Chapter 663

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
After the arrival of the era of great navigation in Europe, there was a saying that was deeply recognized by the high-level figures of the European powers - sea war is the bottomless hole of money, land war is the bottomless hole of human life!

And the four-year offensive and defensive war of gibraltarian, whether it was a sea war or a land war, happened.

Although the British rely on strong fortress to avoid casualties as much as possible, but in order to feed the British garrison in gibraltarian fortress, the main force of the Royal Navy and the French Spanish joint fleet had to be rigid.

The Spanish were the main French Spanish fleet besieging gibraltarian fortress, while the Royal French Navy only played an auxiliary role. Its main fleet was still cruising in the Atlantic Ocean to cut off supplies from Britain to the new North American continent.

This strategy is undoubtedly very correct, because it can make the main fleet of the Royal Navy unable to separate.

For the British, the thirteen colonies of the new North American continent and the fortresses of gibraltarian are the fish and bear paws in front of them.

Both of them wanted it, but the problem was that the war of independence and the offensive and defensive war in gibraltarian consumed a lot of British Treasury. Britain, which has just ended the seven-year war for less than 20 years, has not even replenished its national treasury. An independent war, which is no less costly than the seven-year war, broke out, followed by the attack and defense war of gibraltarian fortress, which is more costly.

The British have run out of pounds in their pocket. If it goes on like this, the British will really be big thumbs picking their nose!

So, in this case, the British have to make a choice between fish and bear paw.

There can only be one between the thirteen colonies of North America and the fortress of gibraltarian!

For this reason, high-level meetings are held almost every day in London's Westminster Palace, and George III, the third king of Hanover, sits almost every day on the throne of Westminster Palace, which is paved with red velvet, decorated with gold and diamonds, and inlaid with Gothic canopy at the top of the upper house of Parliament, to discuss with the high-level of the kingdom.

Sometimes, senior members of the British Parliament will be called to their bedroom by George III, that is, the Buckingham Palace of later generations.

In a word, Britain is the most powerful country on the European continent at this time, but they are also in dire straits at this time.

No matter how strong Britain is, it can not choose half of Europe alone. Moreover, at this time, it is different from the past. The strong Britain has made the whole Europe start to fear, so now no European powers are willing to help Britain.

There is no eternal enemy, only eternal interests!

For the sake of their own national interests, the European powers are very willing to see the powerful British make a big fall. It would be better if they were to fall from then on.

Britain, deep in the center of the vortex, and King George III of England, naturally understand the current situation.

They do not want to be reduced to second rate countries in Europe like Spain and Holland because of these two wars. Britain still wants to maintain its position as the first power in Europe. But in order to keep this position, Britain had to choose between the thirteen colonies in North America and the fortress of gibraltarian.

In fact, by this time, George III had the idea of giving up the thirteen colonies of North America, which had fought for eight years.

George III, who was sitting on the throne, looked at the noisy members below, and his thoughts suddenly drifted to another aspect.

Eight years of war has already destroyed the thirteen colonies. Even if Britain finally wins the war of independence, it will take a long time for the thirteen colonies to recover.

Not to mention through the information collected from the thirteen colonies, there is a more powerful Indian tribe rising in the Midwest of that vast continent.

Even George III was frightened by the terror of that Indian tribe. In particular, the three short and fierce unilateral massacres in Chesapeake Bay made George III deeply afraid of this powerful tribe.

But it happened that the powerful Indian tribe actually sat firmly in Diaoyutai during the war of independence, which made George III deeply feel that the "Yanhuang tribe" was unusual.

George III understood very well that with the force shown by the Yanhuang tribe, if they wanted to recover the thirteen colonies in North America, Britain would have no resistance at all. Even if Britain put France, Spain, the Netherlands and Prussia on the same continent, it might not be the rival of the Yanhuang tribe.

The vast Atlantic Ocean is the natural barrier of that tribe!

Although the Yanhuang tribe is now friendly enough to Britain, who knows what the tribe will eventually think?

In case... In case that tribe intends to take back the thirteen colonies, even if Britain finally wins the war, it will not be able to resist the attack of Yanhuang tribe.

George III shivered at the thought.

Another is that even if the 13 colonies in North America are lost, Britain still has East India and many colonies in Africa. And thirteen years ago, in 1770, on that huge continent in the Pacific Ocean, a new colony, new Wales, was founded

George III, who was still wandering, could not help but smile when he thought of the new colony named new Wales by the lovely Captain Cook, but then sighed.

In 1768, the ninth year of George III's accession to the throne, George III personally appointed James Cook as the captain of the endeavor and ordered him to explore the Pacific Ocean.

As a result, the famous Captain Cook did not disappoint George III either. He not only established settlements in New Zealand, but also established a new Welsh colony on the continent to the west of New Zealand.

When Captain Cook returned to England in 1771, because of his great achievements, George III even promoted Captain Cook from a Navy Lieutenant to a Navy Lieutenant Commander, and Captain Cook was also personally praised by George III!

Later, Captain Cook explored the Pacific Ocean twice in a row. Unfortunately, during his third exploration, the legendary captain was killed by a group of aborigines in Hawaii

If it wasn't for Captain Cook's death, which was the hardest time of the war of independence and the year when Spain declared war on Britain, George III would have sent a fleet to kill all the aborigines in Hawaii.

"It's a pity..." George III remembered captain cook who was very suitable for his own taste in an inaudible voice, and then his thoughts returned to normal.

The members at the bottom are still quarreling. They say they want to give up the fort of gibraltarian and protect the thirteen colonies. They say they want to protect the fort of gibraltarian, and they say they want to insist on both places

In any case, it was so black that George III was very upset.

He coughed hard, and it was quiet.

George III stood up, looked at the members and gentlemen below, and then said in a low voice, "I have decided to mobilize most of our strength from today on. We must keep the fort of gibraltarian..."

Dear readers, this book has entered the closing stage. Lao Mo is here to ask for a recommendation ticket. Thank you!