Chapter 750

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
"Why save me? If you want to use me, I hope to get a reasonable explanation. I don't believe that the famous son of God, the great chief, had no purpose in saving me with so much effort. " Looking at the chief who was over 60 years old, but still as straight as a giant fir tree, without any old appearance, Napoleon was slightly surprised in his heart, and then said these words indifferently.

Stone bear is also a little excited. After all, this man is Napoleon, alive

Alexander the great, Hannibal bacca, Caesar the great, and Napoleon Bonaparte, who established the great empire of pressure mountain, are recognized as the four major Western militarists in the world. The first three stone bears think that they can't see it in their lifetime, but now they can see the living Napoleon, which is also extremely rare, OK?

Looking at the man with a sharp and angular face, he could be regarded as a middle-aged handsome pot, but he was one meter seven at most. Shi Xiong laughed and did not answer Napoleon's question. Instead, he pushed the porcelain cup in front of him and said with a gentle smile: "you don't have to worry about anything when you come here. There are some things we can talk about slowly... Well, would you like to taste the coffee I made myself first? "

Just now, when his Majesty the big chief was making coffee, Napoleon's nose was constantly expanding. It seemed that he had never smelled the smell of coffee since he was imprisoned on that damned island

The little giant suddenly showed a smile on his face, shook his head slightly, lifted the cup in front of him, then took a sip, and his face suddenly showed a look of intoxication.

"Well... Very authentic low-temperature coffee... Your majesty, how do you know that I like this taste of coffee?"

The stone bear smiles but doesn't answer. Instead, he says, "this is the best coffee bean from the blue mountains in Eastern Jamaica. Well, it's worth mentioning that the coffee here was planted on Jamaica island at the order of King Louis XV of France a hundred years ago... If you like, you can bring more when you return to Europe. "

Of course, stone bear knows that Napoleon's favorite drink in his life is this kind of low-temperature submerged roasted coffee. In his military life, except for the period when he was finally imprisoned, coffee was almost inseparable from this great giant, especially low-temperature submerged roasted coffee.

Napoleon once said, "a considerable amount of low-temperature light roasted coffee will excite me and give me extraordinary strength at the same time." This is enough to prove the attraction of low-temperature roasted coffee to the emperor.

However, after he became the emperor of the first French Empire, he was rarely able to drink coffee made from coffee beans from Jamaica, because Jamaica island had become the territory of the great Chinese Empire

In front of him, his majesty, a huge and frightening chief, did not answer the question about coffee, but Napoleon heard a more important message from what he said just now, "Your Majesty, do you mean to send me back to Europe?"

The stone bear smiled again and magically took out a box of refined cigarettes from his pocket. He took out two of them. One of them was held in his mouth and the other was handed to Napoleon. "Do you want to taste the cigarettes made of the top tobacco leaves in our empire? This kind of cigarette will not appear in Europe. "

Napoleon also smokes. Although he is not a heavy smoker, he really smokes. Stone bear also knows this.

Napoleon was stunned for a moment, and then he began to laugh. He took the cigarette and put it on his mouth. He went up to the match lit by the stone bear and lit the cigarette in his mouth.

After a good puff, Napoleon praised: "this kind of cigarette is really delicious. I can hardly taste such a mellow cigarette in Europe."

The stone bear also took a puff of smoke, spit out a turn of smoke in his lungs, and then seriously said: "Mr. Bonaparte, if you want to go back to Europe and your motherland, I will give you all-round support!"

"Call me Napoleon." Napoleon took another puff. "Your Majesty, I just want to find out why you do it." The question goes back to the one Napoleon asked at the beginning of their meeting.

"Nothing for what, Napoleon. I just think it's unfair for you to die on that island if you are such an outstanding figure. I don't like to see a great militarist like you die on that island... "

Napoleon narrowed his smoky eyes slightly, waved his hand and said, "Your Highness, don't say that kind of empty head and brain between us. And how do you know I can't get out of that island? How do you know I'm going to die on that island? "

The stone bear smiles. "I not only know that you can't escape from that island by virtue of you or the power you accept, but also know that if I don't save you, you will die on that island. And I know your specific time and way of death. Do you want to hear it? "

"Er..." Napoleon's face showed a trace of embarrassment. How could he not hear the affirmative tone of the big chief in front of him?

"If he didn't save me, I would really die on that island..." as soon as the idea came into being, Napoleon heard the big chief say with certainty: "if I didn't save you, you would die in the Longwood manor where you lived four years later, on May 5, 1821, After you die, you will be buried by your entourage beside the tobette spring on that isolated island, but your body will be taken back to Paris in 1840 and finally buried by the Seine River. "

Looking at Napoleon's more and more ugly face, the stone bear's mouth slightly pulled and continued: "I guess you don't believe it. After all, you are only 48 years old. Even when you die, you are only 52 years old. You won't believe that you will die at this age. But what I want to tell you is that if I don't save you, you will surely die, because you died of poisoning! "

This changed Napoleon's face

"Ha ha, now you must be very strange in your heart. How do I know all this?"

Napoleon obediently nodded, before he had been trying to keep the kind of strong, before this words completely defeated.

"I think you should have heard about my experience. You should know that I was personally instructed by the supreme Sun God when I was very young. Believe it or not, it is true, otherwise I would not lead my people to build such a huge empire in half a century, because my eyes can see through the future, because I know what you have not experienced. Including your death