Chapter 697

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
Under the surveillance of the first division and the second division of the bear army, and witnessed by the United Fleet of Britain, France and the west, about 12000 American soldiers trapped in New York surrendered.

To this end, the three countries also provided a large number of cruisers to transport these surrender soldiers.

However, the sailors of the three countries' joint fleet all found that the American soldiers who surrendered did not feel depressed or out of their wits. On the contrary, their faces were full of happy smiles.

And everyone can see that the happiness of these soldiers is absolutely from the heart.

In other words, the United States of America is now independent, but because there is no Xie's uprising, the United States of America is not really a country in the true sense. At best, it can only be regarded as a loose political and economic union.

So these American soldiers don't have a sense of national honor.

Moreover, these soldiers are not like the soldiers of European powers, they are real soldiers after vocational training. Most of the soldiers of the United States used to be peasants, small handicraftsmen and bankrupts. Even during the war of independence, the so-called main forces of the army were mostly composed of militia and guerrillas.

In the eyes of those high-level Americans, these soldiers are actually like night pots. They can use them when they use them and kick them away when they don't need them.

This is not nonsense, but at the beginning of the independence of the United States of America, the mainland soldiers who made great contributions in those years were in such a state that some soldiers who made great contributions and retired were even more severely exploited after they returned home.

Otherwise, in the original historical time and space, there would not be an outbreak of the Xie Si uprising.

Now, these 12000 American soldiers are not regular troops either, and after they learn about Boston and Charleston, can you expect these soldiers to work hard for the American high level?

You're kidding!

Before, these soldiers fought against Britain with watsonton because they had no way to go. In addition, they suddenly found that the British were not as powerful as they thought, and they also had the help of France, the West and the Netherlands, so these soldiers persisted.

But what's the situation now? In the land where they live, near the city where they live, there is an aboriginal tribe stronger than Britain. There is no barrier between them and this tribe, and the force of this aboriginal tribe is so powerful that it is frightening.

No one wants to die, especially these soldiers are very clear that the only result of confrontation with Yanhuang tribe is that when they die, who is willing to lose their lives?

So when the Yanhuang tribe allowed these soldiers to surrender, they were naturally in high spirits.

It's better to be able to save your life than anything. No one will be sad when they know that they can save their life

Accompanied by a group of tribal leaders, stone bear stood on the West Bank of the Hudson River, watching the ships busy transporting these American soldiers back and forth on the wide Hudson River, with a touch of relief and faint pride on his face.

I have been preparing for this day for 23 years, from hunchuang to longmaoniu in 1764, to gaoshu in 1765, and now in the autumn of 1787. The 16-year-old boy who was in a muddle at that time has now become a 40 year old middle-aged man.

It is enough to be able to see the scene with your own eyes.

As long as the British retreat, and then kill the Americans, then the rudiment of a huge empire has been completely formed.

In the original historical time and space, there has never been a regime formed by Indians on the whole North American road. Now, that's about to change!

And all this is achieved in their own hands, they are entitled to pride!

Even if the United Fleet ships were used to transport 12000 soldiers, even if the Hudson River was only two kilometers wide, it would take a whole day to transport them from the West Bank to the east bank.

These American soldiers will be disbanded immediately after they are transported to the East Bank of the river. They will go back to their own homes and find their own mothers. Well, if anyone wants to stay, stone bear doesn't mind cutting off some people's scalp to build power.

These veterans who have participated in the war are all unstable elements, and they will be monitored by special personnel in the future. As long as these veterans don't have any idea of insurrection, the stone bear doesn't mind their living here.

If these veterans do something like Xie Si, Shi Xiong doesn't mind killing these people either.

It's still the same sentence - kindness does not command the army.

When these American soldiers were all transported, the next morning, the high-level of Yanhuang tribe and the high-level of the United Fleet came to the New York fort at the south end of Manhattan Island.

When New York is mentioned in later generations, it is estimated that no one on this planet does not know. But now, although New York is about to catch up with Philadelphia, it is far from the size of the world's largest city.

In historical records, the first European to discover new York was Giovanni davelazano of Florence, Italy. In 1524, this guy, who was clearly Italian but loyal to France, entered the port area of New York on the "Princess", declared it owned by France, and named it new angoulem.

At the beginning of the 17th century, the Dutch Henry Hudson came to New York and found that it was a good place for fur trading. After returning home, Henry Hudson vigorously promoted it, and then a large number of Dutch came. They established a fur trading station on the island of garfunas, which completely opened the era of European colonization of New York.

The famous Hudson River is named after Henry Hudson.

In 1651, the Anglo Dutch war broke out. In 1664, the British fleet arrived in New York, which was also called "New Netherland". The Dutch knew that they could not beat the British, so they took the initiative to give up New Netherland. At that time, Charles II, the king of England, handed over this place to his brother Charles Stewart, the Duke of York. As a result, the Duke of York moved his territory from Yorkshire to New Netherland, and changed the name of this place to "New York", namely "New York".

It is worth mentioning that the crown prince, the first successor of the king of England, is often granted the title of Prince of Wales. Because Yorkshire, located in the north of England, is the largest county in England, the second son of the king has always been granted the title of "Duke of York".

When the stone bear crossed, Prince Andrew, the second son of the queen of England, was the Duke of York at that time. Prince Andrew's eldest brother is Prince Charles.

Now, stone bear has finally set foot on this land which is famous in later generations. He is about to accept the surrender and dissolution ceremony of the United States of America here!