Chapter 406

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
There were several people sitting in the room. Looking at the style, major Felisa knew that these people should be high-level figures of the tribe.

However, the big man did not sit in the middle. In the middle of the seat sat a young woman.

"You haven't had breakfast, have you? Here's something to eat. Go to the next room. When I'm full, I have something else to say to you. " Stone bear pointed to a door leading to the next door, and then Felisa and the four of them were led into the room by two tribal soldiers.

This seems to be a restaurant, because as soon as they enter the door, Felisa and the three of them smell a fragrance and see the steaming pot in a corner of the room, which is full of meat

Needless to say, Felisa and the three of them were like wild dogs out of their rein and went through their heads. Regardless of the scalding, he fished out several pieces of stewed and rotten beef from the pot and stuffed them directly into his mouth. He would not stop even if it was hot.

It wasn't until one of the tribe soldiers who followed raised the butt of his gun that Felisa and others quickly moved aside.

Another soldier came over with a look of disdain on his face and began to fill the beef and rich soup with a big iron spoon. There were four bowls, all of which were head size wooden sea bowls.

Then four guys with green eyes jumped on it again

In the hall outside, red cloud asked the stone bear in a low voice, "big bear, do you really want to sell the remaining muskets to these Spaniards?"

"Why not? Our expeditionary force now has about 1500 Ferguson rifles, which are the best rifles for vasichu. Otherwise, Captain Jones in Jamestown would not have agreed to exchange 500 horses for 1000 Ferguson rifles

Hongyun, Dajiao and gaoniu all nodded involuntarily.

At the end of the expedition, the guardian returned to the tribe and said that he had bought 500 horses from the British with 1000 second-hand rifles. At first, no one believed it, but later, they could not believe it, because although the horses had not been changed back, they all saw with their own eyes that the 1000 riflemen of the expedition had turned in all their rifles.

And it's an indisputable fact that the whole tribe has been preparing fodder for the 500 horses in Jamestown these two days.

They really did not expect that a thousand rifles could return 500 horses!

That's a war horse. It's 500 horses!

The whole gaoshu tribe has been working hard for two years. Even those who trade and have children are all included in the tribe. There are only less than 300 horses in the tribe. Among them, 70 or 80 are temporarily unable to ride ponies, and there are only more than 200 war horses that can ride.

As a result, the guardian quietly returned 500 war horses at once, which is really speechless

Now the tribe is developing and producing new rifles. The new rifles developed by four alchemists are very popular. They all see them. They are far more powerful than Ferguson rifles.

And now the focus of the tribe's work is around the production of new rifles. A thousand people have worked hard to increase the production of new rifles as much as possible, from mining coal and iron ore to coking, steel-making, barrel drilling, rifling and so on. Of course, the production of catapults and grenades has not stopped. That thing is the real big killer. Tribes and expeditionary forces can not give up the production of catapults.

At present, the maximum daily production capacity of the tribe is seven explosive bear 1766 rifles. There are about 80 days left between now and the western expedition in the spring. At least, the tribe can produce less than 600 rifles. With the explosive bear rifles produced before, the expeditionary army can only be equipped with 800 Musketeers at most.

"Guardian, if you sell all the remaining five hundred rifles, the number of musketeers in the expeditionary force will only be about 800 at most. Is that a little less? " Bigfoot asked with some worry.

"Eight hundred musketeers are enough! Don't forget that we use the explosive bear rifle. The power and range of this rifle are far beyond Ferguson's. Eight hundred musketeers are better than two thousand Musketeers before. Don't worry, I know that. " Stone bear said with a clear mind.

"Besides, don't you think it's a huge profit to sell Ferguson rifles out?" Stone bear asked with a smile.

Red cloud, big foot and Gao Niu thought about the 500 horses and immediately nodded.

"Well, since it's so good to sell our obsolete rifles, why don't we sell them to the Spaniards? We can trade a thousand second-hand rifles for five hundred horses from the British, so why can't we trade another thousand rifles for five hundred horses from the Spanish? "

Hongyun and the three of them took a breath, but they were very surprised.

Gao Niu asked, "stone, do you mean we need to continue to produce Ferguson rifles?"

"Why not? Don't forget, the production process of Ferguson rifle is different from that of explosive bear rifle. The barrel of Ferguson's rifle is cast. The equipment we used to produce Ferguson's rifle is idle. Anyway, all the people of the tribe are in Maodong, so why not mobilize them to produce rifles? I think, with the production capacity of our tribe, these 500 rifles can be produced in more than one month, right

Several people nodded together again. The production technology of Ferguson rifle is far behind that of explosive bear rifle, and the speed of casting barrel is far higher than that of drilling barrel. Therefore, it is absolutely no problem to produce 500 Ferguson rifles in more than one month.

But if you can trade a thousand Ferguson rifles for 500 horses from the Spaniard, it's worth more than anything.

"So, everybody approved of my plan?" Stone bear asked with a smile.

Hongyun nodded for the third time.

"Well, I'll take care of it when they finish eating! I promise to get another 500 horses from the Spaniards

Several people all smile happily.

At that moment, as soon as the door rang, major Felisa came out of the dining room next door with a look of contentment and indelibility on their four faces. The look on their faces was enough to show that they had a good meal of beef stew

Since you eat so hi PI, there will be more hi PI in the future