Chapter 806

For these beauties in the manor at this time, Lin fan is their backbone.

Now although Lin Fan didn't appear, his words spread all over the banquet hall, which can also make all the flustered people feel at ease.

"The boss said something."

"So the boss is still here, hasn't he left?"

"Maybe it's a long-distance call. I'm still scared if I can't see my boss..."

"Yes, yes, only when I see the boss can I feel safe."

A group of beautiful women are full of gossip and feel very disappointed for Lin fan who doesn't appear.

At this time, Lin fan should appear here, and then they rush to seek comfort.

It's really disappointing that we can't find the boss at such a good opportunity.

Looking at the beauties in front of them, what they are thinking about is all Lin fan. They are injured again.

I feel that they have been abandoned by the whole world. It's really miserable.

However, for the outside situation, Wang big head three heartless, it is not worried.

From the beginning of the construction of this manor, they watched it build bit by bit.

No one is more defensive than them.

Don't mention the scene like scuffle outside. Even if there is a real war, this manor can't be easily broken into.

In fact, the outer wall that made Fang Liang despair was only the first one, and there was a second or even a third one behind it.

Even if all three walls were broken in, there was a stronger main building of the fort.

Lin Fan's manor, when designed, absorbed the architectural features of all manors and fortresses in the East and the West.

Learning from each other's strong points and complementing each other's weak points, we finally built such a fortress manor with super exaggerated defense.

Lin fan doesn't have any special hobby. He just looks at this design draft perfectly.

A magnificent super manor, or a combination of the world's most advantageous construction methods.

The key is that Lin fan is not bad for money, so he decided to build such an exaggerated manor.

In fact, we don't expect to rely on the tall and thick wall to have much defensive power. After all, the times have changed. In the era of hot firepower, any kind of defense is vulnerable.

But it happened that he met Fang Dashao who despised the enemy's carelessness, which made the original defense measures of Linfan play incisively and vividly.

In the face of the high wall, Fang Liang has no choice but to abandon the idea of attacking the manor and leave in a panic?

In the command center, it's only a matter of time before the encirclement of the Dragon Guard becomes smaller and smaller.

Xia Xuan was not happy and said: "there are still many preparations that are not used. It's rare to meet the opportunity of actual combat detection."

Lin Fan said with tears and laughter: "don't complain, just these people can use all your tricks."

Xia Xuan nodded: "but there are still some people who escaped before. What should these people do? Young master, I've arranged a defense device on the whole island. Do you want to start it now? "

Finish saying, still some small expectation of looking at Lin fan.

Lin Fan looks at the red dots scattered on the island in the screen.

Said: "these more useless don't spend what effort, Ling is not yet out, send them to solve it."

"Oh, well..." Xia Xuan is a little unhappy.

Lin fan is not only dumbfounded, but also doesn't know when Xia Xuan, who has always been like the iceberg jade lotus, has learned to be coquettish with herself.

Looking at Ling leading more than a dozen bionic robots to pursue, it is estimated that it will not take long to solve the problem.

Ling their strength is not general, in the face of these scared guys, it is estimated that it is very easy to pack up.

When the overall situation has been decided, Lin fan will no longer pay attention to the situation outside.

He said to Xia Xuan, "work harder and stay here for a while. I have to go to the banquet hall to appease the people."

"Yes, young master." Xia Xuan said cleverly.

When Lin Fan left, she quietly pressed an unknown button with a little playfulness in her eyes

Even if Lin fan is not there, he is always looking at the situation in the banquet hall.

With the scuffle outside, the whole hall was in a mess.

The eight Chengdu who attend the banquet tonight are young and beautiful little sisters, and most of them have just entered the society.

Such a frightening scene, no one is not panic.

Just by shouting a few words in the communicator, the effect is limited.

It's a good way to make people feel at ease to show up in front of people.

As the boss of these people, Lin Fan also has the responsibility to make everyone feel at ease.

As soon as she entered the banquet hall, a beautiful woman exclaimed in surprise: "the boss is back!"

"Ah, what a boss!""Hey, didn't you just say the boss ran away? Now you have nothing to say." A young lady made a mockery.

The other side immediately hit back: "I said, but it's a pity that I didn't catch the opportunity to seek comfort from the boss."

As soon as he finished, the people around him were stunned.

Then a group of beauties who reacted immediately rushed towards Linfan.

"Hey, boss, you've finally come back. People are really scared..."

"Boss, please hold, please comfort..."

"Oh, who's pushing me? Get out of the way!"

"I came first. Why should I let you?"

For a moment, the hall was in a mess again.

There are so many women that it's hard to avoid competing for favors.

It's impossible to be so kind forever. Now there are more wolves and less meat. Lin fan is a sweet cake.

In order to get a little bit of the rain and dew of Linfan, the beauties are just like the bargaining mothers in the vegetable market. They don't hesitate to put down their position and never give in.

Looking at Lin fan, who was surrounded by beautiful women, Wang Dadou wept silently in their hearts.

"Go, never come again..."

"It's so sad here. I'd better go outside for a breath..."

"That's right. It's forced feeding for single dogs. Single dogs also have human rights, OK?" Li Xiaokang followed.

"Eh..." Doubts appeared on Wang's face.

Asked: "said, I suddenly remembered that you did not have the girlfriend?"

Zhang Yida also responded: "yes, what are you doing with us when you're off the list?"

Li Xiaokang said with a smile, "well, you can't hang yourself from a tree, can you?"

"It's a fart, you fake dog, you're not with us!" he said

Zhang Yida was shocked: "lying trough, there is a traitor among us!"

Wang Datou was also filled with righteous indignation and said, "we are the real hard-working people, you are not!"

Li Xiaokang said with a bitter smile: "don't be so heartless..."

"Go away." Wang Datou and Zhang Yida put up their middle fingers together, and then walked out of the banquet hall holding each other's shoulders.

The back is very desolate