Chapter 529

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
In the original historical time and space, in the early and middle stages of the outbreak of the war of independence, the British were dominant.

Especially in the early days, except after the end of the Boston campaign, the British were forced to withdraw from Boston, but in other aspects, the British were dominant.

Especially after the British smashed the American militia's strategy of occupying Canada by land, the American militia really had no advantage at the beginning of the war.

However, it is undeniable that it was precisely because the American militia wanted to defeat Canada that the main battlefield in the early days of the war of independence was put in the north.

It's not a month since Lexington's gunfire, and it's still a month before the first large-scale battle between the British and American militia, the fierce battle of Bunker Hill.

In the battle of Bunker Hill, although the British lost more than the American militia, they managed to keep Boston, so that the British had a solid port in the north, and they could send soldiers from Britain to North America.

If the American militia won the battle of Bunker Hill and the British lost Boston, the whole war of independence might end several years earlier. But the key battle of Bunker Hill was won by the British.

If the British kept Boston, they would inevitably go north, then join the reinforcements who came from Britain and entered Canada through the St. Lawrence River, and then go south to attack the American militia.

Both the Montreal campaign and the Quebec campaign took place at the end of this year. So of course, the stone bear is not in a hurry to attack.

I'm kidding. Going to Canada to fight in November and December is like looking for death.

Not to mention the enemy, the harsh winter alone can kill a large number of people.

Stone bear won't let its soldiers die in Canada in winter.

Therefore, it is enough to kill the Iranians and the chipewas further north before October this year, and then kill the Hurons and Iroquois to the East and the Crees to the west after spring blooms next year!

Stone bear is very clear that, as the allies of the British, the Iroquois are bound to take part in the two battles in Canada this winter. At that time, the Iroquois will not even want to lose money.

The cold winter and the Kentucky rifles in the hands of the American militia will easily take the lives of the Iroquois.

Although the Iroquois are more frost resistant than the American militia, the muskets in their hands really can't compare with the Kentucky rifles in the hands of the American militia.

So, let them bite the dog first. I'll just drive slowly behind.

Nearly 60000 Northern Expedition troops of the fierce bear army slowly and firmly along the north of Mississippi. A month after the Northern Expedition began, the army came to a piece of land.

This land is not as barren as the places it passed before... Well, it's a bit incorrect to say barren, because it's also very barren here. It should be said that this place seems to be more orderly than the places it passed before.

"Chief, it seems that someone has lived here before..." Kuaima and bighorn sheep are riding beside the stone bear. Kuaima looks at the large land in front of him and asks.

The big horn sheep didn't ask, but the look on his face was the same.

Three people on horseback stood on a small mound about ten meters high, looking around the land.

This large piece of land that can't be seen at a glance is really orderly. The flat areas should be flat, the raised areas should be raised, and even those raised areas are so regular. This should not be a natural formation, but a man-made mound, including the small mound under their feet.

The most important thing is, standing here, you can see the roads. Even though these roads have long been covered with weeds or even small numbers, the neat lines and regular layout make the stone bear believe that a large number of people lived here a long time ago.

The stone bear's heart moved, and a name suddenly appeared in his heart - cahokian civilization!

Stone bear turned his head and waved to a pro guard, who immediately took out a map and trotted up.

After unfolding the map, the stone bear found that his current location was around East St. Louis, Illinois!

After closing the map, the stone bear said to the two curious little friends: "if I read it correctly, this should be the once famous Cahokia!"

"Cahokia?" The two men were confused. Obviously, they didn't know the name that once resounded throughout the North American continent.

"Yes! It's Cahokia The stone bear nodded for sure, because he could see the huge mound in the distance.

It is a mound over 300 meters long, 200 meters wide and 30 meters high. This mound should be the most famous monk mound of later generations, and also the largest pyramid in the world.

Although the pyramid is made of earth, it does not hinder its fame.

Although the monk mound is not as high as the pyramid of Khufu, it covers an area of 1.5 times that of the pyramid of Khufu!

It was because the stone bear saw and determined that the mound was a monk mound that he knew that it was the site of the cahokian civilization.

Later generations of Americans found a large area of cultural relics in the eastern suburbs of East St. Louis. Through the research of archaeologists, they found that the historic site destroyed by the flood was the cahokian civilization in historical legend.

And according to research, archaeologists confirmed that there was a huge tribal group in this area about the 12th century ago. There used to be thousands of thatched huts and dozens or even hundreds of man-made mounds here. The thatched huts inhabited by Indians were hidden among the huge mounds, surrounded by ritual squares for sacrifice.

It is said that there used to be more than 50000 native Indians living on this huge cultural site. This is the largest Indian city in North America before Columbus discovered the new world.

Even before the 19th century, it was the largest city north of Rio Grande, bigger than Boston and Philadelphia!

Unfortunately, this huge city was destroyed by a super flood in the 14th century. The overflowing Mississippi River completely destroyed this large area of civilization. From then on, the North American Indian civilization lacked the most brilliant pearl.

However, it seems that although the cahokian civilization was destroyed by the flood, there are still cahokian activities here. And the Cahokians are now part of the irinae

Stone bear, who worked in the museum in his last life, is very clear about this period of history.