Chapter 462

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
Stone bear is not excited.

Although he was a liberal arts student in his previous life, as a student of academic hegemony, he really dabbled in many other subjects. Some subjects may not be deeply studied, but some basic things are still understood by stone bear.

For example, the radio communication, which has troubled Shi Xiong for a long time, makes Shi Xiong fully understand the true meaning of the sentence "hate less when books are used".

One of his brothers in his dorm was a member of their university radio club. Shi Xiong usually heard a lot from him, but unfortunately he was not very interested in radio at that time, so he just remembered some basic things.

But this does not prevent the stone bear from knowing some famous historical figures in radio or electromagnetism.

For example, Mukhin Brock of Leiden University in the Netherlands and Kleist in Germany invented the "Leiden bottle" which can store electric charge; Like Benjamin Franklin who risked his life to carry out the famous kite experiment and study the phenomenon of electric discharge.

Yes, this Franklin is one of the "three founders" of the United States. He is also the one printed on the 100 dollar bill that people all over the world like

In addition, like Coulomb, ohm, ampere, Faraday, Hertz, Maxwell

It is the unremitting efforts of these great scientists that make human beings finally know and master the communication mode of radio communication, as well as the special subject of electromagnetism.

Because these famous scientists are all characters in primary and secondary school textbooks, they are familiar to Chinese people in later generations. However, in history, there are still some people who are far less famous than these people, but have made great contributions. For example, the Henry Cavendish stone bear just asked is one of them.

Cavendish did not enter Chinese primary and secondary school textbooks like Kulun and ohm, so few Chinese people in later generations have heard of this name. But in the western world, Cavendish's name is famous in the scientific world.

Stone bear didn't know the name at first, but his roommate often mentioned it in front of him, so stone Bear looked for the information about Cavendish and read it. As a result, stone bear regarded Henry Cavendish as an idol just like his roommate.

In the eyes of stone bear, Henry Cavendish, an Englishman, can definitely be preceded by the word "great" in terms of his contribution to mankind.

Cavendish sounds like a rich and handsome name. In fact, he is indeed a rich and handsome man with social phobia. The most important thing is that he is also a gifted scientist. In the western world, he is known as the greatest British scientist since Newton.

If you don't know Gao Fu Shuai's experience, you will never think that there are so many "world firsts" in Gao Fu Shuai, and these "world firsts" span many fields such as physics, chemistry, astronomy and meteorology.

Well, there are many examples. For example, when we first stepped into the junior high school chemistry laboratory, the chemistry experiment our teacher showed us must be the hydrogen oxygen water experiment, and the first person to do this experiment was Henry Cavendish. At the same time, he was the first person in the world to purify hydrogen.

These are some examples of chemistry, and in physics, he also has many "world first".

For example, Newton discovered the law of universal gravitation, and Cavendish was the first person in the world to determine the constant of universal gravitation "g"!

Because he determined the gravitational constant, he was the first person in the world to "accurately weigh" the earth. Yes, this guy measured the weight of the Earth accurately in the late 18th century!

Although Cavendish's gravitational constant is not as accurate as that of later generations, the error is only about 0.65%. Don't forget that when Cavendish calculated the gravitational constant, it was in the late 18th century, not the precise gravitational constant calculated by various sophisticated instruments! At that time, it was a great feat to be able to calculate such a precise gravitational constant.

In addition, people of later generations think that Coulomb's law should be put forward by Coulomb, and Ohm's law is put forward by Ohm. But in fact, it's wrong!

Cavendish published very few papers in physics before he died. It was not until Maxwell reviewed and published Cavendish's manuscript that people knew that he had made many important discoveries in electricity. For example, Coulomb's law and Ohm's law are actually based on Cavendish's research. In other words, Cavendish had already made research results in this field long before Coulomb's law and Ohm's law were discovered.

For that reason, Gao Fu Shuai has a very serious social phobia, which leads to a lot of his theoretical research being hidden by himself.

Cavendish's birth is very noble, his father is the famous Devon Duke II's fifth son!

Because there is an incomparably rich Duke grandfather, Cavendish is also a man with a lot of money. He does not need to worry about money, nor does he need to participate in social activities to waste time, so Cavendish can put all his energy on scientific research. But it is precisely for this reason that he suffered from severe social phobia in his long-term scientific research.

Cavendish's social phobia has almost reached the degree of autism. He hardly participates in any social activities. The only regular activity he participates in is a science and engineering party sponsored by a famous British naturalist after his little fame. But even at the party, he would never talk. He just stayed in a safe place.

However, there were a lot of admirers at that time. When these people wanted to exchange scientific problems with Cavendish, they would go near Cavendish and say their problems to the air in another direction.

If Cavendish heard this question, he would whisper to himself and mumble his opinion. If you try to have a positive conversation with him, you are likely to scare him away.

Similarly, Cavendish spared no words when he came home. Even he had been taking care of his servants since he was a child, and he never spoke to them. When he had something to say to his servant, he would usually deliver a note, and he spared no words.

However, such an autistic person has made such great achievements in the scientific field. After understanding this, stone bear in his previous life really admired Cavendish.

And this guy named by Hank, Gedi Roy, has been working as assistant for Cavendish for many years, which shows that this guy definitely has several brushes in his stomach!

Well, if this man comes here, plus what he knows about electromagnetism, what if he accidentally makes radio