Chapter 452

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
Compared with the successful implementation of the expansion plan of the explosive bear brigade, the daily affairs of the tribe make the stone bear headache.

After all, Shi Xiong is the founder and supreme commander of the expeditionary army, and his prestige in this prestigious army is unparalleled. No matter who it is, even the top commander of the current big horn sheep, in the eyes of all the soldiers of the explosive bear brigade, it is far from comparable with the stone bear.

Therefore, compared with the simple military expansion plan, stone bear only needs one word to be able to get the most thorough implementation in this army.

And now the excellent soldiers of all the Cherokee tribes are waiting for the call of the explosive bear brigade.

Therefore, after the stone bear just gave an order, the expansion of the explosive bear brigade into a violent bear army was a matter of course. It just takes a little time and energy to train the recruits.

But compared with the simplicity of the army, the daily affairs of the tribe are just a myriad of things. Even if the soul of the stone bear comes from later generations, when faced with so many things, it is just as big a head as a head

For example, there is a dispute between tribe a and tribe B because of something trivial, and there is a big fight between tribe C and tribe B because of the uneven distribution of hunting spoils... Anyway, every day, different and painful news is sent to the desk of stone bear.

These things don't look big, but they all need to be dealt with. After all, they are all compatriots of the same tribe, because if we don't deal with trivial matters in time, sometimes it will easily lead to more serious contradictions.

That's right. Although it's a tribe, sometimes there are frictions because of different tribes

This kind of thing is also normal. Before the production capacity reaches a certain height, this kind of small contradiction between tribes is inevitable.

In the early years of Huaxia, two villages often fought for water or other messy things!

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. Where there are tribes, there are rivers and lakes as well.

When people are wandering in the world, how can they avoid being stabbed?

Anyway, now the stone bear feels like he's going to be the one who's been cut to pieces

But most of the disputes turned out to be a joke. It's very simple. With the current level of communication, there is a fight between the two tribes, and then the high level of the two tribes will apply to the tribal chief to decide who is right and who is wrong.

But when the news of this incident was sent to Monongahela, it had been ten days and a half months. When the stone bear makes a decision and sends the decision to the two tribes, the two tribes with human brain as dog brain may have been sitting together drinking wine and eating meat

It's also strange that Shi Xiong doesn't have such experience. However, as he has been in power for a long time, he will be more and more skillful in handling such matters.

However, he is just a rookie in this field, and his road is still far away.

But stone bear is not a fool, he soon adopted another method.

It's not very good for me to deal with these things by myself, but there are many people in the clan court who can deal with such trifles. However, as soon as Shi Xiong came to power, he still didn't know the abilities of his subordinates. Once he knew the abilities of his subordinates, then these things would be handled by them.

In the words of future generations, it doesn't matter that I do these things as much as you, but as long as I have the power to let you do these things, it's enough.

In other words, a good leader doesn't need to be comprehensive. He just needs to arrange good people reasonably and manage them well.

Therefore, while expanding the army, Shi Xiong gradually shared many things of the royal court.

This can not only free the stone bear from the complicated daily affairs, but also get further support from the following people. After all, the chief has delegated the power of management to them. They have power, status and even interests, don't they?

Just over a month later, the whole court began to become more and more orderly.

This not only surprised the powerful tribal leaders, but also made them respect the new chief. After all, to be able to play the whole tribe in such a short time is not what ordinary people can do.

And this big bear was a fool a few years ago. Now that he has become so powerful, the only explanation is that he is really the beloved child of the supreme Sun God, the son of God. The stone bear is more and more stable.

The time soon came to summer. After the harvest of summer grain and the planting of autumn grain, the stone bear called all the tribal leaders of the tribe to monongahira.

This is the first time that the stone bear has met with the leaders of all the clans since he became the chief of the Cherokee tribe.

The leaders of these tribes who have long heard that the tribe has changed into a new chief also want to see the guardian of the famous high priest kabulu, the founder of the invincible explosive bear brigade and the chief with the title of "son of God".

Therefore, after receiving the news, even the leader of the farthest tribe came in the shortest time. Among them are Dashi, the leader of the apalu tribe, moluzzo, the leader of the mokalu tribe, and tumeng, the leader of the qimosha tribe, with whom the stone bear once dealt.

Monongahira is located in the north of the whole Cherokee tribe, so the tribe in the south, especially in the southwest, is the farthest tribe from monongahira.

For example, gaoshu tribe is actually a tribe far away from monongahira, while in the southwest of gaoshu tribe, the apalu tribe, mokalu tribe and kimosha tribe almost reach the southwest border.

The three tribes are located in the area between the gaoshu tribe and the Xiaohe tribe. When the stone bear used to travel between the Xiaohe tribe and the gaoshu tribe, he passed by the three tribes several times and was familiar with the leaders and people of the three tribes.

Just like the river where the gaoshu tribe began to mine Jinsha is actually in the territory of the arpalu tribe, and the news that there is Jinsha in that river is also told by Dashi, the leader of the arpalu tribe.

The apalu tribe is only a small one. They do not have the ability to exploit the sands on a large scale, so Dashi used the news to exchange a large amount of grain from the gaoshu tribe. At the same time, when the gaoshu tribe mined the sands, they also need to give part of the money to the apalu tribe as a reward.

That is to say, the apalu tribe is actually wearing the same pants as the gaoshu tribe. Had it not been for the hesitation of Takagi's leader, Bigfoot, that the apalu tribe was not separated from the Takagi tribe, I'm afraid the apalu tribe would have been incorporated into the Takagi tribe.

Now, the leaders of small tribes, including the apalu tribe, have come to monongahira, and a "meeting of all tribal leaders" has been held since stone bear became chief