For various reasons, opponents of the Carlos family recognized the killing of saprera's nightclub, indicating that it was the gunman of their own side.

Luke was a little shocked when he heard the news, and then he was very pleased.

With this back pot man, in a period of time, all the doubts and clues in the collapse of the Carlos family will disappear, and no one will contact him.

Chris also said that he was helpless. They did so many actions against the Carlos family, but at last they cheapened the enemies of the Carlos family, which was very unpleasant.

However, the collapse of the Carlos family is also their credit. Other Mexican groups want to rebuild the Carlos family line, at least for several years.

Therefore, their credit will not be less.

Robert has been a little silent recently, and his eyes at Luke are complicated.

Robert has a lot to say, but he can't say a word.

What's not clear about Selena?

Selena hasn't heard from Chris yet, but Robert does.

It's not hard to guess the answer to contact Luke again for his inexplicable annual leave to travel, and to come back with a murderous look that can make Robert's hair stand on end.

Robert's ability to be a soldier for so many years and return from the bloody battlefield overseas shows that he is not stupid, but extremely sensitive.

When he was a little sheriff, he just hated the meaningless killing.

But he didn't expect that he came out of that kind of life, and he watched the grown-up children enter again.

But he didn't have any position to say that Luke was wrong.

In fact, even if Luke doesn't act, at most one month later, the person who goes on an annual vacation will become Robert himself.

A week later, he suddenly went to Luke's office and said, "do you want to change your job?"

Luke froze. "Why?"

Instead of answering, Robert continued, "want a bigger stage?"

Luke was surprised. "Ah?"

Robert: "if you mean that, I can help you find a relationship transfer. You're still young and don't seem to want to support the elderly here. "

Luke was silent for a moment and said in a muffled voice, "I'll think about it for a few days."

Robert nodded: "yes. But if you have a decision, let me know. "

Luke didn't think about it for a long time. Three days later, he gave a positive answer.

Robert didn't say much, just let him work harder recently and be more proficient in all aspects of the business.

Luke knows that this is the last buffer for him.

When you go to other places, there is no such boss as Robert. You should try your best to make fewer mistakes and do more practical things.

He also revealed the news to Selena.

He is not afraid of Selena's jealousy. As a partner who has lived and died together, he doesn't want to leave suddenly one day. This partner is the last one who knows about it, which is too hurtful.

Selena looked at him strangely for a long time, and finally nodded, "I see."

Luke was a little strange, and the reaction didn't seem to be her style.

Time passes peacefully like this.

In the meantime, Luke once again found a hidden rule of the system.

It started with Katherine's complaint that Robert has been a bit unlucky recently. All sorts of strange things happen to him.

Luke didn't care. After asking, he knew that Robert had hurt his finger four or five times, stepped on animal excrement five or six times, and was hit on his back by the debris falling from the wind.

Fortunately, none of these accidents had serious consequences, but Catherine was really worried about it. She thought that Robert was trapped by something strange. She just took him to the Church of the town for two weeks.

As a result At church, Robert just sat down, and the bench collapsed. A wooden thorn pierced his ass and made Robert's ass red.

Luke didn't think much before, but after the church accident, he felt something was wrong.

Ordinary people are unlucky, but they are not. This is not the movie of death.

Thinking from left to right, Luke didn't come up with a name, until one day when Robert watched the ball and wanted to bet with him again, Luke refused.

Robert is dissatisfied: "I have been unlucky recently, and I don't need you to let me. I don't believe I'll always lose the bet with you. "

Luke didn't care, but at night he went back to the room and lay down. There was a kind of inspiration floating in his mind.

Before going to sleep, he suddenly sat up with a flash of inspiration: "is this the reason?"

So two days later, when he was watching a rugby game, he gambled with Robert again and chose a team that was weak to the bottom.

Not surprisingly, Luke's team lost.

At this time, Robert's ability list in Luke system has dimmed the basic special operations.His qualifications are obviously not enough, and Robert's ability will automatically lapse.

Luke doesn't care, but notices Robert.

As a result, Robert's misfortune suddenly improved. He was scalded once by hot water for several days in a row, and he had gone to the bathroom and got drenched in water when the tap burst.

Don't be so much better than when you have a small situation three or four times a day.

Luke kept up his efforts, found a chance to bet with Robert again.

This time it's not a ball game, it's a shooting game. The two compete.

Luke lost without accident. He didn't use all his strength.

At the moment of losing the contest, all Robert's abilities in the system were dimmed, and the basic guns automatically failed.

From then on, Robert suddenly had no luck.

For several days in a row, he didn't have any small situation, and his mood improved.

At this time, Luke finally got a glimpse of the rules of the system.

If the super learning system wants to learn the other side's ability, it must defeat the opponent to obtain a certain qualification. If the qualification is not enough, it can't buy the other side's ability with points.

However, before Luke's killing in Mexico, the ability of those black gang thugs who died was all bright and could be purchased at any time.

What's the difference between them and Robert?

The answer is simple. Robert just lost his bet on small things, but those people lost their lives to Luke.

Luke has a rough idea.

That so-called qualification is likely to be something like "lucky" or "Air transport"?

After being killed by Luke, the thugs became dead. The dead would not be lucky or lucky.

In the judgment of the system, Luke may have captured the Qi of these people, or these people have no Qi of their own to resist the system's replication of their capabilities.

In this way, Robert's misfortune can be explained.