Chapter 520

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
Carrot and stick has always been considered as a very rough but very effective management method.

No matter at all times and in all over the world, how to manage one's own territory, nation and country is always a difficult problem. It involves too much management skills and art.

But any aspiring superior will never refuse to use the carrot and stick management method.

Because this method seems to have no management art, and it is simple and crude, but any superior knows very well that this simple and crude management method can play an incredible role in many times.

Stone bear is also a big chief who manages more than 4 million square kilometers and more than 1.5 million people. Although he was a real loser in his previous life, he had never been in charge of people and had no experience in how to manage. But in this life, he was pushed to this position by fate, so he had to try to manage such a big tribe with a kind of awe.

He tried a lot of management methods, but he finally found that the best way was carrot and stick. Especially in the process of how the conquered Indian tribes integrated into the Cherokee, this simple and crude method was the most effective.

For the vast majority of the conquered Indians, the stone bear is to give them carrots as much as possible, because the stone bear knows that sooner or later these conquered Indians will become their own people and a part of this tribe. In that case, let them feel the benefits of the tribe as much as possible, and let them recognize the Cherokee as much as possible.

Therefore, the stone bear used a variety of methods to induce these conquered aborigines, the method can be said to be extremely useful.

However, among these conquered native Indians, there are always a few who do not recognize the stone bear, the Cherokee people and the fact that they have been conquered.

These guys with all kinds of thoughts are like rat excrement one after another. They never have any positive effect, but have endless negative effects.

For such people, at the beginning, Shi Xiong also wanted to wake them up with the policy of Huairou. After all, most of the people who had this idea were people who had the status of different tribes in the past.

But facts have proved that it is far from enough to just use the Huairou policy in some things.

Because you are good to them, they think that you are weak and that you can't do things without them. On the contrary, this will breed their greater different thoughts.

Even in the first year of tribal integration, dozens of "uprisings" broke out in many gathering places within a year. Some soldiers of the fierce bear army did not die on the battlefield, but were killed by these white eyed wolves.

Since then, the stone bear has realized that he can't be gentle!

A real conqueror, which hands are not covered with blood? The throne under his buttocks has always been made of numerous white bones!

So, the stone bear began to use the stick!

When the stone bear killed hundreds of people with different ideas in a row, this kind of iron fisted method really made many people dare not have messy ideas any more.

Don't you want something else? Don't you want a better life? Well, if you want to live a better life, you can follow me honestly. I promise you that your life will be better and better.

But if you are not satisfied, don't blame me for being cruel!

When hundreds of bloody heads were put on sharp sticks and dried, and thousands of rebellious men were sent to mines everywhere, the conquered native Indians finally settled down.

It's better to talk about those who were killed. After all, I don't know when I cut off my head. But the guys who try to help the tyrant and are caught and sent to mines all over the world are really not as good as dead.

Especially after the stone bear deliberately put back some less guilty guys from the mine every other period of time, the terror of the mine makes those guys who have no idea dare not move.

With the continuous expansion of the Cherokee people and the increasing number of alchemists headed by the eighteen Arhats, Hank, Felisa and even Colonel Jones have been trafficking all kinds of alchemists from Europe to the stone bear in recent years, and the reward given by the stone bear is golden. Therefore, there are more and more Cherokee alchemists. In recent years, there have been hundreds of them.

The energy produced by these alchemists is terrible, so there is more and more demand for mineral resources. The mineral resources found near Daqingshan in the past are far from the current demand. Therefore, the Cherokee people began to search for and excavate various mineral resources in the territory they controlled.

This is the origin of the major mines of the Cherokee people.

In the absence of any machinery, people are the main force of mining.

At the beginning, the stone bear used tribal people to mine, but with the big stick in his hand falling down, more and more people with different ideas were sent to the mine. Don't you think about the mess all day long? Well, from now on, you don't have to think about anything, just dig for me!

The Cherokees, who had taken the initiative to mine, became mine managers.

There are heavy guards around the mine. Go in and think about it. It's absolutely impossible for you to think about it unless you grow wings on your body or you learn to escape from the earth.

Even if you can get out of the mine, most of the mines are in uninhabited areas. Even if you run out, you can't run out of the wild land with two legs!

Every mine is actually a huge prison!

Although the management of the mine is full, the endless heavy physical labor is not acceptable to ordinary people.

There is no freedom, in addition to the ability to eat, other time in the dark no heaven and earth in the mine. For a long time, that kind of taste is absolutely despairing.

And the stone bear will put some good guys back from the mine every once in a while, so the terror of the mine will spread to all the gathering places of the whole tribe with the mouth of these people.

And the conquered aborigines saw a strong man like a bison, who had been sent to the mine for less than half a year before he became skinny, and their lifeless eyes, and they immediately understood what kind of place the mine was.

Although it is full of management, it is a hell to the core. No, even worse than hell!

So it didn't take long for a saying to spread among the conquered Indians that they would rather go to hell than go to the mines!