Chapter 318

When Li Xinran knew about the space, he could hardly believe his ears and said in shock, "you don't make up stories on purpose, do you?"

Wei Shuzhen grinned and said, "husband, it's time for you to perform!"

In Li Xinran's puzzled eyes, Zhou wending began to take her out of the space, and then repeated several times.

Finally, Li Xinran had to believe this fact.

"My God, this is incredible. There are myths in the world!" She said in shock.

"Not only is there something more divine!" Zhou wending said with a smile.

"What else?" Li Xinran was stunned.

"Yes, my lady!" Zhou wending said with a smile.

When he heard that he was the future God King, that is, Zhou wending's wife candidate, Li Xinran was absolutely stunned!

"Little villain, you are responsible to say once, you will have a harem, I am one of the empresses, and Shuzhen is the twelve emperors servant?" Li Xinran asked in shock.

"Yes, at this time, we need a strong person to explain! What are you hiding from, ghost? " Zhou wending said.

"Here comes my little Lord!" The ghost appeared in front of them in an instant, which frightened Li Xinran.

"Tell me, so she won't believe it." Zhou wending said with a smile.

"Yes, young master!" The ghost nodded and said, then, he came into the solution.

Half an hour later, Li Xinran finally completely believed this fact.

However, she looked at Zhou wending angrily and said, "little villain, you have to have so many women. It's just too... Too colorful!"

"That's right, young master, it's too colorful!" The ghost also said.

"However, there is no way. If you want to reach the highest level of the God King, you must do so!" She followed.

"But is there no other way? Didn't you just say that it can be achieved through the cultivation of shennongshu? " Li Xinran said.

"It's OK to use shennongshu alone, but now the world can't compare with the past. The aura is too bad. I don't know when I want to reach the realm of God King. So, it has to be done in this way. This is the only way! " The ghost said seriously.

Li Xinran, helpless for a while, looked at Zhou wending and said, "it's too cheap for this little villain!"

"In fact, you should see that, if not, you can't stand it!" The ghost said with shame.

"Well, did you just peek again?" Zhou wending was furious.

"I didn't peep. I just peeped for a while!" The ghost said shyly.

"... you've gone too far!" Zhou wending said angrily, this girl is like this every time!

But I always forget to turn off the space, so I can let her see it every time.

However, when Zhou wending saw the coy appearance of the ghost, he was also surprised. This girl is becoming more and more humanized. Shouldn't she have that kind of idea about herself?

If so, what identity would she be? Twelve emperors or empresses?

Thinking of this possibility, Zhou wending was stunned.

"Hello... What's the matter with you?" Seeing him staring at the ghost, Wei Shuzhen was surprised and shook him.

Zhou wending woke up with a start. He took a complicated look at the ghost, shook his head and said: "nothing. I just thought of something... OK, now start practicing. It's the same with Xinran. Now that you have a certain internal skill foundation, you can practice our martial arts. Only when you go out later, you won't be bullied casually."

"Can I practice Kung Fu, too?" Li Xinran said with surprise.

"Of course, you are the empress, the wife of the God King. How can you not have any martial arts?" The remnant soul Jiao laughs a way.

Li Xinran was a little embarrassed, especially after seeing Wei Shuzhen.

She is the empress, but Wei Shuzhen is just an imperial servant. The identity gap between them really makes her uncomfortable.

"Don't think so much. For me, whether the empress or the emperor is my woman, I will treat them equally. There is no such strict identity difference!" Zhou wending said as if he knew her mind.

When he said this, the two women were relieved. To be honest, Wei Shuzhen was the same. When she knew that Li Xinran's identity was above herself, she was also a little disappointed. After all, everyone was at the same level, and suddenly became the relationship between master and servant, which was really hard to accept.

And now, after getting Ye Fan's promise, she is happy at last.

"Yes, my king!" All of a sudden, the three women said together.

Zhou wending was stunned and then began to laugh.

Since all the girls had no problems, they began to practice Kung Fu. Although Li Xinran had the foundation of internal skill because he was fit with him, he didn't know the moves at all, so he needed to teach them in person.

Fortunately, there is no embarrassment between them now. If there is no such relationship before, this kind of personal teaching will be a little inconvenient.

Li Xinran is worthy of the rank of empress. Her talent is quite high. She is better than Wei Shuzhen. Therefore, her teaching is surprisingly smooth. Six hours outside, but three days in the space. In these three days, Li Xinran has learned a lot. Although he is only a beginner, even against those gangsters who have combat experience today, he can easily defeat them. This is the strength of the vein of God King. Of course, in the space, it's not only practicing, but also doing other things, such as those big world games. What's more, Li Xinran gradually found that as long as he was with him, he would not only be happy, but also improve his cultivation afterwards! As a result, after discovering the secret, she simply fell in love with that kind of thing. There is no need for Zhou wending to say more. When time comes, she will be very active. This makes Zhou wending both surprised and excited, especially after Li Xinran's open mind, he will cooperate with some of his excessive requirements, which makes him absolutely cool! Seeing that it was almost dawn outside, Zhou wending stopped practicing and said, "have a rest. I'll go out for breakfast later."“ Well, then I'll take a bath! " Li Xinran said coyly“ OK, and help me wash it by the way! " Zhou wending said with a smile“ Well thought, let Shuzhen help. I have no experience! " Li Xinran blushed and spat“ Just because you have no experience to learn! Shuzhen, teach her later! " Zhou wending said with a smile“ Well, madam, did you hear what Wang said? " Wei Shuzhen said with a smile“ No, I'm a lady Li Xinran said shyly“ If you don't want the maid to win the position, you should learn more, otherwise it will be very dangerous! " Zhou wending said seriously“ That's it Wei Shuzhen said with a smile“ Let you take it, I don't have anything to say! " Li Xinran said angrily.