Chapter 436

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
After getting this body in his life, the stone bear found that his sense of direction became particularly sensitive. This is worthy of that sentence. When God closes one door for you, he will open another window for you.

Silly head's brain is not easy to use, but God gave him a strong enviable and even frightening body and excellent sense of direction.

Don't underestimate this sense of direction. In the new North American continent of this era, having an excellent sense of direction means that you can enter the wilderness or mountains without getting lost. This is a necessary excellent quality for an excellent hunter.

Now the stone bear just has this quality, and the bobcat around him also has this quality.

So two people even in the dark evening in the mountains of the dense forest shuttle, still can keep their own direction.

It took more than an hour for the stone bear and Bobcat to come to a cliff just after the night completely fell.

It's dark below. You can't see anything, but you can clearly hear the sound of running water impacting the rock wall, and it's very loud. Obviously, below the cliff is a big river with a large flow.

And at the foot of the mountain in the west, you can see a lot of bright bonfires, which also means that there are a lot of people stationed at the mouth of the valley below the cliff.

"Big bear, is this the river that leads to Monongahela?" Asked the bobcat in a low voice.

In fact, he doesn't have to be so careful. It's far away from the campfire at the foot of the mountain. Even if he yells, his voice will be covered by the huge sound of running water below.

"It should be this river. According to the distance we walked and the direction of the river, there is a great possibility that the river will flow eastward into the river of Monongahela. Let's go, uncle bobcat. Let's go down and have a try

Both of them are action oriented. When they make a decision, they will act immediately.

The stone bear found a big tree with enough thickness, then took down a plate of rope on his back, tied one end of it firmly to the root of the tree, and then threw the plate of rope into the cliff.

"I'll get off first. I don't know the height of the cliff, so I can't judge whether the rope can reach the bottom of the cliff. Uncle SM, you pay attention to the rope. Once the rope is pulled four times in a row, it means that I am in the end. You pull it four times again. If I respond to it four times, you can come down the rope. If I don't pull the rope, you don't come down for the time being. I'll climb up the rope again. "

At this time, Bobcat knows that it's not the time to quarrel with the stone bear. It's unique for him to climb the mountain, but it doesn't mean that he can climb up from the bottom along the long rope, which requires extremely strong upper limb strength. If this 200 meter long rope can't reach the bottom, Bobcat can't be sure to climb up the rope again. If it's hanging in mid air, it'll be completely lively.

The stone bear was not ambiguous. He wrapped several layers of cloth around his hand and pulled the rope hard. After feeling that the rope was especially firm, he grabbed the rope with both hands and began to fall. Soon, his figure disappeared in the darkness below.

After about a few minutes, Bobcat felt the rope coming and pulling four times regularly, so he immediately pulled the rope four times rhythmically according to the previous agreement. After feeling that the rope in his hand had been pulled four times again, the bobcat began to fall with a smile on his face, holding the rope in both hands.

Bobcat estimated that he had fallen for more than 100 meters. His arms felt a little sour, and then he stepped on the ground under his feet. Then he felt that his body was caught by a pair of powerful arms.

"Uncle SM, we haven't reached the end yet, but it's not a steep hillside. We should be able to reach the end by pulling the rope." The sound of the stone bear was much louder, but it was completely covered up by the more huge sound of water flow. It must be that the river below is not far away.

It took about five or six minutes for the two men to reach the bottom along the not so steep slope, and a faint river appeared in front of them.

"There is a great possibility that this river will lead to Monongahela!" SM is also very sure to say. Here, his excellent sense of direction began to play a role.

The direction of the river can be determined here, and there is no road on the South Bank of the river, that is, the side where they stand now. Although it's too dark to see if there is a road across the Qinghe River, Shi Xiong knows that there is a road on the North Bank of the river that flows from the West into Monongahela, but there is no road on the south bank.

The two men began to take off their skins from their backs.

Since it is planned to drift down the river at night, the best boat is undoubtedly a cowhide raft.

The stone bear once visited the Tibetan area before crossing the river. In the Yarlung Zangbo River, he saw the scene of the local Tibetans crossing the river with grass filled cowhide rafts.

The cowhide rafts used by Tibetans are much smaller than the large cowhide rafts used on the Yellow River. There are only four skins under one raft, and some even have only two skins. Naturally, this kind of raft can't carry too many things or people, but it is very stable. Because the leather bag is not inflated, but filled with some grass, it's not afraid that the raft will be damaged when it is hit by a torrent on the reef.

In fact, more than 70 years before the stone bear crossing, many large leather rafts could be seen transporting on the Yellow River in Lanzhou section, and there was a famous local saying: "sheep skin rafts are used as warships, and potato eggs are boiled in casseroles.".

This shows that this kind of raft is a very safe means of water transport.

In fact, the sheepskin raft is similar to the cowhide raft used by the stone bear now, but the leather raft carried by the stone bear and the bobcat is much smaller, with only four leather bags. Each leather bag is about the same size as a travel bag, and weighs only seven or eight Jin.

Bobcat carries two, stone bear carries two. Untie these four skins, find a few thicker branches, tie them together with ropes, and then you can go into the water.

Although it's dark, it's hard for the bear and the bobcat. After a short time, they found the right branch and built a raft.

Of course, before going into the water, each of them had a longer and thicker branch in his hand, which was as thick as his arm. These two branches are used as poles.

After all, it's downstream. Although the raft is not afraid of collision, we can't just watch the raft hit the rocks, so there must be some necessary struts.

The stone bear went into the water, and the water from the bank did not pass his thigh. However, he stood firmly and put the assembled raft into the water with both hands. After Bobcat got on the raft, he turned over and got on the raft. Then, with a brace, the raft left the bank and was driven downstream by the fast rive