The metal disc is surrounded by a number of semicircular metal supports, a little like an open chrysanthemum.

Above the head are stacked small pentagonal mirrors, all of which emit the light of silver metal.

Finally, he looked at a circle of people on the disc in front of him Well, No.

After the release of the quantum war uniform, there was a raccoon, not a human.

And there's a blue woman with no hair robot?

The rest of Tony, Steve, Thor, Dr. Benner, rod, Clint (eagle eye) are familiar, but at best, they look older.

After the rest of them have removed quantum warfare armor, they make eye contact with each other.

Tony was the first to ask, "how are you doing? Have you got all the gems? "

Rod, a good friend with a smile on his face, held up a ball: "we made it."

On the other side, a raccoon pulls a syringe like object from its waist, which is a dark red semi liquid substance.

Luke wasn't sure what the jewel was, but looking at the look on the bear's face, it was a success.

Except that Tony is carrying a very old leather box, the others spread out their palms to reveal the infinite gems with faint glow.

But Luke squinted at Clint, for the fellow slowly fell to his knees, and his face was full of dejected expression, without any sign of joy.

Dr. Benner soon found something wrong: "Clint, where's Nata?"

Clint's tears ran down and he hung his head, unable to say a word.

Seeing his reaction, people's faces changed.

Luke quietly increases the effects of his real dreams and primary concealment.

At this time, we should pay attention to him as a "outsider", and I'm afraid that he will become an outlet for anger.

What's more, Dr. Benner has a delicate relationship with Natasha. Now that there are no more people, he suddenly wants to find something to beat. What should he do? The doctor is still green at the moment, even the transformation process is saved.


Half an hour later, the biggest impact of losing a close teammate on the Avengers passed.

No matter how many years we will remember in the future, we have to put this matter down and discuss how to deal with Luke, an outsider.

But before that, Luke was asked to take off his non nano quantum warfare uniform and be "invited" into an isolation room.

No one told him to take off his knight armor, especially when he opened it to reveal Bell's face.

People who thought Scott's "DC fusion universe" was bullshit before were silent.

Without the mask, it's easy to scan the face on a Friday at the base to make sure it's 100 percent non-surgical.

This absolutely original handsome face is basically the same as Mr. Wayne in the trilogy movie.

Although the knight wore Tony's Armor instead of the plastic shell in the movie, the style was still the same.

Even everyone thinks that's what the Dark Knight looks like in armor.

After isolating Luke, the Avengers began to question Scott.

Scott had to play the video recorded in his quantum war suit to prove that he was not hallucinating.

He can be hypnotized and controlled, but the data of quantum war suit is impossible to cost.

If it's a change editor, you can find out the part that has been modified in five seconds on Friday. It's impossible to hide it.

So everyone was surprised.

Tony: I can't beat this guy over there

"That" you "and he have a wonderful relationship, the best partner recognized in the world." Scott is embarrassed. He can't say that he has seen many batiron CP cartoon covers on the Internet.

How hot is the iron man in Batman's strong arms? He'll talk nonsense?

Steve: "their New York war happened several years ahead of us. The main force is the bat team. The loss is much smaller than ours?"

Scott nodded again. "And captain, you've been awake for years over there."


Here, he didn't wake up until the 2012 New York war.

The rest of the people also had many questions, but when they got the answer, they all looked at each other Why is it too strong?

In terms of the New York war and the Ordovician incident, the two cities were basically preserved, and casualties were very few.

The rhythm has always been controlled by the bat team, and there is no chance for the enemy to turn the tables.

Fortunately, Scott specially stressed that there is no superman, there is no Gotham, no Arkham, otherwise the expression of the people will definitely be more frightening.

Finally, the people discussed for a while, but still made a decision: let people go.

However, this "release" also has its own points. It is not to let Luke go directly back to the weird DC version 2012, nor to let him wander around in the 2023 world.He's just temporarily "monitoring" the avenger base.

The reason why he did this was that Scott was asked in a hurry and said, "we have no experience with people from other universes. Dr. strange must have."

People think so.

Now the most important thing is not to deal with this inexplicable Dark Knight, but to rescue those who have been grey for five years with the precious stones they have got.

All of them have lost their relatives and friends. They have been waiting too long.

Natasha has not hesitated to sacrifice her life for this goal.

Everything must come after this.


Luke looked at Scott, who was wearing a monitoring hoop on his ankle, and laughed, "Scott, you seem to say you've been wearing this for years. How do you feel?"

Scott laughed awkwardly. "Bruce, it's just routine. There's no malice against you."

Luke disagreed: "don't worry, Scott, you're a good man."

And he looked up at Dr. Benner, who was behind Scott's side, who was installing the monitoring grommet. "Dr. Benner, do you have time to play with me?"

Dr. Benner looked at him helplessly: "I'm also a good man. I never wanted to hurt innocent people."

Luke shook his head. "No, you misunderstood. I just want to know how strong mieba is, and you have fought him head-on

Dr. Benner's habitual evasion: "Thor and Tony have also played with mieba. They are much better than me. You can ask them."

Luke: "but you speak better than them, and at best you refuse me politely."

Dr. Benner Why can you make such shameless remarks so aboveboard?

In the end, he still didn't agree to the request, and Luke didn't bother.

When Natasha is dead, it would be very good for Dr. Benner to say these two words to him.

Anyway, I told you in advance and I'll try again afterwards. It won't be too abrupt.

After all, it is not easy for anyone who wants to kill Dr. Benner. Even if Luke takes the lead, he will not be misunderstood for attacking and killing.

Tony? Forget it.

Despite the fact that Luke has a very strong relationship with big and young people in 2012, they are all trained by time and fighting together, and Tony here is a complete stranger.

What is Tony's attitude towards strangers? Well, basically sarcasm, squint is the norm.

Thor? This guy's swimming circle on his waist is a fat house. He has no interest in talking to Luke.

So Dr. Benner is the best choice.