Chapter 1358

"Boss, that's what you said. Haven't you played for a long time?"

Zhao Jianbin looked at Zhou wending with round eyes, and said inconceivably.

"Yes, I haven't played for a long time. I'm a little rusty." Zhou wending shook his head and said.

"Then how can you be so accurate?" Zhao Jianbin asked.

"Yes, boss, you just hit a high percentage!" Kong Qinghui followed suit.

"I've always been very accurate. In general, there's no problem in keeping 70%. By the way, I'm talking about competition." Zhou wending said seriously.

"70% or competition? Boss, is this going against the sky? " Zhao Jianbin's eyes are wide, incredible Wen.

"What's the matter? After all, I just participated in a formal competition, ha ha!" Zhou wending laughed.

"I'll go..." Zhao Jianbin knew that he had been fooled.

"However, that's because I didn't want to bully people, so I didn't join the school team. Otherwise, I must be the main scorer of the school team." Zhou wending said with a smile.

"I feel the same. Your shooting level is really high, and your movements are very standard! Boss, how's your dribbling level? " Zhao Jianbin asked.

"I can't do it now. I used to be a shooting guard. I'm good at breakthrough." Zhou wending said with a smile.

With that, he picked up the ball.

He didn't lie. He hasn't touched the ball for a long time. The feeling of the ball is really bad.

However, these are not any problems. For a master of his level, it only takes a while for him to get back to his feeling. Moreover, due to his good control ability, his level is much higher than before.

In other words, now even if the NBA level players to grab, basically can not grab the ball he controls.

After all, he is a congenital master. There are not many congenital masters in the world. Can ordinary people compare him?

"Boss, if you can't say that, who dares to say that you are good at dribbling?" After watching for a while, Zhao Jianbin said a little speechless.

"Haha... I was really not very good just now, and now I'm getting used to it." Zhou wending said.

Just then, several people came over and played with them.

After a while, someone said, "why don't we play three on three for a while? It's boring just shooting!"

"Yes, three on three! There are four people in our dormitory, three of them will play with you, and you can change people at will Zhao Jianbin said immediately.

"Yes, we are in the same dormitory." Later people said.

These four people are very tall, and relatively strong. From their shooting just now, they all have a good sense of the ball. Even the biggest one, who should be a center player, has a good dribbling skill. Maybe it's basketball special recruit.

"You three go first, I'll watch for a while." Zhou wending said with a smile.

"Well, let's go first." Zhao Jianbin doesn't matter. He should come down.

Both sides soon began, Zhou wending standing outside, watching them play with a smile.

Zhao Jianbin himself is very good at playing basketball. Although Liao Wu is not a professional, he also plays well. Kong Qinghui is the only one. If he plays with ordinary people, they can.

However, the other side of these people are obviously very strong, but also know how to cooperate, just start the first round, they rely on skilled cooperation, quickly won a point.

It's Zhao Jianbin's turn to attack. The ball is controlled by Zhao Jianbin. While he controls the ball, he directs them to run. However, on the one hand, they can't cooperate with each other. On the other hand, the defense of the other side is excellent. He can't find a good chance to attack at all. He can't pass the ball for several times in a row.

In desperation, Zhao Jianbin had to choose his own attack and pick the other side alone.

Seeing this, Zhou wending shook his head and knew that the three could not beat each other. The gap in strength was too obvious.

Sure enough, Zhao Jianbin's offensive choice is a bit reluctant, did not throw, rebounds let the other side easily off.

The other side was not in a hurry. After a few moves, he passed the ball to the outside of the three-point line and reorganized the attack.

This time, no one passed the ball against Zhao Jianbin. Instead, he learned from Zhao Jianbin and began to play singles.

Of course, Zhao Jianbin is not convinced. He has failed in his singles. How can he prevent one, or he will lose face!

Thus, the two began to fight, Zhao Jianbin's strength is not bad, the other side is not weak, between attack and defense are commendable.

After the other side dribbled the ball for a while, he finally couldn't help it. After a fake action, he forced himself to jump up and shoot. Seeing this, Zhao Jianbin immediately jumped up and reached out to interfere.

The ball was still thrown out, but just like Zhao Jianbin, because the shot was very reluctantly, the ball didn't hit, and it bounced out of the back frame.

"Rebound!" Zhao Jianbin let out a cry.

At this time, we can see that there is a gap in height and strength between the two sides. Kong Qinghui's figure is not enough, which makes the other side unable to move. Liao Wu is also similar. Although he has good strength, he can't compare with the other side. He just lets the other side push away, jumps up and catches the ball. It's not over yet. After the opponent came down, he turned around and threw away Liao Wu. Then he roared and jumped up high and put the ball in. Zhou wending shook his head, this gap is really big enough, in addition to Zhao Jianbin, the other two points let each other finish blasting ah! However, he was not in a hurry to go on the stage. He clapped his hands and said, "don't worry, play some tactics!" Zhao Jianbin nodded, but with a helpless smile, took the ball and ran out, ready to kick off. Although Zhou wendingsou said they wanted to play tactics, for two non professional people, running tactics was not their specialty at all, so the tactics didn't come out, on the contrary, it was more chaotic. Ten minutes later, they lost the first set and got a clean 5-0“ Second, take a break and let me do it Zhou wending went in and patted Kong Qinghui, who was breathing heavily“ All right, come on! " Kong Qinghui nodded and said that he also knew that he was the weakest link. If he wanted to win, he had to let Zhou Wen decide“ It's no use changing anyone. We are invincible! " The tall center of the other side said triumphantly“ You are very powerful, but you are invincible, not necessarily! " Zhou wending took the ball and patted it a few times. He said faintly“ Then we'll have a fight, and then you'll be convinced. " The center looked at him and said with a little disdain. Although Zhou wending's height is OK, more than 1.8 meters, but with him, at least a head down, this gap, let him look down on Zhou wending“ I'll bet we'll win this game! " Zhou wending said with a smile.