Chapter 517

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
"Look at what I've brought to you, grandfather chesachak? It's delicious sweet cakes... "In a gathering place about five kilometers away from Shangjing, a boy about twelve or thirteen years old happily ran over and said to an old man who looked very old.

From his arms, the boy took out something about the size of two adults' fists, wrapped in reed leaves, and presented it to the old man named chesachak.

The old man took the things from the young man and carefully opened the reed leaves, revealing the white, still steaming rice ball inside, with a kind smile on his face.

"Little black bull, thank you for the sweet cake. But my grandfather is not hungry now. Is it better for my grandfather to eat this delicious sweet cake

"Don't fool me, Mr. chesachak. I'm not the kid I was five years ago. I'm 12 years old and I've grown up." The boy was obviously not very satisfied with the old man's words, and his face showed an unhappy look.

"Grandfather chesachak, my brother and I captured a wild buffalo outside, and then exchanged the horns of the wild buffalo for it. I know you are hungry, so I specially brought it to you, so you can eat it quickly. "

"Good child, good child..." the old man was moved, and the wrinkles on his face were stacked up again. Looking at the young man, his eyes were more kind.

But the old man hesitated for a moment and then said, "little black bull, grandfather is really not hungry. I'll just have some. Can you eat the rest? Shall we divide up this delicious cake? "

This sweet cake obviously has a great attraction for the young people, so the young people can't help licking their lips. After thinking about it, they nodded and agreed.

But even so, the young man still divided the sweet cake into a big one and a small one, and gave the big one to the old man, but the old man resolutely changed it.

The taste of sweet cake is very good, very sweet and fragrant. Even at the age of an old man, he has never eaten such delicious food in his past decades. But since he moved here, he finally tasted this kind of white sweet food, which can really make people miss for a lifetime.

However, although the old man liked this kind of sweet cake very much, he still just stopped after eating two small mouthfuls. He just chewed the sweet cake carefully in his mouth and looked at the young man in front of him with a kind smile.

The boy in front of him is called Xiao Heiniu. He has a brother and a sister. His brother is called Da Heiniu, and his sister is called xiangyanghua. As for the boy's father, he is called Heiniu. The boy's grandfather is called laoheiniu. All the men in this family are called Heiniu

Heiniu used to be the most brave warrior in the tribe, but when fighting with the Cherokees, Heiniu, who was qualified to ride one of the only ten war horses in the tribe, was knocked off one foot by the Cherokees' weapons and finally captured by the Cherokees.

That battle became the last battle of black bull's life.

No matter how brave a lame soldier is, he can no longer go to the battlefield.

Chesachak sighed in secret, looking at this huge gathering place, he could not help feeling confused.

Five years ago, before the Cherokee attacked the tribe, the wild buffalo tribe was still one of the most powerful "dog soldiers" in the Cheyenne tribe. It was the envy of many tribes under the jurisdiction of the Cheyenne tribe.

Before the attack of the Cherokee, the Cheyenne was the most powerful tribe in that area. Even facing the KrO, the Sioux and the Kiowa at the same time, the brave Cheyenne never flinched.

This has ten large tribes and hundreds of small tribes. The Xiayan tribe is a very powerful tribe. The military of the tribe is ruled by a Council composed of 44 tribal leaders and seven military associations. Among the seven military associations, the most powerful and the most courageous one is called the dog soldier Association!

The wild buffalo tribe in which chesachak lives is a powerful tribe in the dog soldier society.

Before the attack of the Cherokee, whenever the Sioux or the KrO or the Kiowa attacked, the soldiers of the dog soldiers society would always charge in the front. They would meet the enemy with the most ferocious posture and finally defeat the enemy completely.

As a tribe in the dog soldier society, the wild buffalo tribe has its own pride.

Chesachak is a sacrifice in the wild buffalo tribe, which is deeply respected by all the people of the whole tribe.

The powerful buffalo tribe dominates more than ten small tribes around it, which is the most powerful tribe in that area.

However, in front of the powerful weapons in the hands of the Cherokees, this fierce tribe with a proud history is just like a local chicken. Whenever you dream of the war on that day, the sacrifice of chesachak always wakes up in a dream.

When the Cherokee army came, the hundreds of fierce soldiers of the powerful wild buffalo tribe and the soldiers of other dog soldier societies were still at the front of the charge, just as they had been fighting with the Sioux, the KrO and the Kiowa. After decades of breeding, the war horses obtained from the French have made the whole tribe own thousands of war horses.

In the past, whenever the Sioux or the KrO or the Kiowa came to invade, the powerful cavalry of the dog troop society would always use the most courageous charge to break down the enemy formations in the front.

So when the powerful cavalry of the dog club charged again, even chesachak thought that the Cherokees would surely fail.

But the result is so shocking and helpless. The powerful cavalry of the dog soldier society didn't even finish their first charge. They were turned into ashes in the explosion. Only a few dozen cavalry who were lucky not to be killed were all injured. Heiniu, the most ferocious soldier in the tribe, had his left leg cut down from his ankle. He didn't know what had cut it off

The once invincible Cheyenne failed in such a muddle. Then, the tribe was divided into dozens of parts, and they didn't know where they were sent by the Cherokees.

The wild buffalo tribe and several other small tribes were sent here. They were sent to this more flat and vast grassland. In the distance is the huge city that looks like a miracle. Here, they are all small tribes sent from various tribes.

The Kiowa, the Sioux, the arapahos, the foxes, and even the remote Comanches, the chocktos, and the Pueblo can see

Chesachak knew that this was a hodgepodge of people who had been sent from different tribes.

Originally, chesachak had no confidence in the future, but five years later, when he was only six or seven years old, Heiniu had grown into a strong teenager, but chesachak was more and more confused about the life here.

It's certainly not a good place, but it's a good place to live. Don't worry about food, don't worry about drink. People here only need to work hard to get endless food, delicious wine and more delicious food that they never thought of before.

Five years is not a long time, but here, why do those who used to be enemies live together so harmoniously?

Chesapeake is really at a loss