Chapter 408

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
In fact, throughout the 18th century, Spain was in an awkward position.

From the end of the 15th century to the beginning of the 17th century, the Spanish Armada awed the whole of Europe! How powerful was the Spanish Armada then? Just list one data.

At that time, the Spanish Armada had more than 150 warships, more than 3000 guns and tens of thousands of soldiers! The fleet has more than 1000 ships in its heyday, which is the biggest guarantee for the armada to run across the Mediterranean and Atlantic!

So at that time, no country in Europe dared to easily touch the ass of the big tiger Spain.

However, with the continuous rise of other European countries, Spain's hegemony in Europe has been greatly threatened, and many European countries regard catching up with and surpassing Spain as their goal.

Although the Spanish Armada was invincible at that time, the Royal Spanish Navy also had a fatal weakness, that is, there was no outstanding commander! This weakness has not been solved in Spain for hundreds of years, which also leads to the decline of Spain after more than 100 years of glory.

The rise of the Netherlands, Britain, France and Prussia posed a great threat to Spain's rule in the Atlantic and Mediterranean. And these countries are constantly challenging Spain's sea power. In order to protect its sea power, Spain is constantly fighting against the enemy by sea.

One sea battle after another constantly weakened the strength of the Spanish Armada. From the battle of gravalina in 1588 to the battle of downs in 1639, the Spanish Armada was finally exhausted in one war after another. Finally, it was pulled down by the Dutch Navy in the battle of downs, and the sea coachman began to cross the Atlantic Ocean.

Throughout the 17th century, the navy of the Netherlands, Britain and even France began to grow stronger, especially in the 18th century, when the Habsburg dynasty, which ruled the kingdom of Spain at that time, died out, leading to the outbreak of the war of succession to the Spanish throne.

That war led to the complete decline of Spain, which could barely remain a first-class power. Of course, although the French won the war in the end, the French were also greatly weakened. They did not complete the strategic goal of annexing Spain at the beginning of the war to unify Europe.

In any case, the war plunged the European powers into disputes, and the signing of the Treaty of Utrecht also brought the greatest benefits to the British - the British obtained the strategic location of Gibraltar from Spain, the right to monopolize black slaves in the Spanish American colonies, and the North American possessions such as Newfoundland, Acadia and Hudson Bay from France, Keep the advantage of the sea, the international status is gradually rising!

This war of succession to the throne became the last straw to crush camels. Spain, which lost even gibraltarian, became a second rate country in Europe.

After poor Philip V came to power, the situation in Spain did not get much better in the first half of the 18th century.

It can be said very faithfully that Philip V was not a very good monarch, at least in his hands, Spain did not recover. Even in 1724, under great pressure, Philip V controversially passed the throne to his eldest son, Louis I, who was only 17 years old.

It's a pity that Louis I didn't prove whether he was a qualified or even excellent monarch, so he was infected with smallpox and was killed by smallpox.

In desperation, Philip V, who had abdicated, could only sit on the throne of the king of Spain again until his death.

Although Philip V suffered from severe manic depression, it didn't improve the situation in Spain. Even in 1739, his Majesty King Philip V broke the property of Spain. Yes, he did break the property of Spain in that year. But he couldn't help giving birth to two good sons.

After the death of Philip V, his son Fernando VI became the third king of the Spanish Bourbons. Although his Majesty was only in power for 14 years, it was in his hands that Spain began to recover.

After Fernando VI came to power, he took many powerful measures and began to bring vitality to this decaying country.

Although Spain is in decline, it has many colonies in the new continent of America. Whether it is silver in Central America, gold in South America, or tobacco and sugarcane in the West Indies, it is constantly fighting for the survival of Spain, a tattered ship without a captain.

When Fernando VI, the wise captain, began to take full control of the sinking Spanish ship, the ship began to miraculously recover with the help of a steady stream of goods from the colony.

Although Spain's sea power began to lose at the beginning of the 17th century, and despite unprecedented difficulties, the new Spanish ruler still tried to revive the huge fleet they used to be proud of.

After Fernando VI came to power, he began to try to build new warships in order to surpass his rivals in quality - they did, by the standards of the time. Compared with British warships in the same period, Spanish warships have higher gun position, wider beam, better stability and more guns; In the single ship confrontation occupied a certain advantage - it can be said that from Fernando VI, the Royal Spanish Navy gradually embarked on the road of recovery.

Later, after the death of Fernando VI, his half brother Carlos III became the new king of Spain.

Similarly ambitious, Carlos III insists on the idea of his brother and vigorously develops Spain, making this once glorious country continue to be strong.

This is not to say casually. With the launch of the class I battleship "Royal Philip" with 114 guns, the once invincible fleet began to have a backbone. After that, class II battleships with 80 guns, such as San Pedro lightning, were launched one after another, as well as other class III battleships.

With the addition of these class II and class III battleships, the once invincible fleet was revitalized again. After the launch of the class I battleship "San Carlos" with 114 guns last year, the Spanish Navy in the mid-18th century had once again the glory of the once invincible fleet across the ocean.

Now it is no exaggeration to say that even though the rise of Britain and France is so rapid, the two countries that have just experienced seven years of war dare not fight against the Royal Navy of Spain on the ocean.

The navy has regained its former glory, but the Spanish army, which was invincible to the European continent at that time, has always been in a half dead situation.

Major Felisa knew all this. Although he was a naval officer, he was also eager for the Royal Spanish army, which was invincible to the European continent, to regain its glory.

In this way, both the Navy and the army have become extremely powerful. Who else is the rival of the kingdom of Spain in the whole continent?

But it's not so easy for the army to revive. Now, in the new world, there is an opportunity for the army to recover. It's also an opportunity for the family's arms business to go to a higher level. How can Felisa Fernando give up?