When the scoundrels flattered Louis and pulled out "Xijing" from his mouth, they immediately felt that their feelings had been cheated and their self-esteem had been hurt.

They were so angry that they slapped Lewis, the pretender, on the ground.

Thanks to Louis's quick reaction and rich experience, he pretended to be a dead dog to protect the key point, which did not cause serious injury.

Even so, Louis was unkempt, disheveled, with a few bloodstains on his body, and looked like a tramp.

For Luke to take his own thing, he asked.

He vowed to go to another detention room and never mention that he was arrested for attacking the police. He would only say that he was the dead cop who met the violent law enforcement.

"Don't mess with the one next to you. It's an old guy coming out of K9. You can bite off one hand with one bite." Said Luke.

"The nugget is good. He stinks. It's not delicious." He smoothed the Nuggets so that the guy wouldn't bite Louis impatiently.

Nuggets have a bad temper.

It's only with his and Selena's education that he doesn't show his teeth to ordinary people.

But she and Selena went to loot the little gangsters many times. They knew that the criminals had no human rights here in Luke. If they bit them, nothing would happen. Just don't bite them as disabled people.

Louis looked at the nugget in horror.

The nugget grinned at him with a big grin.

Louis firmly stuck his whole body on the right door and was afraid to offend the old dog.

After getting louis into the headquarters interrogation room, Luke asked, "you're honest. I'll take you to the detention room with your illegal firearms. Otherwise, you will still attack the police and make a deal? "

"Deal!" Louis agreed without hesitation.

Luke nodded contentedly, "tell me, where did you kidnap that girl?"

Louis quickly shook his head: "no, I didn't kidnap it. A man passed by me and said he sent her to me. She followed me home."

Luke and Selena looked at each other and asked, "so, you accepted? It's no surprise that the stranger suddenly "sent" a girl from a rich family to come home with you? "

Louis was stunned, thinking for a moment, shaking his head in a daze: "I I don't know. As soon as the man spoke, I did it. What's the problem? "

Luke looks at Selena again.

Luke: what's that man like? What are the characteristics? "

"He's a little skinny. He's wearing an expensive handmade suit. Nothing else seems special," Luis mulu recalled

Luke: speaking, where can you tell the accent

Louis: by the way, he seems to speak with an English accent

Luke and Selena look at each other for the third time: sure enough, it's "him.".

Next, Luke repeatedly interrogated Louis for an hour, determined all the details of the "he" in "sending the girl", and let Louis go.

When he put away the recorder on the desk, Luke suddenly thought of a question: "have you ever touched that girl?"

Luisna: "detective, actually I'm a gay. How can I touch her? "

Luke, Selena: No wonder Molly's tests have shown that she hasn't been violated in the near future.

Molly's appearance is not bad, and her temperament and dress are all above the standard. Nothing happened when such a girl lived in Louis's house. This is a reliable reason.

At least, Luke doesn't think it's because Louis is soft.

If you change into a normal oriented little gangster, you won't mention your bad deeds. If you don't do well, you will call a large number of friends to "share" the fallen prey in the sky.

In this way, although Molly's experience is very tragic, it has finally fallen to the most miserable end on the last ring.

After throwing louis into the detention room of the headquarters, the two returned to the office hall, and the phone rang on the desk.

Selena picked it up and hung up just two times: "let's go, the chief has called us."

Luke peeled off three lollipops, one for each, and asked Selena to take two takeaways with her, which led him into Dustin's office.

It's already afternoon, and there are not many colleagues in the hall. I'm not afraid to be noticed that they are in the boss's office, eating lollipops for delivery.

Dustin turned a blind eye to Selena's take out box at the coffee machine in the corner of the office. He just asked Luke to close the door and said, "you should be more careful about Walter's case. My task is to make sure that he is not killed."

Luke raised his eyebrows and said, "kill a police inspector?"

Even when the door was closed, there was no one outside. Dustin looked out subconsciously, and then lowered his voice and said, "this case is a big mud pit. Whoever stepped in it would inevitably get a foot of mud. If he could not make it, he would be buried alive."Luke: I thought you wanted us to watch Walter's progress by the way

Dustin scoffed: "progress? That's it. But it's not the progress of solving the case, it's the progress of Walter's losing his life. "

Luke sighed, "Kimo?"

Dustin nodded, "you've known about this man for a long time. The target of his number one killer still has a hand with you. You know how terrible that kind of person is. But what's more troublesome is that the location of the crime is in the territory of the 15th sub Bureau. How many eyes and ears are there in the 15th sub bureau? That's only half or two-thirds of the problem. They may be disappeared quietly at any time. The disappearance of the detective there has not happened once or twice, but those detectives have evaporated. Even if the headquarters knows there is a problem, it can't be checked all the time. "

Luke nodded to make it clear.

There is a difference in the intensity of investigation between the police killing case and the police missing case.

If we create the illusion that a policeman is afraid of crime and absconds, it will be more difficult to find out.

This kind of operation is not complicated. When tens of thousands of dollars are suddenly transferred from the accounts of the police or their relatives, the police can be suspected of collecting black money.

And those police who evaporate in the world can no longer come out to cooperate with the investigation and clear this suspicion.

Hesitated, Dustin said, "last night, Brad gave me a phone call, suggesting that I had better not get involved in this case."

Looking at Luke's thoughtful expression, he continued: "besides, he also mentioned you specially, let me not give you too much work pressure, you know?"

Luke laughed: "good thing, after all, I'm new here..."

Dustin got up impatiently, went to the coffee machine and took the delivery box. He opened it and saw the inside of the roast wax. He gulped his saliva and took a piece of it.

Luke didn't say a word.