Chapter 656

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
"Sir, there's a boat with a British flag at the mouth of the river. The people on it say they want to see you." A messenger knocked on the door of Dahe's office and told him the news.

As soon as Dahe heard this, he was happy and said with a smile: "it seems that the British can't carry it... Let's go and meet them."

When the river rode to the No.1 wharf of the Elizabeth River, he saw from a distance that an inland river transport ship was slowly approaching.

It's really the British flag on board. At this time, although the British flag was also a meter flag, it was still different from the meter flag of later generations.

During the war of independence, Ireland had not yet merged with England. Now England has only merged with Scotland. Therefore, the British flag is now made up of the 100 flags of St. George's Cross in England and the St. Andrew's flag in Scotland. It is composed of a red cross on a blue background and a white cross.

After the river transport ship approached, Dahe found that all the weapons on the ship had been removed. Obviously, the British were also afraid of causing misunderstanding, so they simply dismantled all the guns on the ship to show that they were not here to find fault.

When major Fogg and Colonel Jackson walked down from the dock together, Dahe laughed and welcomed them. They gave major Fogg a very warm hug.

They have known each other for a long time. When Dahe was ordered to lead the fourth division to Norfolk, Fogg, then a major, would lead the trading team to Norfolk from time to time. At that time, Norfolk had not completely blocked the Europeans, so the trade could still be carried out. Therefore, Dahe and Fogg had known each other for a long time, and they had a good relationship. They had drunk more than ten times.

However, due to the establishment of Norfolk's Shipyard and industrial base, Norfolk was upgraded to the east capital. In order to keep secrets, stone bear ordered Norfolk to ban all transactions with the colonists, and Dahe and Fogg rarely met.

When Dahe went to Chesapeake Bay for inspection on an inland river armed transport ship, he occasionally met Lieutenant Colonel Fogg, but they just said hello from a long distance.

"Aduh, my old man, what are you doing here? This is... "Dahe's natural greeting. With Shi Xiong for a long time, Dahe learned English long ago. He led the army in Norfolk alone these years. He used to contact with colonists, so he has been learning this language hard. Although he is not very proficient now, he can express his meaning clearly by speaking slowly.

The enthusiasm of Dahe made Lieutenant Colonel Fogg a little flattered. In front of him, this is a high-ranking officer of Cherokee, who holds great power. He is much better than his lieutenant commander stationed in Jamestown. However, Fogg said enthusiastically: "Dahe, this is my colleague, Colonel Phil Jackson, the highest military officer stationed in North Yorktown. Phil, this is Mr. Dahe. He's a real general

This famous basketball coach, who led Michael Jordan and OK to establish three NBA dynasties, has the same name. Although he knew Dahe's name for a long time, he still paid a military salute to him seriously, and Dahe also gave a different salute.

The British military etiquette is to raise the right hand, palm outward, the military etiquette of the fierce bear army is the same as that of the later generation soldiers.

But the two are similar.

After the ceremony, Dahe shook hands with Jackson and then asked, "aduh, what are you doing here with colonel Jackson?"

Colonel Jackson naturally has no opinion about this different title. He knows that his colleague has a good personal relationship with the general in front of him, so this time he came here to negotiate mainly with Fogg.

Colonel Fogg looked around with a look of embarrassment on his face. Seeing this, Dahe shook his head, laughed, slowed down and said, "ah, I'm really sorry this time. Because of the military exercise, Norfolk has been completely closed. This is an order from our chief himself. You have also seen our great chief, the son of God, so you should know that his orders are absolutely inviolable. So I'm sorry, I can't take you out of the dock area today. Let's talk about anything here. "

With that, the river waved to the soldiers of sergeant bear who were on guard around him. These soldiers immediately turned around and left here, standing far away outside the dock area with guns.

With all that said, Fogg would not and did not dare to object.

As Dahe said, he really saw the terrible chief with his own eyes, and talked with the chief several times. Naturally, he knew the stone bear's indisputable habit.

"Well, let's talk about it here." Fogg did not force, "Dahe, Phil and I are here to talk with you about whether we can lift the blockade on Chesapeake Bay? You've sealed off the Bay, and our ships can't get in and out, which affects the daily life of Jamestown and Yorktown! And now those damned traitors are also eyeing these two fortresses. If we don't have the help of the Navy, I'm worried about the safety of these two fortresses. Therefore, I would like to ask you to lift the blockade of the Gulf, let our naval warships enter the Gulf and help us... "

Fogg was interrupted by the river who had been listening attentively without hesitation before he finished his words. "I'm sorry, Colonel Jackson, for your request, please forgive me for not being able to meet you. The orders of military exercises and total martial law are issued by our great son of God, the chief. In our tribe, no one dares to disobey the orders of the son of God, the chief. So, I'm sorry I can't promise you this. "

One side of the captain Jackson a little anxious to insert a sentence: "Dear general River, as far as I know, when the great son of God chief asked for Norfolk from Captain James Jones, he did not say that he wanted the whole bay mouth down. At the beginning, Colonel Jones and the chief, the son of God, said that the center line of the Gulf should be the boundary, and the South should belong to you and the north to us. Over the years, when our ships enter and leave the Bay, they always go to the north and never cross the center line. We always get along well. But now you do this, it seems to violate the original oral agreement! And the day before yesterday, you sank one of our merchant ships for no reason. This... "

Dahe glanced at Jackson and shook his head slightly. "Don't forget, Mr. Colonel, you are the outsiders. We are the masters of this continent."

As soon as this sentence was uttered, Fogg felt a thump in his heart. He immediately pulled Jackson's coat. Jackson, who had wanted to refute, immediately realized something, sighed and stopped talking