Chapter 1065

Others admire Lin Fan's calm look.

In the end, the first family is different.

Li Xiaokang and He Jun are going to be very happy, but Lin fan is not moved at all.

The reason why they are happy is that they have a little share in Lin Fan's products.

Before, when Lin Fan started to operate the super factory and the artificial island, he said that he would enjoy it together.

The shares of super factory were divided between them.

Lin fan is the big boss, so Li Xiaokang and He Jun are the second boss and the third boss.

Watching Lin Wanqi put the contract into the password box, Zhang Chenchen, who had been watching, was already surprised that he couldn't close his chin.

She was still saying before that the products of Linfan were ignored. Who knows, as soon as this was said, Weidman signed a contract with Linfan.

The slap came too fast, which made Zhang Chenchen confused.

At this time, she carefully examined these products of Lin fan.

Just now, I only focused on the appearance. Besides, I think the styling is pretty good, which is a little particular.

Zhang Chenchen thinks that Lin Fan just imitates other people's internal technology. In other words, he bought other people's home-made parts and assembled them himself.

Who knows, Lin Fan's technology is too powerful.

Just now, when the reporters were talking about it, Zhang Chenchen could hear it without dropping a word.

What's the alternative to oil, the financial crisis and so on.

She was stunned. She didn't know that Lin Fan's products were so scary, just like selling them would lead to the end of the world.

Zhang Chenchen doesn't believe that Lin Fan's technology is so powerful. There are so many high-tech companies all over the world. They invest tens of billions of R & D funds every year. Is it not as good as a small cottage factory?

But the fact is so strange that even the European Union's business group was shocked by Lin Fan's products.

This is just incredible!

"Wanqi, can you show me the mobile phone on display?" Zhang Chenchen asked.

Although Lin Wanqi didn't want to take care of her very much, the visitor was a guest. She was too embarrassed to refuse, so she handed it to her with a cold face: "be careful, don't damage it. Individual guests have to watch it."

Zhang Chenchen thought, "it's a mobile phone. I'm afraid I can't afford to pay for a few thousand yuan thing. It's really stingy."

What she doesn't know is that Lin Wanqi is not mean, but really afraid that she will be damaged.

Come here to participate in the Expo, the total amount of samples is a lot, but because there are too many kinds.

It's less alone. For example, there are only two mobile phones of different models.

If one is damaged by Zhang Chenchen, there will be no substitute for the rest.

Zhang Chenchen secretly rolled a white eye, and then carefully stirred up Lin Fan's mobile phone on display.

The appearance of this mobile phone is really good-looking, full of the sense of technology and the fashion that young people like.

The key is that the resolution of the screen is too high. Even a small piece of mobile phone has reached the definition of 16K.

In fact, this kind of high-definition mobile phone, other brand manufacturers are not without this technology.

Others can do it, but the problem is that the screen size of mobile phones is getting bigger and bigger.

The higher the resolution, the faster the refresh rate, the higher the power consumption.

Finally, it's back to the battery. Other people's homes don't have Lin Fan's abnormal super battery.

Such a high-resolution screen can be used for a few days without exhausting power consumption, which is terrible.

Zhang Chenchen held back his surprise and tried the operation of the mobile phone again, which made him feel more fluent.

As for the system, it also brings Lin Fan's own mobile phone system, which has comprehensive functions and is very user-friendly.

The key is that Lin fan has built his own mobile phone system, and he has no weakness in terms of ecology.

Normally, there will be few compatible apps for the new mobile phone system.

After all, other mobile phone systems have been developed for so many years, and they are already mature ecosystems.

Kelin fan's mobile phone system is equipped with artificial intelligence, which is fully compatible with all existing mobile phone apps.

This is even more amazing.

In fact, the smart assistant of other people's mobile phones is not smart at all. It's no fun to interact with. It's basically like chicken ribs.

It belongs to the kind of dispensable, and most customers simply can't use the smart assistant in the mobile phone.

But Lin Fan's mobile phone is not the same. Its intelligent assistant zero is against the sky.

It can do anything but have no hands or feet.

Let Zhang Chenchen think, with their dialogue is not artificial intelligence, all thought it was a real person talking to her.

Such a powerful AI is shocking.But what's more shocking is that Lin fan has realized the perfect Internet of things system.

At the beginning, it was a pity for Zhang Chenchen that such a smart AI had no hands and feet, which limited its play.

But with the deeper understanding, she finally understood that she was too anxious to draw a conclusion.

Through the mobile phone as a portable control terminal, users can do a lot of things by giving commands to zero.

For example, link to the car above, realize automatic driving, and automation and intelligence is very powerful.

Even if it's a complicated road, it can drive perfectly.

It's even more perfect than those experienced drivers.

Others, such as cooking, washing, cleaning and so on.

As long as you have Lin Fan's smart appliances, it's a piece of cake.

This scared Zhang Chenchen, especially when she saw that Lin Fan only took out a brochure, but there was no product on display.

Home intelligent housekeeper robot

Look at the picture in the brochure. It's just like a human. It's a machine with hands and feet.

You can do anything. As long as you have such a housekeeper robot, you can enjoy it when you go home, and leave other things to the housekeeper.

Zhang Chenchen was completely shocked by the future scene planned by Lin fan.

The key is that the price of these products of Lin fan is not high, which is completely in the consumption power of ordinary families.

Thinking that everyone will own these products in the future, Zhang Chenchen is a little excited.

Seeing the potential of these products, she not only wondered if she should ask her father to come over and talk about the agency with Lin fan?

But then a little frustrated, although her family belongs to the upper class, but with the real rich family is still far away.

Even Weidman, an old aristocrat, can only honestly sign a harsh agency agreement with Lin fan. Her family can't think of anything good.