Chapter 705

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
The more you go to the center of the city, the higher level of the United fleet will find that the city is different. There are a lot of buildings that they don't even know what they are doing. They only know the function of these buildings after asking, which also makes these bumpkins marvel.

For example, they see that there is always a building with a large area on both sides of the main road at a certain distance from the intersection of another auxiliary road. This kind of building is painted with white lime, and has two doors and several windows. The most curious thing is that there is a blue mark on the door frames of the two doors of this building. The blue mark on one door is a villain, and the mark on the other door seems to be a villain in a skirt

Of course, they don't know this is a public toilet, because in this era, there is no such thing as a public toilet in Europe

Public toilets have appeared in China for a long time, but they did not appear in major European cities or even in the capital, even at the end of the 18th century.

In fact, in ancient Rome, there were so-called public toilets in Europe. In those days, the ancient Greeks, who loved beauty by nature, invented the decorative chamber pot. They loved to take it with them at banquets and travel.

But the ancient Romans were different. They paid attention to reality, so they invented sewers. However, sewers were not available to everyone. The use of sewers required a license, and the license was expensive. Therefore, only a few rich families could have this sanitation, and ordinary Roman families could only use public toilets.

However, the sanitary facilities of this so-called public toilet are very poor. People have to endure the feces coming back from the upstream. This kind of public toilet is even worse than the dry toilet in China. Therefore, this kind of public toilet is not really a public toilet in the true sense.

This situation could not be changed, so the Romans did not use public toilets much. When they were at home, they would use a simple earthen pot as a night pot, and then pour the excrement out of the window.

For more than a thousand years, people didn't feel that it was wrong to follow this move. Instead, they formed the habit of gentlemen walking on the left side of women, because they could block the "dirty rain" from flying in the air at any time

The more common phenomenon is that people urinate and defecate on the streets. It is a very common phenomenon in almost all European cities, including London, Paris, Madrid, Rome and other capital cities at this time

This poor sanitation led to the outbreak of the black death in the middle ages, which killed a third of the people in Europe in just a few years. Therefore, it was not until the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century that the European view of toilets changed significantly. The excretion phenomenon, which used to be regarded as inevitable, became a hidden function. Although the phenomenon of overcrowding and stinking was increasing, fortunately, people finally learned to find a hiding place for potties!

Although the outbreak of the industrial revolution led to a population explosion, public toilets still did not appear at this time, and the streets of many European cities were still full of garbage and feces. But now in some countries, the location of the dunghill will be marked on the city map. This is the opportunity for the emergence of public toilets in the real sense

In a word, if you haven't seen London or Paris in this era, you can't imagine how messy these famous cities are. It's no exaggeration to say that the slums of ah San are much better than those of London or Paris in this era!

So, when these bumpkins saw that this kind of public toilet is specially prepared for the common people, and it's still so neat, these guys are all in a mess.

In their capacity, they naturally use luxurious private toilets, but here, these public toilets for the common people really open their eyes. It also makes them feel that their country is backward.

The appearance of the city is not only neat, but also it seems that the city is holding some festivals. There are colorful lanterns everywhere and colorful banners everywhere. It looks very beautiful.

Colonel Ferguson, who had lived in the tall tree tribe for several years, knew some tribal habits. He asked, "boss, is green valley festival celebrated here?"

The stone bear smiles and shakes his head slightly. "Pat, the Green Valley Festival is over. Now Shangjing is going to hold the most important ceremony in the whole tribal history, so the whole residents of Shangjing are in action. They want to contribute to this important ceremony."

Ferguson was stunned for a moment, then realized that today is early October, and the Green Valley Festival is usually held in late September. He wanted to continue to ask, but finally he shook his head and didn't ask again.

The more you go to the center of the city, the more intense the festive atmosphere becomes. You can even see Indians singing and dancing on the roadside from time to time. Of course, more people are standing on the roadside cheering towards the motorcade. However, it was clear to all that the cheering was not directed at them. The only object of cheering was the chief who opened the carriage window and waved to the people after entering the city.

Obviously, the great chief's prestige is very high, and he is very popular with the people. They can clearly feel this from the fanatical expression on people's faces.

The motorcade soon arrived at a huge courtyard not far from the giant bear palace. When they got out of the car, they found that there were several buildings of different shapes in this large courtyard, but they could see that the construction of this huge courtyard was not long, and it might even have been completed in a few days, because in some corners, They can even see some scattered construction waste that hasn't been cleaned up yet.

"Welcome to our Yanhuang tribe's state guesthouse," he said with a smile. This state guesthouse is a special place for tribal guests. In the next few days, you will all live here. I hope you will like it here. "

Under the guidance of the guide staff, people walked into the State Guesthouse and were immediately overwhelmed by the scenery inside.

This huge courtyard is not as resplendent and solemn as those castles or palaces in Europe. The whole courtyard is like an artificial Park, full of a natural atmosphere everywhere. To be exact, this huge courtyard is more like the Royal Garden of the mysterious country in the East.

Some buildings with different shapes are cleverly hidden in the garden, which is very comfortable with the overall landscape of the garden, and also brings them a kind of harmony that they have never felt before. They almost like it all at once.

After arranging these people, Shi Xiong gathered the top leaders in Shangjing to report the preparations for the ceremony in a few days to the chief, the son of God