Chapter 1264

After a while of tea, the dishes came up. As it was only one dish, there was nothing left after it was served.

"Would you like some wine?" Zhou wending asked.

"Zhou Shao, if you want to drink, I can accompany you, but I'll ask you to drive later." Yang Huizhi said.

"It doesn't matter. We should be able to get a valet here." Zhou wending said with a smile.

Yang Huizhi answered, and Zhou wending took out the wine. Yang Huizhi didn't mind that he brought the wine himself. Of course, she didn't think Zhou wending was saving money. After all, he was so rich that he was willing to spend so much money last night. How could he save this little money?

Then, after she drank it, she realized what he really meant. It turned out that his wine was produced by himself, much better than the wine outside.

"I seldom drink outside unless I have to!" Zhou wending said with a smile.

"Well, I can see that, Zhou Shao, your wine is really good. I've inquired about it. A bottle costs several thousand, right?" Yang asked.

"Almost!" Zhou wending said with a smile.

In fact, this kind of wine is not too expensive. After all, it's only for ordinary people. Thousands of yuan is really nothing for a rich man.

Yang Huizhi was very shocked. Zhou wending was really generous. He had an ordinary friend relationship with him, but he didn't frown, so he invited himself to drink such a good wine, which was much better than those nice men.

They ate and drank for a while before they got to the point.

"Miss Yang, I really have some information about your problem, and I can really help you solve it if you like." Zhou wending put down his chopsticks and said.

Yang Huizhi nodded, moved to say: "Zhou Shao, I believe you will not cheat me, you please say!"

"It's also a coincidence about the problem between you and your fiance. When my staff were investigating a case, they broke a secret. This secret is just related to your fiance. At present, we haven't taken any action because there is no key evidence." Zhou wending said.

"Did he do something big?" Yang asked.

"Yes, he is a co perpetrator with another felon. That felon has been taken away, but he doesn't have it for the time being. We don't want to scare him. If you can provide some evidence, maybe you can convict him." Zhou wending said seriously.

Yang Huizhi was greatly surprised, and at the same time, she was very surprised and said, "what evidence can I provide? I have nothing to do with him

"No, we found some things. Although he had little contact with you, he thought that no one would pay attention to you and put them here." Zhou wending said.

Yang Huizhi's face changed greatly and her body trembled a little: "Zhou Shao, did he do it on purpose?"

"It can also be said that once you find something without knowing it, you will be guilty!" Zhou Wen pointed his head and said.

Yang Huizhi took a deep breath and said, "you can tell me what it is. I can't remember it."

"Well, I'll tell you about it. About a month ago, did he meet you once, and finally you broke up?" Zhou wending asked.

Yang Huizhi's whole body was shocked, and said inconceivably, "how do you know that?"

"I have a great intelligence team. They have a strong ability to get information. As your fiance is an important person we are looking at, naturally they know." Zhou wending said.

After a while, Yang Huizhi said, "I remember that he put something in my place, but so far, I haven't opened it, and I don't know what it is."

"I know what it is. If you know what it is, you will understand how sinister his intentions are!" Zhou wending said.

"What is it?" Yang Huizhi said in a trembling voice.

Zhou wending shook his head and said, "don't worry. After a while, you'll ask him to go and take things, and then you'll say that you've found out. He'll be in a hurry."

"What if he's going to kill me?" Yang Huizhi trembled.

"He can't do it. I'll follow you." Zhou wending said.

"Well, I'd like to see what he means." Yang Huizhi said sadly.

As a result of this, she did not have any mind to eat, after a hurry to eat, and Zhou wending left.

When she got home, she immediately found a box with a special logo and asked, "yes, this is this?"

Zhou Wen nodded and said, "that's right. Do you know what's inside?"

Yang Huizhi shook her head and said, "I haven't opened it at all. Why don't we open it now?"

"Yes, I already know what's inside." Zhou wending said.

He took out his things and slowly opened the long box.

"This... What is this?" When it was opened, Yang Huizhi looked at the things inside, but was at a loss“ These are the parts for making powerful weapons. These here are loaded with bullets. Can't you even recognize them? " Zhou wending opened a smaller box and pointed to the whole line of sniper bullets inside. Yang Huizhi almost fainted. What's the matter with that bastard? What's his revenge? I don't mind that he's gay, and I've never disclosed it. Why does he harm himself so much“ Make an appointment with him and ask him what's going on face to face! " Zhou wending said in a deep voice“ Good Yang Huizhi took a deep breath, forced herself to calm down and said. She took out the phone and called her fiance. After a while, a soft voice came from the phone. Yes, a man said, "what's the matter, Huizhi?"“ Come here for a moment, I have something urgent to see you! " Yang Huizhi said in a deep voice“ I... I'm not free right now. " Jiang Shaocheng said“ I don't care. Think about it for yourself. If you don't come, you'll bear the consequences yourself! " Yang Huizhi said lightly. For a moment, Jiang Shaocheng was a little uneasy: "what's the matter?"“ When you come, it's not convenient on the phone. Just know for yourself. " Yang Huizhi said lightly. Jiang Shaocheng hesitated. After a while, he said, "OK, you wait at home. I can be there in half an hour."“ You'd better hurry Yang said and hung up“ He will come, but I suspect he is suspicious She looked at Zhou wending and said“ It's OK. I have plans. " Zhou wending said calmly.