The narrow space is not good for the explorers, but good for Luke's shooting.

Take time to look at the next time, he said: "everyone, try to close to me, the ruins will start to transform."

They did so immediately.

Many of the former members of the team were separated from each other in this change of relics, which is estimated to be more or less dangerous.

No one wants to face the black monsters alone. It's death.

As the talents drew closer, the ruins vibrated again. In the rumbling sound, the passage of the black monster began to rise, and the passage on the exploration side began to sink, separating the two sides.

More than ten seconds later, the change of the ruins stopped, and the place where the people were was turned into a small space with a triangular channel not far away.

Everyone looked at Luke.

But he lowered his eyelids, as if he was thinking about something.

A moment later, he said, "Stafford, you have to arrange your formation. Don't go too fast."

Stafford didn't say much, though he didn't understand.

Now, you can see.

Listen to this young man, then the chance of getting out of here alive will be greater.

Luke beckoned to willand, the smart old man understood, and Stafford were at the back of the line, not fast.

He was ill, and the explorers were not surprised.

Luke waited for willand to enter the triangle for a distance before he reached the black monsters he had killed.

This strange creature has a big spindle shaped head, a big mouth with fangs, and a strange tongue with bone in it.

Its body is like a dinosaur, its legs are typical anti joints, its upper limbs are much smaller, but it also has sharp claws.

From the previous situation, this monster's hind legs are quite explosive.

But what's more terrible is its long bony tail. It's extremely flexible, not to mention its tip with a blade like opening.

Luke picked up the broken rifle parts on the ground and hit the tail blade with force. The metal components of the rifle were cut into two centimeters by the tail blade.

Throwing away the rifle parts, he looked down at the blade and found that there was no damage on it.

This shows that the tenacity of the tail edge is much higher than that of the stainless steel parts of HK416.

Luke thought for a moment and began to get busy.

A few minutes later, the bodies of three monsters in the small space disappeared, and Luke quickly caught up with the expedition that had not gone far.

Seeing Luke coming back, willand, a mature man, didn't ask. Stafford just leaned over and whispered, "where are you going now?"

At present, the expedition faces two channels.

Luke pondered the question for a few seconds before he said, "go left. It's better to move quickly." With that, he recited willand.

The team's forward speed is improved in an instant.

This time, Luke started and trotted on.

A few minutes later, the explorers behind him gasped and smacked.

Luke was still very fast with willand on his back, and they could barely keep up.

A group of people rushed to a rather spacious room.

Then, the remains vibrated again.

In the rumbling sound of the stone wall moving, the road when it came was closed, and this place became a separate space.

Luke frowned and dropped Willard.

According to the Convention, new exits will not appear here until the ruins change in ten minutes.

"Take a rest, everyone. It's safe for the time being." He said.

Everyone was relieved and fell to the ground.

After encountering monsters, everyone's spirit has been highly tense, either running or fighting, and indeed physical consumption is extremely fast.

In fact, the slightly weaker people are no longer in the team. They either react slowly and are separated, or they disappear after being attacked by monsters.

There is only one woman in this group, and the rest are strong men.

The woman's name is Lex wood. She is African American. Her specialty is snow extreme sports - such as climbing snow mountains and glaciers.

She is the safety director of the operation, and she is the only woman who can keep up with the team.

While the other big men were panting, Lex came over and whispered, "you're Luke, aren't you?"

Luke, with a quiet nod.

He was thinking about the plan of action he was waiting for. He didn't care much about the woman.

If everyone can't get out, the woman doesn't make any sense.

If she goes out, she can't go away alone, so she still doesn't mean anything to him.

Lex said directly, "what's the matter with those monsters?"

Luke finally glanced sideways at her. "I don't know."

Lex: but you seem to know what they look likeLuke was speechless and beckoned to Stafford over there: "director Stafford, you explain my situation to this lady. I need to think about something."

Stafford immediately dragged Lex away.

As a result, the woman said regretfully, "what are you hiding? You tricked everyone in to die... "

Luke's face is calm, but his heart gives this woman a bad comment: neuropathy!

At this time, even if you don't want to cheer you up, you can at least keep silent, sit by and have a good rest, and save your strength for the next escape.

Even willand is in this underground vestige. If he's cheating people to come in and die, what's willand doing when he comes in? Suicide!

The only smart thing about Lex is that he doesn't make a lot of noise. His voice is low.

Because once the explorers had doubts about Luke, they were the fastest to die.

However, Luke will be more easily separated from the underground relics without these encumbrances.

The woman's face is black, but her head is too white!

Who does she think she is? White Lotus!

Luke's mouth was turned away from the woman.

If she can't think about it, she'll be dead soon if she doubts Luke more and hesitates several times.

Luke thought for a few minutes, then walked up to willand and asked about the expedition in a low voice.

Stafford also took care of Lex's woman, came back, took over from willand and explained what happened to the expedition.

Finally, willand took off his backpack behind him and took out a thing from it.

His voice was very low: "this is what the expedition found in the sarcophagus under the sacrificial chamber. There are three of them in the same style, but the other two are in the backpack of the missing team member. "

Luke took it over, looked at it carefully for a moment, and gave it back to willand: "it's probably something that's masked like a human being. Holding it is likely to cause trouble. Mr. willand, you have to think about it for yourself. "

Willand nodded for a moment, "if they come after me again, I'll throw this thing to them."

Luke nodded. It's enough to get this guarantee.