Chapter 625

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
Stone bear didn't see the battle in Saratoga with his own eyes. He just knew the situation there through a steady stream of radio telegrams from there.

As early as after ohamaka ordered the shelling of Barry St. Redge's West Route Army, soldiers from the reconnaissance battalion of the mixed ninth division came out.

These elite soldiers, who were originally scouts and later renamed as scouts, worked in groups of several people, each with a radio station. Thanks to the successful research and development of dry batteries, the radios used by the soldiers of the stormy bear army now use dry batteries as the power supply, and they no longer need to use hand-held generators to power the radios as they did a few years ago.

In this way, the size and weight of the radio station will be greatly reduced, so that two people can carry a set of radio stations - one soldier carries a radio, and the other soldier carries a dry battery.

The soldiers of the reconnaissance battalion had no other task. He was responsible for following the troops of St. Redge all the way, and then telling the commander in the rear what they saw by radio from a distance.

For example, the first telegram sent back by the soldiers of the reconnaissance battalion was very simple - at noon on September 13, near oriscany, 4000 British people found the 1500 army in ambush and defeated it, with little loss.

It's just a few simple words that explain what happened to St. Redge in oriscany.

In the original historical time and space, St. Redge's troops were ambushed by the army in oriscany. In the end, St. Redge was beaten and fled westward. He did not meet with bogain as planned, which eventually led to bogain being made dumplings by Horatio gates.

But in this time and space, the troops of St. Redge defeated the ambush army, which added a great variable to the Saratoga victory that should have happened.

There are also telegrams like those sent from behind, which clearly record the itinerary of St. Redge's troops.

"On the evening of September 17, the British arrived at Fort sknektadi and occupied it. Then the British sent a large number of soldiers around the investigation. We were found, but the British did not dare to do anything to us. "

"At noon on September 22, the whole British army in Fort skenectady moved north northeast and then arrived at Saratoga at night."

"On the night of September 22, there was a battle between the British and the army, and the British who were besieged by the army took the opportunity to escape from the encirclement. After the two routes met, they continued to go north and raided the other route in the early hours of September 23. The fighting was short and fierce. In less than an hour, more than 1000 people were killed and more injured. Then the British retreated into the mountains. "


A series of messages clearly outlined the march route of the Department of St. Redge, and finally described the two battles that took place that night.

Through this information, the stone bear can imagine what the two battles were like that night.

Obviously, because the St. Redge department was not ambushed as in the original historical time and space, they easily arrived near Albany, and found the bogoin Department besieged by the army in Saratoga through investigation.

So the Department of St. Redge made a decisive attack, attacked the Department of Horatio gates in the dark, and successfully rescued the besieged bergoin department. After the two joined forces, bergoin attacked the Arnold division of the northern army.

Although we don't know the casualties of Arnold's Department, the stone bear can guess that the casualties of Arnold's department must be very serious.

The great victory of Saratoga in history has not been staged in this time and space.

Stone bear's guess is right. Arnold's Department, which was attacked by bergoin's Department fiercely, has lost a lot. Strictly speaking, it can't describe the war damage of Arnold's department in this battle. If the stone bear saw the tragedy of Arnold's department with his own eyes, he would definitely label Arnold's department as being maimed.

It's true.

Benedict Arnold's 3000 army troops, under the Revenge of the angry bergoin, killed more than 700 people, and injured more than 2000 people. There are less than 300 people in the whole Arnold department who are able to maintain the integrity.

Most importantly, the body of Benedict Arnold, the commander-in-chief of the force, was also found.

This army general, who had a great reputation in history, later defected to the United States and took refuge with the British. He was the biggest traitor in the history of the founding of the United States by later American historians. He was shot with four arrows and had three bullet holes

The deadliest arrow went through his neck from the side, and a lead bullet went through his lung.

So this famous general, who was born in poverty in the original historical time and space, but formed his own militia company to resist the British when the independent war broke out, led the army to capture tekondroga fortress, and then led 500 Army soldiers to attack Quebec for 600 miles in eight weeks. This general was defeated in Quebec But in the subsequent battle of Champlain lake, he used the simple warship built by himself to resist the general of the British warship. Although he led the army to attack bergoin, he was removed by Horatio gates, but still with unparalleled prestige, so that countless armies voluntarily followed and finally defeated bergoin, He died quietly in the battlefield where he should have been successful.

Benedict Arnold, who is only 36 years old this year, is a military genius. In the original historical time and space, although he later defected to the British side because of the high-level pressure of the United States, it is undeniable that in the early days of the independent war, without this Colonel Arnold, the final success of the independent war is still unknown.

At the beginning of the war of independence, he captured tekondroga fortress, and handed over the arms and materials and dozens of cannons seized from tekondroga fortress to Watson, which gave Watson heavy weapons. Later, although the surprise attack on Quebec was not successful, it successfully prevented the pursuit of Carleton, the British commander in chief in Canada, with a simple self-made warship in Lake Champlain.

Just these two things are enough to prove Arnold's courage and meticulousness and his outstanding military accomplishment.

Later, Mahan, a famous American military scientist and author of the sea power theory, commented: "there has never been an army, whether large or small, that has done better or died more gloriously than Arnold. The army's victory over Saratoga is due to Arnold's fleet's priceless time

Even if Arnold was forced to mutiny later, no one can deny that he made great contributions to the army at the beginning of the independent war!

It's just that this legendary generation, which was famous in the original historical time and space, fell down because of a small variable in this time and space