Luke was going to use Psychic Communication "peep screen" to determine Claire's feelings for Stacey.

However, due to the tit for tat between Claire and Mindy, they had to postpone.

But from the feedback from the training and dinner party, they didn't really talk and play.

Human psychological activities have always been a fog, no one can really understand all of them.

Make sure that neither Clare nor Stacy meant to mess up. He didn't want to interfere.

Everything is planned for Claire. Is life his or Claire's?

But the emotional life does not interfere, but other aspects cannot relax.

Both Claire and Stacey need to be trained to prepare for future accidents.

Although the star profession does not add much combat power, it greatly promotes Claire's psychological growth.

At least she didn't just think about playing more than a year ago.

Well, maybe there's also the power of love? Luke shook his head to keep his mind from straying again.

As time went on, the power in his hand grew stronger and stronger.

Two years ago he kept everything as secret as possible, including his family.

It's not that he doesn't trust them, it's that once he gets someone's attention, he's not sure he can protect his family.

Now titanium mobile phone company has become the dominant position.

Even if the mobile phone project hits the streets five years later, it can also accumulate a lot of cash flow, enough to transform it into a technology company.

There are many people who are not afraid of making money.

That's why he asked Ginny to make frequent attempts at various experimental techniques.

As long as these acquisitions are recorded, even if some people notice that he has some technology, they will think that these projects have achieved results.

In addition, the big salesman has traded with more than ten forces, including high-quality qitari equipment, exoskeleton technology, battery technology, etc.

In exchange, the value of various technologies is low, but the coverage is wide.

The big guy is a middleman. He doesn't produce technology. He's just a technical porter.

It makes sense for Luke's Institute to trade in the technology that big boys have.

Although there are only a dozen trading partners, he does not require to sign any contracts, and all of them are settled face to face in spot trading.

After the event, there is no limit to how many companies these people spread their technology and products.

For example, the technology of iron and steel battle armour, so far all those who know about it know that there are only three sources - iron man, Batman and mourning whip.

Those who have this technology must have something to do with these three people.

Luke's behavior is to deliberately stir up muddy water and quickly spread technology and products to a certain extent, so that its source can not be traced.

When there are hundreds of sources on the market, no one can prove that Luke benzun's Institute has a special relationship with the big guy.

The products behind are not strong, which has nothing to do with the big guy, but the research ability of the research institute is strong.

This process will last for several years, and the big guys will get the most attention.

So Luke has been able to come up with some equipment to protect his family instead of relying on security companies.

After all, a good security company is not as good as being green and fat - if it only considers life preservation and consequences.

Of course, Luke's family can't turn green and fat, but it's only a matter of time before they turn into a low-end nano iron man.

Now? The performance of the nano glove mask is barely enough.

It's not possible to deal with the super power, but it's good to save your life temporarily when it's only used in unexpected situations.

As long as we keep one life, how to recover completely after the event, and retaliation are all small things.

Now Luke, with millions of points, can complete the regeneration of severed limbs with the light of life. The most important thing is that the price is too expensive to explode.

This year, Luke plans to equip his family with high-tech equipment.

Next year, it will be popularized to the key members of Robert's private security company. In the next year, protection equipment will be spread to ordinary members and key relatives.

This is only a basic operation for Luke system, which will double its assets in the next few years.


A few days later, Claire, who finished the charity performance, stared at Luke: "what? Stay in New York for a while? "

She didn't resist it, she just felt a little strange.

Luke rarely interferes in her life, including her schedule.

Luke nodded, beckoned Claire to follow, and drove her to the new hope Institute in Nassau County.

The scale of the laboratory has been expanding, and it has been renamed the Research Institute.

Among the employees of the Institute, there are not many people who have really high research talent.

The former DOD employee, the non lethal (social death) weapons development expert, is the only one.

The rest are all under cover, just doing auxiliary work.They will get all kinds of data after splitting, and the data of another project will be replaced for a period of time.

To use the analogy of ordinary work, they are all bricklayers. They can't do the clay electricians who need technical and professional skills.

But with them, there is a reasonable explanation for the "complete building" (technical product) that will appear in the future.

It's not that Luke doesn't want to dig or cultivate people, but the new hope Institute is really not famous.

Famous people want to do their own research with his money.

However, the basic requirements of such people are still very high, so the patent rights and so on will not be mentioned, and Luke is not allowed to interfere with them at will.

Let these people enter the new hope Institute. They can't see what they're studying, and they have to be wary of playing tricks.

For funding and research, some of these people would never mind blowing up the Institute to achieve their goals.

That's what scientists with too much autonomy are like.

For example, the eperta father who made the little turtle apprentice is one of them.

Luke doesn't want to be the sacks himself.

Secondly, Adrian's team from the Institute's reserve has been doing a good job with the transportation company recently, so they can't spare time for the time being.

Luke didn't dig them for the time being.

But Li Zi is just a Research Institute of a leather bag and brick company. Face can still scare people, such as Claire.

From the special elevator to the underground research room belonging to Luke alone, her mouth couldn't be closed: "Wow, what's the research here?"

"Spaceship? alien? Super weapons? "

"Why no one else?"

"Well, it's so quiet. It's like a horror movie."

Luke grabs her by the neck. "Even if it's a horror movie, you're making it funny now."

Claire: let go. I'm an adult. You have to respect me. Understand

Luke had no choice but to turn pinching her neck into a hook, and stuck her petite in her elbow: "I'm just like this to my friends. Well, they are basically over thirty or forty years old, absolutely mature. "

Claire kicks and punches: "asshole, I'm a girl, I'm not the middle-aged and old people in your police station."