Chapter 568

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
"This is our ancestral land?" Stone bear riding a horse, while scanning around, and asked the red cloud around.

Red cloud nodded, her mood at this time has been calmed a lot, not as excited as just now.

Originally, the stone bear intended to wait for all the Iroquois to settle down and come back to the ancestral land, but both Hongyun and bakaluzu couldn't wait, so they took the stone bear and Jorah krulu to the ancestral land under the protection of their guards.

As a result, as soon as the great witch doctor bakaluzu entered the ancestral place and confirmed several places with Hongyun, he was very excited. Shi Xiong worried that the old man's heart couldn't stand the stimulation, so he simply asked his bodyguard to take him away.

If the old man should fall here, it would be a big joke.

Hongyun is young. In her thirties, she can still endure this kind of stimulation, so she stayed.

"Yes, big bear, this is our ancestral place. Just now, the great witch doctor bakaluzu and I confirmed each other's inheritance. Many of the situations here are not different from those recorded in the records. So, this is really our ancestral land. " Hongyun's face turned red with excitement.

"Well, well, don't get excited. If you don't want to be taken away by the guards, you'd better calm down. " Stone bear said with a smile.

Red cloud nodded and began to take a deep breath.

Seeing that Hongyun was as happy as a child who got his beloved toy, the stone bear sighed in silence, "you two are now sure that this is the ancestral place. When I went to gambling with a thousand soldiers, you two can't be 100% sure! Alas... "

The stone bear will not say this without heart, otherwise red cloud will definitely jump with him.

"Chief, I found some caves in the valley of the mountain ahead, and there were people in them. However, it seems that these people are being held here. There are only a few of them, just like more than 100 people... "The bobcat came out of a path on horseback, approached the stone bear and said in a low voice.

"Well? People in custody? Did our people do it? " Stone bear asked with a frown.

"No! It seems that there should have been a small tribe in that valley, but I don't know why. The people of this tribe seemed to have offended the Iroquois and were locked up. "

"Well, that's interesting. I'm afraid those who dare to offend the Iroquois at such a time are not ordinary people? " Stone bear felt his chin and thought thoughtfully, "Uncle bobcat, is there any Iroquois around there?"

"No, those people are locked up in the cave by some simple wooden bars, but it's strange that there are no Iroquois outside to guard them, but they still don't come out."

"What are you two muttering about?" Red cloud some dissatisfied of ask a way, she at this time the mood is agitated, still completely did not have peacetime stable and calm, a little bit stimulation, she will become emotional.

The stone bear gave a wry smile and said the discovery of SM.

Joe lacroulu, who has been with Hongyun all the time, naturally heard these words. He hesitated a little and said: "those detained people obviously have problems. Let's go and have a look. After all, this is our ancestral land. There can't be any unstable factors. "

Stone bear and red cloud all nodded, a few people accompanied by the pro guards followed the bobcat along the path to the north.

The environment here is well preserved, and it is different from the wasteland outside. The land surrounded by two mountains and two rivers is full of tall trees, such as pine, birch, maple and oak. Although most of the leaves of these trees have disappeared at this time, they can imagine that once summer comes, it will be another beautiful and enchanting scenery.

Just a few people didn't want to enjoy the scenery here. They followed the bobcat to the north. Along the way, they often met teams of fierce bear soldiers escorting groups of Iroquois to walk out of the dense forest. These Iroquois were originally gathered to resist the fierce bear army. As a result, after a gambling fight, their fate immediately reversed.

Along the way, the stone bear can't help wondering whether the method of gambling that the Iroquois came up with is correct.

If we consider it from the perspective of the Iroquois, this kind of gambling is undoubtedly a way to survive. It's a bit mean, but if they do win, then their tribe is saved.

After all possible escape routes were blocked by the stormy bear army, and under the strong force of the stormy bear army, Yoda Seneca came up with this method, which is justifiable. Ask yourself, if you are Yoda Seneca, I'm afraid you will do the same.

It's just that the six chieftains of the Cherokee alliance, including Yoda Seneca, overestimated the combat effectiveness of their soldiers and underestimated the combat effectiveness and the power of the weapons in their hands. Only in this way can they steal chicken and not eat rice. Finally, they were carried away by the bear army.

You know, there are more than 30000 Iroquois gathered around the Cherokee ancestral area alone, which is almost one third of the whole Iroquois League.

There are more than 15000 strong Iroquois soldiers alone!

Because there was a mixed eighth division in the South and a first division in the East, the Iroquois needed to divide their forces to defend the mixed eighth division in the South and the first division in the East. So the soldiers and people they gathered here were not all the soldiers of the Iroquois alliance.

But even so, the Iroquois, who were killed in one pot, kept the bear soldiers busy for a long time.

Fortunately, in the gambling, the six chiefs of the Iroquois League were given one pot by themselves. Now the Iroquois are in a situation where there are no leaders, and they are in chaos.

Because there was no one in charge of these Iroquois, the soldiers of the fierce bear army relied on the powerful threat of force to make these Iroquois honest.

The stone bear pondered as he walked, and soon finished the journey.

In front of the crowd, there was a valley about 500 meters long, the narrowest part was only about 100 meters wide, and the height was about 150 meters.

This valley is the dividing line between the two mountains surrounding the ancestral land, and the two rivers surrounding the ancestral land also converge here, forming a river about 20 meters wide on the east side of the valley and extending northward.

But now there is no water in the river and it hasn't thawed yet.

The cliffs on both sides of the valley are not very steep cliffs, but steep ones. However, on a cliff on the west side of the southern end of the valley, there is a cliff with a negative angle of inward depression. This cliff is very flat, about 70 meters high, with some fuzzy patterns painted on it.

In the middle of the cliff, there is a totem pole carved with stone pillars.

When Hongyun saw the cliff and the totem pole, his face suddenly changed