Chapter 621

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
It was the end of summer and the beginning of autumn in 1777. In the original historical time and space, Brigadier General John bergoin, the highest British military officer in Canada, had been blocked by the army near Saratoga.

In the original historical time and space, William Howe, who has been promoted to the top military officer of Britain in the new world of North America, should lead his subordinates to go north to join bergoin, and Barry St. Redge, who came from the west, should also rush to Albany to join bergoin.

If the three Route Army marched in accordance with the military plan made in advance, there would be no great victory in Saratoga in history.

But unfortunately, the plan can't keep up with the change.

St. Redge, who landed on the South Bank of Lake Ontario and advanced eastward along the Mohawk River Valley, was attacked and defeated by the army near oriscany, and led the remnant to flee westward.

If St. Redge somehow knew how to join bergoin, then as bergoin's immediate boss, William Howe's practice was just a pitfall.

This guy led his soldiers south to attack Philadelphia, and directly left bergoin alone in Saratoga hundreds of miles away

In any case, under all kinds of circumstances, John bergoin resisted the army of more than 12000 with 7000 people near Saratoga. After 2000 people died, he ran out of ammunition and food and finally surrendered with the white flag, which created the famous Saratoga victory in history.

In this historical time and space, the stone bear who has been paying attention to the northern battlefield has found some differences.

First of all, William Howe did not abide by the military plan he made himself. He went north to join bergoin, but went south to attack Philadelphia. Now Philadelphia is on the brink. William Howe is still on a rampage against Philadelphia as he sees victory approaching.

John bergoin captured the important military fortress at the north end of Lake George, tekondroga fortress, more than two months ago.

Tekondroga fortress is an important military fortress guarding Lake George and lake Pulan. After taking tekondroga fortress, it basically opened up the land route from Montreal to New York.

In particular, most of the soldiers led by bergoin were Indian soldiers from Canada, which made bergoin look forward to meeting with William Howe to completely occupy the strategic advantage of the northern battlefield.

After a period of renovation of tekondroga fortress, bergoin led the army to continue to descend along the south of George as planned.

The widest part of this long and narrow lake formed by glacier erosion is less than seven kilometers, and the narrowest part is only more than one kilometer, but its length is more than 50 kilometers. There are mountains hundreds of meters high on both sides of the lake, so it's not easy to March.

The high morale supported the soldiers in bergoin's army, and there were many Indians in his army, so this kind of March in the mountains and forests did not bring much difficulty to bergoin.

There is a military fortress at the south end of Lake George. In the last French Indian War, Major General William Johnson, the Baron, led the Indians to ambush you at Lake George, defeated the French, and built Fort George at the south end of Lake George.

Fort George and Fort tyconderoga guard the north and south ends of Lake George.

But there were not many big armies in Fort George, and the defenders fled before bergoin's troops arrived.

The bloodless victory of Fort George made bogain more confident, and he immediately led the army to continue to go south.

But near Saratoga, about 50 kilometers south of Fort George, bergoin's 7000 soldiers met the huge army of 12000 soldiers led by general Philip Skyler and general Horatio gates, and they also had the help of brigadier general Benedict Arnold's troops

Bergoin was not a vegetarian either. He immediately built a defensive position on the spot and fought against the army by virtue of his favorable location.

It was September 19, 1777, seven days before William Howe captured Philadelphia.

In the original historical time and space, bergoin was so cruel that he resisted the army's attack for nearly a month with 7000 soldiers here. Until October 17, bergoin, who had no ammunition and no reinforcements, finally had to raise the white flag after paying the death of more than 2000 soldiers.

Among the more than 2000 dead soldiers, 600 were British soldiers, and the remaining 1400 were Indian soldiers brought by bergoin from Canada.

However, in this time and space, bergoin's encounter with the head-on attack of the army and William Howe's southward attack on Philadelphia, regardless of bergoin, are no different from what happened in the original historical time and space. However, because the stormbear soldiers shelled the West Route Army of St. Redge ahead of time, the former Colonel, who suffered a sneak attack and failed because of carelessness in the original historical time and space, In this time and space, we did not encounter the defeat of the battle of oriskani.

Because of the shelling, St. Redge raised his vigilance. When his Western army arrived near oriskani, his scouts found the army hidden in the mountains on both sides of the Mohawk River.

Colonel St. Redge decisively gave the order to attack, and more than 4000 West Route troops beat away more than 1500 troops who were ready to sneak attack

The great victory of oriskani, which should have happened in historical time and space, has disappeared, and an unexpected variable has appeared.

The victorious major St. Redge led his remaining 4000 soldiers of the West Route Army to continue their eastward march along the Mohawk River Valley, and on September 17, they arrived near Fort sknektadi, about 20 kilometers away from Albany.

Sknektadi fortress has been built for 110 years. It is a very important military fortress in the lower reaches of the Mohawk River Valley. Together with Albany fortress, this fortress arches the upper reaches of the Hudson River Valley.

It's worth mentioning that this fort skenectady will develop into a big city in the future. Well, the famous general electric was born in this city

Albany is about 60 kilometers away from Saratoga, and Fort sknektadi is 40 kilometers away from Saratoga.

It's just that when St. Redge came to Fort schneichtady, he found that there were not many big armies there. And the scouts he sent out also found that Albany didn't seem to have many big armies.

What's going on?

The vigilant St. Redge didn't rush to Albany. After all, this is the territory of the army. He doesn't have enough people to look at.

St. Redge asked the soldiers to expand their search, and a few days later, his Indian soldiers brought him bad news.

In Saratoga, about 40 kilometers northeast of Fort sknektadi, a large number of large armies are besieging brigadier general bergoin's forces. General William Howe's army, which was supposed to go north to meet in Albany as planned, disappeared