time, they are all behind Zhou wending, and no one can surpass them“ Come on, it's your time Cried Luca“ Thank you. I think I'll show you the power of the East! " Zhou wending said confidently. In a frenzy of cheers, the third stage of qualifying began. As there are only ten cars left, the track is much more open and it is easier for people to see clearly the situation on the track. After several cars in front of him ran away, Zhou wending finally set out. There were 20 minutes in this stage, so that people could have enough time to adjust. Like just now, Zhou wending didn't intend to make efforts in the later stage, but made great efforts at the beginning, striving to win earlier. The third lap, he once again ran an amazing result, 1 minute 33 seconds 18! In the three stages, he is faster in one stage than in the other. From the first stage to the third stage, he raised his fastest lap speed from 1:33.48 to the present achievement, which is absolutely amazing. It is said that only when the base point is low can we make great progress, but when the base point is so high, we can improve so much, which is really shocking. Instead of running immediately, Zhou wending drove the car back to the safe area and watched others run. It wasn't until five minutes left that he started again. This time, he did not reserve, the faster the faster, in the last lap, an amazing result came out“ Ferrari driver Zhou wending was so eye-catching today, he actually followed 1:32.95! Oh, my God, it's an amazing result. It's the fastest lap speed of the track