Chapter 726

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
The shelling of Colonel de Carroll's fortress lasted only five minutes, and a huge white flag was raised inside the fortress.

The scouts immediately sent the news to the rear, and then the shelling stopped.

When the big troops drove past, Kuaima, as the commander, found that there were only less than 200 people left in the fortress who could barely stand. The other Spanish soldiers were either dead or seriously injured and were about to die

Looking at these poor Spanish soldiers, Kuaima let them go with a wave of his big hand.

"I think you'd better run to your new Spanish governor's district capital immediately, and you'd better not stop running anywhere, and then continue to run, because we will continue to march to your governor's district capital later. Moreover, I don't think your governor Moya can resist our artillery, so please cherish your own lives... "

This is the original words of Kuaima, and then the remaining 200 Spanish soldiers who could barely stand ran south. When Kuaima stood on the wall of the fortress city and saw that some of the Spanish officers had pulled out dozens of horses in another fortress, his face finally showed a smile.

Kuaima clearly remembers that before he came here, the big bear had repeatedly explained to his bone spear that it was inevitable to attack the Spanish, but try not to cause too many casualties. Our aim is to occupy the Spanish colonies, not to kill the Spanish soldiers.

Moreover, if the Spanish soldiers are killed too much, it will easily cause strong resistance from the Spanish, which is not in line with the strategic purpose of the stormy bear army.

It is for this reason that Kuaima let go of these disabled soldiers. Kuaima wants to use these people's mouths to scare the Spanish garrison in those cities and fortresses in the south.

Only these Spanish soldiers who have personally experienced the power of the bear army's artillery can truly describe the strength of the bear army.

Want to know? Then you don't need a headiron, just run away! Of course, if you are not afraid of losing your life, just stick to it. The fierce bear army will use powerful firepower to let you know what the taste of death is like.

The same thing happened in emosiyo, west of the West Madre mountains.

In the previous life of the stone bear, emosiyo was the capital of Sonora, the northern province of Mexico. The city, like Chihuahua, has a long history. Long ago, it was a tribal gathering place of the local Indian aborigines.

Then the Spaniards came and began to explore north along the west coast. After the Spanish discovered this tribe in a very good position, they built a strong fortress here, and then this fortress, together with Chihuahua to the east of the West Madre mountains, became two important trade centers in the northern part of the new Spanish viceroy.

The second division attacked south from the West Road under the leadership of bone spear. The first Spanish fortress that the second division met was emosiyo.

Emosiyo is only about 100 kilometers away from the sea, but if bonmo has seen the terrain of Chihuahua, he will be surprised to find that the terrain of emosiyo is very similar to that of Chihuahua.

Emosiyo, like Chihuahua, has a huge flat terrain, but in the center of the city, there are also several hills with a height of one or two hundred meters, and emosiyo's Fort de la campanacero is built on one of the hills with a relative altitude of more than one hundred meters.

Emosiyo doesn't have two fortresses like Chihuahua. There is only one fortress in the city called de la campanacero.

Spaniards are like this. They like to name places after people. It is estimated that the fortress of emosiyo is no different from that of Chihuahua. They are all named after someone who built the fortress.

Like Chihuahua, when the army of the second division came down to the city, the native Indians and Spanish merchants who lived there ran away as early as the frightened rabbits, but the Spanish soldiers stationed here couldn't, so less than 700 Spanish soldiers suffered the same treatment as Chihuahua's troops.

Under the bombardment of the artillery regiment of the second division, these unfortunate Spanish garrison did not even hold on for five minutes, but raised the white flag.

Bonspear did the same thing as the horse, and let go of the remaining Spanish soldiers.

Then, no matter the spear in the West or the horse in the East, they continued to lead the army all the way south.

Not to mention, the practice of bone spear and fast horse played a great deterrent role. The Spanish soldiers who were released fled all the way to the south. Everywhere they went, they had to publicize the strength of the army of the Great China empire. We can't do without publicizing it. We can't do without highlighting the strength of the army of the Great China empire. They really can't beat others. How can we explain their escape?

Officers and brothers, it's not that we want to escape. The army of the Great China empire is too strong to resist them. My concubines can't do it

In particular, there was also a commander in chief who escaped from Chihuahua. When Spanish garrisons in other places saw a commander with dozens of miserable colleagues, even if the deserters did not speak, the garrisons in other places were afraid.

How can we resist such a powerful army?

In the words of the commander, resistance can be resisted as long as you are not afraid of death. Anyway, I won't resist here. I want to escape to Mexico City, and then I can't escape or go back to Spain by boat.

It's too dangerous here. I won't play any more

All the way south, the eastern army won several small Spanish fortresses almost bloodlessly. However, when passing toreon, Kuaima gave the order to wash the land for the city with artillery.

In fact, as early as before the operation on the new Spanish governor area, the stone bear once specifically told Kuaima that you should not cause huge damage to other fortresses or cities as far as possible, but there is only one city, which is called Torreon. As long as you meet this city, you will level that City for me!

In fact, if it wasn't for Shi Xiong, he would like to level the city with his soldiers.

No one else, because the city is still involved in the past life of stone bear. To be exact, in the past life of stone bear, he and the city share a hatred, a hatred that has lasted for more than 100 years but has not been solved