Chapter 523

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
In order to transfer the huge amount of property lost in the seven-year war to the colonists of North America, the British authorities first promulgated the "garrison regulations" on the pretext of targeting the North American Indians, and sent 10000 soldiers to the thirteen colonies of North America.

You said that the 10000 soldiers themselves were soldiers of your British Empire, and your British Empire should be responsible for the eating, drinking, sleeping and sleeping of the 10000 soldiers, right?

No, the wonderful British Empire didn't even want to spend that money. The "garrison regulations" issued by them clearly states that the 10000 soldiers are here to protect you, so the houses, food and other living materials of the 10000 soldiers must be provided by your local people.

This regulation is very simple, that is, after these 10000 soldiers come to your North American colonies, they can live in the homes of local residents, and eating and drinking Lhasa must be managed by local residents!

Don't you care, you really think these ten thousand soldiers are made of mud

As a result, the colonists of the thirteen colonies, especially the colonists living near Boston, suffered miserably. They were already living in a very tight situation, and they had to provide accommodation, food and drink for these soldiers.

But this is not the end. When these soldiers were stationed in the area, the British government promulgated the more infamous Stamp Duty Ordinance, which further squeezed and exploited the colonists.

This is a bumblebee nest.

When these colonists in the colonies look at it, the British government is not here to help them. It is simply trying to force them to death.

As a result, in 1765, actions against local tax collectors and tax bureaus soon spread in the thirteen colonies of North America.

Although the Stamp Duty Ordinance was abolished in less than half a year due to the resolute resistance of the colonists, the colonists of the North American colonies began to tear up the British authorities

When the British government sees that the Stamp Duty Ordinance can not be implemented, how can it work? Lao Tzu is so poor that he can't break up a penny and use it as two pennies. You poor people live so well in the colony. That's not good. We have to find a way to get money out of your pocket.

As a result, those high-ranking politicians turned their heads and ordered out another bill, namely the more immoral Townsend tax law.

If you want to say that Townsend is also a very important person in this era. He is the chancellor of the exchequer of the British Empire, and he is in charge of the financial power of the whole British Empire.

At the instigation of this guy, in the second half of 1767, the British Parliament passed four bills to tax the North American colonies. These four bills stipulated that all materials such as paper, glass, lead, pigment and tea exported from Britain to the colonies should be subject to high import tax, which is historically known as the Townsend tax law.

As soon as the Townsend tax law was promulgated, the colonists in the North American colonies exploded.

Damn, I just abolished the Stamp Duty Ordinance, which you ordered, and you produced a bullshit "Townsend tax law". What do you mean? You don't want me to live?

I didn't say that. Go on! Who is afraid of who!

As a result, the colonists of the thirteen colonies of North America united again and fought with the British authorities with great vigour.

After more than half a year's struggle, the British authorities could not resist it and had to abolish the Townsend tax act again in March 1778. However, in order to show that Britain had the right to tax the colonies, tea tax was still reserved. The tea tax also became the trigger of Boston Tea dumping in 1773.

However, although the Stamp Duty Ordinance and the Townsend Tax Act were abolished by the colonists through violent non cooperation, the infamous garrison Ordinance has never been abolished. The red prawn soldiers were domineering in the colony, which made people angry.

The colonists of the colonies have been fighting against these red shrimp soldiers, and their discontent is growing. This dissatisfaction is like a balloon constantly inflated. After five years of continuous inflation, the balloon finally reached the critical point on March 5, 1770. As a result, the balloon "bang" exploded

On this day, the British soldiers stationed in Boston had a conflict with a local rope maker, which led to the whole Boston rope makers united to confront the red shrimp soldiers guarding the Boston customs. In the panic, the red shrimp soldiers didn't control themselves and shot. As a result, three people were killed and six people were injured on the spot. Two of the injured people died after being seriously injured.

A conflict killed five and injured four, which is the famous "Boston Massacre"!

And the most important thing is that among the five people who died, there was also a black leader who was born as a plantation slave!

This time, the British soldiers can be regarded as poking a hornet's nest. As the news of the tragedy spread, the whole North American colony was boiling.

As soon as the British authorities saw that this could not be done, they had to arrest eight British soldiers and an officer who were the main culprits, and they were charged with murder.

Then there will be a trial.

It turns out that the British soldiers and the British officer, who shot and killed people, were acquitted under the eloquence of the defense lawyer!

Even more speechless, the name of the lawyer who defended the British soldiers and the British officer was John Adams.

Well, it's the leader of the independence movement and the signer of the declaration of independence, who is regarded as one of the "founding father" by the Americans, and later became the successor of the first president of the United States, Watson ton

Although the Boston Massacre did not cause more conflicts, the colonists of North America lost confidence in the British authorities. And at this time, the colonists of the North American colonies set up the communication committee and began to secretly fight against the British authorities.

Especially after the outbreak of Boston Tea incident in 1773, the relationship between the North American colonies and the British authorities was led into an abyss.

In order to show their strong attitude towards the tea dumping incident, the British authorities promulgated the intolerable "intolerable act" in 1774, which directly led to the outbreak of the second year's war of independence.

The stone bear has known about these things for a long time. The events that happened in the past ten years are very clear to Shi Xiong.

In the past, he knew all these things in history books, but in this life, he got the exact information through the Shawnees and the clansman spies in the colonies.

Now, it's the spring of 1775. If history has not gone astray, the relationship between the colonists of the North American colonies and the British authorities has deteriorated to the extreme after several years of war.

Then, on April 19 of this year, the string, which has been tense for several years, will be completely broken with the sound of Lexington's gun.

This is the best chance stone bear has been looking forward to for a long time!