Chapter 415

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
Kuang Niu excitedly received the order, and then rode away more excitedly. His third regiment was far away from the stone bear. He wanted to go back and command the third regiment to flatten out the residential area of vasichu that he had been gnashing his teeth for a long time.

Since the high tree tribe had Ferguson rifles, stone bear seldom used dense formation when marching, except for the terrain restrictions and the need for concentrated firing. The sandal line has been deeply imprinted in the minds of commanders, officers and soldiers of explosive bear brigade in their daily training.

Therefore, after more than 5000 soldiers of the explosive bear brigade spread out in the form of a line of scattered soldiers, the spread area is quite large. Even if the mad ox is riding, it needs to run for a short time.

Through the monocular telescope in his hand, well, the Telescope captured from major chretian Armand, the stone bear can clearly see that the settlement opposite has also changed.

Although a lot of white flags have been set up in the residential area, through the telescope, the stone bear can clearly see that there are two black spots on the wall facing this side. Needless to say, they must be French guns.

However, there is no need to worry about this kind of artillery now. One is that the accuracy of artillery in this era can make people cry. The other is that such a small residential area has at most two or three small caliber artillery, which is the kind of artillery with a four pound top and a six pound top.

Although the artillery of this era has a range of more than one kilometer, how powerful can this kind of artillery firing solid ammunition have? Coupled with the problem of accuracy, it is no exaggeration to say that the artillery of this era is used to bluff people.

Of course, if the gunner's luck is good enough and the enemy's luck is bad enough, then maybe a shell can plow the enemy's dense formation into a bloody Hutong at a distance of 500 or 600 meters after it is launched, but most of this happens in imagination

In real combat, as long as the opponent has a little tactical awareness and avoids the direction of the muzzle, then this kind of heavy and stupid artillery really becomes a decoration.

Not to mention that the explosive bear brigade is still laying out the line of scattered soldiers. The devil is afraid of this kind of artillery.

When the soldiers were trained, the stone bear used to specifically deal with what to do when facing fortress guns or infantry guns. So when the two guns appeared on the wall of the residential area, the soldiers of the explosive bear brigade who were heading for the muzzle of the fire guns simply did not need the commander's command to hide. The result of daily hard training, in this moment revealed no doubt.

Turning the telescope slightly, the stone bear saw the soldiers of the third regiment start to move, so the stone bear gave the order to the soldier beside him who was specially used to give orders, and the soldier immediately sounded the rhythmic horn.

This kind of rhythm of the horn sound explosion bear brigade soldiers all know, that is to maintain the original formation, maintain the pressure on the enemy.

The meaning is very simple. Stand by and watch the brothers of the third regiment go to level off the settlement.

Most of the soldiers of the third regiment did not move, only more than 100 of them came out at the line of scattered troops.

Through the telescope, the stone bear can clearly see that there are about 40 grenadiers among the more than 100 soldiers. They are responsible for 20 grenade launchers, about 50 Musketeers and seven or eight Rangers. At the end of the team, there are three separate soldiers.

These three soldiers are specially responsible for the newly developed 55mm mortar.

And these three soldiers are the focus of stone bear's attention. After all, although the entire explosive bear brigade has been equipped with 20 55mm mortars, this mortar is the first real mortar to be used in actual combat.

The French in the settlement obviously saw the actions of the 100 soldiers of the third regiment, and then more than 30 heads appeared on the wall, all of them with guns lying on the wall, looking at the 100 soldiers.

The three soldiers in charge of the mortars ran forward and stopped shortly. One of the soldiers released the mortar he was carrying and quickly put up the barrel. The other two soldiers took off their ammunition boxes.

A mortar is operated by three men. After two soldiers with ammunition on their backs put down their ammunition, one becomes a special ammunition man, and the other becomes a loader. The soldier with the mortar on his back became the shooter.

Three people formed a mortar squad of the smallest scale, in which the key is undoubtedly the aiming hand.

As early as the mortar has just been developed and tested, the stone bear is focusing on training sightseers. Because the aiming hand is directly related to the accuracy of mortar attack. If you can't fight correctly, even if it's a 155 self-propelled gun, it's blind.

But if it can be hit accurately, then with the effective range of mortar and the power of flowering bomb, it is absolutely the existence of big killer level.

Modern mortars of later generations all have sight glasses, through which we can know the distance of attacking targets. But in this era, there is no sight at all, so the stone bear can only use the simplest "eye skipping method" to train the aiming hand.

The so-called eye skipping method, in fact, is seen in the movie or TV that straightens the arm and thumbs up for rapid measurement. This method that can quickly measure the distance is also the first invention of the younger generation soldiers. The experienced soldiers can quickly estimate the data they want, which can be called a miracle!

When using this measurement method, first of all, the right arm should be raised horizontally, the thumb should be vertical, and the right arm should be vertical with the body as far as possible; Then close the left eye, rotate the waist, aim or block the target with the thumb. At this time, the right eye, thumb and the target are in the same line.

At this time, close the right eye and open the left eye. At this time, the target will appear on the left side of the thumb, and there will be a transverse distance from the thumb.

At this time, we need to estimate the size of the measured target, and then estimate the real distance of the transverse distance according to the size of the measured target, and then multiply the estimated distance by ten, we can basically get the real distance between the position of the aiming hand and the target.

For example, after closing his left and right eyes continuously, the aiming hand sees a horizontal distance. He estimates that the length of this stone wall is about 50 meters, and the length of this horizontal distance is exactly the length of two stone walls.

In other words, the actual length of the horizontal distance measured by the eye skipping method is about 100 meters, and then multiplied by 10, the final position of the sighting hand standing from the stone wall should be about 1 km.

In fact, the location of the mortar squad is about 1000 meters away from the stone wall!

Of course, the distance measured by this kind of eye skipping method is only a general data. In order to judge the real data, we need to test fire one or two shells before we can judge the most real distance according to the impact point!

Seeing the Musketeers in front and the grenadiers spread out in the formation of the line of scattered soldiers at a distance of about 200 meters, and set up the grenade barrel, the aiming hand began to adjust the angle of the muzzle very decisively.

When he finished adjusting the angle, the loader carefully carried a shell through the muzzle