Chapter 467

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
There were fifty or sixty women who sewed this big guy, but even so, it took more than ten days to finish sewing this big guy. During this period, it rained twice, and the chief used hundreds of people to move the big guy to the gray palace, so as to avoid the big guy made of cotton cloth getting wet by the rain.

More than ten days later, after all the big guys were sewn, the chief arranged for people to spread out all the sewn big guys. At this time, the people of Monongahela realized how big the big guy was.

Because it is flat on the ground, this big guy is double-layer, and the whole looks like an irregular water drop.

It's more than 20 meters long, and the widest part in the middle looks like 15 or 16 meters.

In the smallest part below, the huge "big horn" woven with bamboo pieces was covered and reinforced with four layers of cloth, which is equivalent to sewing the "big horn" directly into the bottom of the big guy.

Due to the existence of this four meter high "big horn", the whole bottom is propped up, like a hole.

After spreading out, the chief arranged for people to take out barrels of tung oil from the warehouse. It was also brought by vasichu, Hank, and according to the chief, the tung oil was transported from the Far East to the European continent, and then hank shipped it here.

The chief said that this tung oil is an excellent coating. Brushing tung oil on the big guy sewn with white cloth can make the big guy have good waterproof and leak proof effect, as well as high temperature resistance and corrosion resistance.

They don't know what high temperature resistance and corrosion resistance are, but judging from the satisfied expression on the chief's face, they know that the chief is very satisfied with this big guy.

It took half a day to brush this big guy all over again. It took three barrels of tung oil.

People all know that both tung oil and white cloth are drawn from vasichu. They are very precious things.

But such a precious thing is used to make such a big guy. Chief, what is it for?

The stone bear didn't make the people wait much. The next morning, almost all the people living in Monongahela gathered in front of the gate of the gray palace. They wanted to see what the chief had used so much manpower and material resources to measure these days.

When the clan gathered in front of the gate of the gray palace, they found that there was a big hanging basket under the big guy. The hanging basket is also woven with bamboo pieces. Although I didn't touch it by hand, I can tell from the shape of the hanging basket that this guy is strong enough.

The hanging basket is connected with the big guy's bell mouth by eight ropes. At this time, the bell mouth has been erected by more than ten wooden piles, and the bell mouth is facing down.

In the hanging basket under the trumpet, the clan saw a lot of soldiers of the bear army. Among them, there were two people they were very familiar with. They were the division leaders of the second and third divisions of the bear army, Gu spear and Kuang Niu.

At this time, the two of them were standing outside the hanging basket, directing the soldiers to shake an object by hand in turn. At this time, the tribe found that there was a blazing stove beside the chief standing in the basket.

The thing that the soldiers shake is also known by the people. It's a kind of thing called hand hair dryer. This thing was also invented by the chief. As long as you shake the outside handle with your hand, you can make the fire soar rapidly.

The big stove in the basket was not small. At this time, the flame from the mouth of the stove was stirred up by the hand-operated blower, and it was more than one meter high!

The flame is still a little far away from the bell, but the heated air is continuously sent to the big guy through the bell.

In fact, the big guy made by the stone bear is a hot air balloon! The kind of balloon that can carry people to the sky.

As a passer-by, how can a hot-air balloon, which has high military value, not be made?

In the original historical time and space, before the emergence of aircraft, hot air balloon was the only way for human beings to go to heaven. Moreover, even in the period of World War I, hot air balloons also have high military value in the war.

Ordinary hot-air balloons can take sentinels to an altitude of several hundred meters, so as to better detect the enemy. The airship developed from the hot-air balloon can also throw a bomb from the air to the enemy's position!

In the original historical time and space, the hot-air balloon that can carry people to the sky will not be invented by the Montgolfier brothers of France until 1783, 16 years later.

The Montgomery brothers are French papermakers. Inspired by the fact that scraps of paper are constantly rising in the furnace, they used paper bags to collect hot gas for experiments, so that the paper bags can keep rising with the air flow.

This is actually the French version of Kongming lamp.

Later, the montegorfi brothers magnified the French version of the Kongming lamp several hundred times, made it of paper covered cotton cloth, and connected the cloth interface with buttons to make a hot-air balloon with a diameter of about 10.6 meters.

The brothers used wood and dry straw as fuel to deliver heated air to the balloon, which made its first public performance on June 4, 1783 in Lyon square, France.

The balloon rose slowly with the attention of many Lyons, and then floated about 2.4 kilometers under the wind.

Obviously, the first public performance of a large hot air balloon in human history was a success!

Of course, at this time, hot air balloons can't carry people, even the montegriffi brothers, who invented hot air balloons, dare not ride in them. But the two brothers put a rooster, a duck and a goat into the basket of the balloon. These three animals were lucky to be the passengers of the first balloon.

In September of the same year, in front of the palace of Versailles in Paris, the montgolfiers performed a balloon lift off performance for the French king, Queen, court minister and 130000 Parisians.

Of course, the show is still no passenger.

Two successive successes filled the two brothers with confidence, so they decided to perform a manned launch in November of the same year!

On the afternoon of November 21, 1783, the montegraffi brothers boarded the hot-air balloon basket they made themselves in muertburg, Paris. When the hot-air balloon took off, it flew for another 25 minutes driven by the north wind, and finally landed in the Italian square after flying half of Paris.

This flight is the first manned flight in human history! A hundred and twenty years earlier than the Wright brothers!

Flying to the sky has always been the ultimate dream of mankind. Before the montegorfi brothers made the balloon, human beings could only dream of flying in the sky.

Now, the stone bear, whose soul comes from later generations, will not give the French the chance to fly to heaven for the first time!

The most important thing is that in this era, making enough safe hot air balloons ahead of time is really of great military value!

Therefore, the stone bear spent a lot of human and material resources to make such a big guy!