Take a look at Luke and Selena. Isn't it just like the killer of lovers in the movie?

Besides, the security in Clinton district is very bad, but the house price is not cheap at all, and it is the center of Manhattan.

Since Luke and his wife are good-looking, how can rich people come to Clinton district to buy a house?

It can only be a killer. The money can't be seen, so he went to Clinton district to find a foothold.

Cousin can't count on it. He shares this secret with Laka and warns his iron friend to be careful not to lose his life.

Luke and I know most of Charlie's ideas.

This kid can't hide too many things on his face, and he only slightly lowers the volume when talking to LACA.

When the two black boys are gossiping, Luke and Selena are often in the window above their heads, smiling to listen to him analyze for LACA. How about the two killers upstairs? It's almost like listening to a talk show.

After Hudson, Luke's place was finally quiet.

These little gangsters have the same news with each other. They have nothing to do but boast and fart, except for petty pickpockets.

Half of these little gangsters have a lot of children. They don't make big mistakes.

Luke was most upset with them.

Compared with the increasingly strong appetite of the system, it's hard for these little gangsters to bring up the interest of hands-on.

If the thieves touch this kind of crime, Luke will not be cruel to them.

But being stared at by these little gangsters like mice, I can't make sure that one day when I come back from work, there will be disgusting things at home.

Smashing glass, spraying paint and throwing waste are low-cost, time-consuming and can be carried out in 24 hours.

So the scarier Charlie's propaganda of Luke and Selena, the better.

Small gangsters also have a way to survive. Without enough money to tempt them, they will not provoke "professionals".

And those "professionals" in the vicinity of their new home should be taken sick in succession after a period of time.

For those who are guilty of serious crimes, the ghost butcher who has rested for half a year says that they are already hungry and thirsty.

On the first floor of New York, it also serves as a garage and a place for refitting various large items.

The basement is used to process and manufacture items that need strict confidentiality, such as war armour, aircraft, firearms and so on.