Chapter 723

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
In the original historical time and space, Carlos III died on December 14, 1788.

Next year, that is, July 14, 1789, the Bastille will be occupied, which will open the curtain of the French Revolution. In the following years, when the influence of the French Revolution continued, a great short man stepped on the stage of history

All in all, from the end of this year, the whole of Europe will be in a very turbulent era, lasting for as long as 30 years!

This is also a good time for the Great China empire.

According to the news that Carlos III was seriously ill in bed, rabbit mouth's intelligence agency has submitted accurate information, and the high-level of the Great China Empire also knows that Spain is now in a leaderless situation.

But no one knows about the French Revolution.

And through the illness of Carlos III, we can also understand that his existence has not affected some things that should have happened in the original historical time and space.

It is because of this consideration that the stone bear will definitely prepare to attack Spain four months in advance.

In fact, just when the Empire regained the chenuks, King George III once again sent count cyrencester to the Great China Empire to discuss many things with the stone bear.

For the UK, the most important thing now is not North America, but to solve the increasingly serious problem of overcapacity at home.

Although the failure of the war of Independence made the British very unwilling, with the strong establishment of the Great China Empire, the British were very wise to know that there was no hope of establishing a colony from North America.

In fact, the British at this time were not enthusiastic about keeping Canada.

In the original historical time and space, Britain and the United States had a big trouble because of Canada.

In the original historical time and space, when the war of Independence ended and several parties signed the Paris peace treaty, the ownership of Canada was not clear. In the eyes of the Americans, they have won the war of independence, and Canada has not obediently joined the United States?

Because of the failure of the war of independence, the British lost the idea of keeping Canada.

At that time, both the British and Americans believed that Canada's accession to the United States of America was a certainty.

Unexpectedly, Canadians refused to join the United States, but chose to continue to be loyal to the king of England

But in this time and space, Canada has been occupied by the great Chinese Empire, and Britain did not expect to keep Canada, so for the British, their interests in the new continent of North America have almost been lost.

In this case, it is obviously not worth the loss if we want to fight against the powerful Chinese Empire again. Coupled with the increasing domestic inflation, the British people urgently need to find a new market to sell their domestic products.

In fact, the root cause of the Opium War in the original historical time and space was that the British wanted to find a new market for the excess domestic productivity.

Although the pressure of domestic inflation in the UK is less than half a century later, it is already quite stressful for the top management in the UK.

And if there is no more deviation in history, in October this year, George III rode in the rain and fell off his horse. He not only talked nonsense, but also talked with an oak tree for a long time, which led to the famous "oak incident"

After the oak incident, George III will fall into a serious mental illness, and Britain will start to mess.

Now George III's mental illness has not yet occurred, so he is still a wise king. He sent salense to negotiate with the Great China empire. He intended to give up Britain's possible interests in North America, so as to gain the growing market of the Great China empire.

Of course, for Bermuda, the British don't want to give up, so they need to negotiate.

The result of the negotiation is still very good.

The Great China Empire promised to open up markets for imitations and daily necessities to Britain, and Britain also promised to import raw materials such as steel, cement, grain, tobacco and cotton from the Great China empire.

In fact, in the current situation of the Great China Empire, many things can not be self-sufficient, so import is necessary.

At this time, Britain showed their sincerity. At the strong request of stone bear, salensester said that Britain would not intervene in the Empire's recovery of Mexico, Panama and the West Indies. At the same time, Bermuda was returned to the great Chinese Empire.

The choice made by the British is undoubtedly very wise, and the development in the future also makes the British high-level secretly celebrate today's choice.

Now that Britain is no longer involved in the Empire's recovery of Mexico, Panama and the West Indies, the French are doomed to have no time to consider other things next year, and the Spanish will come to power as a new monarch who can no longer be dazzled. Then the empire can freely recover the land it wants.

Just as the Empire was about to start fighting Mexico and the West Indies at the same time, the good news came from Norfolk shipyard. Three Cherokee class warships were successfully launched and completed the sea trial.

Three more Cherokee class warships were added to the Imperial Navy.

So far, the navy of the Great China Empire has 14 steel warships, including seven Cherokee class warships and seven Carlos class warships.

So the stone bear decided to send a fleet of seven Cherokee class warships and 22 sail armed merchant ships to the West Indies to assist the five regiments of the first division of the bear army to capture the West Indies.

It is worth mentioning that most of the 22 sail armed merchant ships are British

The remaining seven Carlos class warships will cooperate with four airships to protect the east coast during the war.

The remaining five regiments of the first division, as well as the second and eighth divisions, will attack Mexico by land and push all the way to Panama.

At this time, it's useless to make any more sense.

The most important strategy of the empire is to recover Mexico, Panama and the West Indies. Whoever dares to stand in the way will be destroyed. It's true that Spain had a good relationship with the Great China empire before, but in the face of the fundamental interests of the country, this kind of good relationship is scum.

What happened to Spain? Spain is not the same as it was two centuries ago. The Great China Empire did not have any pressure to deal with this country.

At the beginning of July, the five regiments of the first division, the second division and the eighth division, under the leadership of the commander-in-chief of the army and the four-star general Kuaima, began to attack the new Spanish viceroy of the kingdom of Spain in two ways.

The center of the two armies is the Madre mountains in the west, the second division led by four-star general Gu Mao in the west, and half of the first division and the eighth division led by Kuaima in the East.

The army's target is Mexico City to the south!