Even with the rocket's rich experience, it began to get excited.

This time it's not theft, it's looting!

In previous missions, in order not to affect the retreat, the Rockets had to selectively take some high-value goods and leave.

Now the plan is to start a series of projects, in turn along the number one, two and three targets, and sweep all the valuable goods inside.

This is really It's so cool. Rocket heart roars: This is the real adventure!

When they were busy, they ran into two or three guys who called the spaceship idea.

Luke took a little raccoon and came to warm up. He knocked out more than ten people, then cleaned them up and threw them into the open space hundreds of meters away.

You know, the daytime of this planet is more than 20 degrees below zero. The ground is frozen and the sky is snowing.

Even if most of these aliens are thicker than Earth people, they are as deadly as freezing for hours.

There's no good Samaritan in this place.

Those who have accomplices have a chance to be rescued, those who have no partners Then wait for the ice sculpture.

The ragged clothes, shoes and hats from the robbery were so disgusting that Luke threw them directly into the special incinerator where the traces of destruction were destroyed, leaving behind only the various kinds of guns.

The rocket laughs: "it's a little rubbish, but I don't want to go out looking for a gun. If we change it all night tonight, we won't leave any clues for tomorrow's action. "

Luke said.

He and rocket are both experts in firearms. The upper limit of these miscellaneous weapons should be lower.

But if you just rob a few black shop owners, the lower limit is seriously over the standard, so you don't have to pay too much attention to it.


There is a small meeting going on on on sovellin while Luke and rocket are trying to make a fortune.

The high priest Ayesha was very impatient with the opposition of the Presbyterian Church, but had no choice but to end the video conference.

Immediately, she called her maid: "go and release a reward on the planet where the convoy is staying. It can be killed or captured alive, and the price of catching alive will double. "

The maid bowed her head and asked carefully, "my Lord, what about the reward?"

Ayesha frowned and was dissatisfied with the stupid question: "are you infected by those poor people? Do you want to ask me?"

The maid bowed in horror: "I see. I'm going to issue a reward."

When she withdrew from the hall, she also scolded herself as an idiot in her heart: what money do you want to raise with the high priest? There is no such vulgar thing as money in the eyes of the high priest of soveling.

So, the maid found Luke's mercenary information on their planet, and released the mission directly according to the top-level team's top-level task price.

This task is published on the public platform. Anyone who sees this page will notice it.

There are many intelligence dealers on the chaotic planet. Many people find business opportunities and immediately make a time difference to peddle the task content.

Coupled with the spread of friends, and friends of friends, it quickly became a well-known News - in addition to the targeted galactic escort.

Luke, who has just arrived at the chaotic planet, has no ability to monitor this completely unfamiliar network, so he is also at a loss.

It was late at night, carmala's communication was finally connected, and the beginning was an angry growl: "Damn it, we've been ambushed, and now there are hundreds of guys chasing us."

Luke and the rocket were stunned: "what's going on?"

"Where are you?"

Kamorra chose to answer a more important question: "to the northwest, a hot spring area 300 kilometers away."

(;?_ (Luke and rocket: eh ~ ~ ~ two men and women!

There was a constant boom and boom from Kamala, and the sound of biubiu BIU was heard. The war was obviously fierce.

She did not forget to add: "you should be careful, these people are not a group, at least more than a dozen groups of people have come. They started a surprise attack half an hour ago, blocking the communication channel, and we escaped from the blockade area. "

Luke and the rocket looked at each other, decisively put the energy Gatling in the nearby weapon box into the public space.

As a matter of fact, kamorra and his equipment in the public space were also used to kill out of the encirclement.

Otherwise, they would have been beaten to pieces if they only went to the hot spring at that time and had only a little clothes on them.

Gatling into space at the same time, the rocket immediately informed them: "two Gatling have been put in, you quickly change weapons."

If you can't compare the number of people, you have to compare the firepower.

Fortunately, the interior of the planet does not allow ships and warships other than local looters to move, and foreign ships and warships can only land or lift off through predetermined channels.

Once out of the predetermined path, the energy guns surrounding the apron will fire, shattering the violators to pieces.

As a result, the pursuit of kamura is only small aircraft, and the equipment does not occupy an absolute advantage.

When the rocket finished, Luke threw a black notebook like object, and his eyes suddenly brightened: "thousand face system?"Luke just nodded, then took out a thousand face system equipment, and turned into a plain purple skinned bald man - except for his height, he was about five points like the mieba.

As he took two of the weapons he had just collected, he quickly said, "dracos, they're lost. If we want to save them, we have to be quick. "

The rocket looked at the weapon in his hand and frowned: "you shoot well, you should use better."

Luke put little Gertrude in his coat pocket and stepped out: "the rest is in public space. You can use it. Don't worry, we'll soon have better weapons. "

Rocket brain a turn, understand this is the meaning of war.

His hands quickly touch the rest of the miscellaneous weapons, put them into the space, he took the best two: "wait for me, we are the strongest shooter combination."

"It seems that we don't have to go to the black shop." Hey, hey, we're going to have all of their spaceships today, lol

The winner has everything. It's the rule of the chaotic planet.

However, the premise of getting the booty is not to break through the bottom line of local controllers, which Luke is very confident about.

Of course, if the Marauder goes down in person, don't blame him for opening up and cleaning up the whole planet.

As a tough man, Luke has enough strength to complete all this.


The combination of purple skinned bald man and bearded dwarf did not attract the attention of scattered people around.

There are too many ships on the tarmac. It takes a lot of time to find the escort ship.

All of us are star troopers. Only when we received the news that quel and kamura were being pursued and killed, and that dracos and Mantis sister were captured, we judged that there were very few left behind personnel in the spacecraft.

There are no detailed requirements for this task, and the default is to distribute the remuneration equally according to the target number.

Most of them would go round and round up quill, who had already emerged, or even grab the two captured drakes.

A few teams who came to the tarmac to catch people were more afraid of the number of people, alerting the remaining rockets and Luke to start the spaceship to escape.

So they just send more people to guard the exit of the people's Bank of China, and then send a small number of people to search quietly.