Chapter 397

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
This team in front of us, well, this group of people should not be called a team. Shi Xiong thinks it's appropriate to describe these people as refugees.

Looking at the more than 100 shivering people with frostbite on their faces and hands, the stone bear could not help feeling that his head was a little big.

This is obviously a group of Europeans, but their clothes have made the stone bear unable to identify them.

In this era, the uniform styles of European countries are almost the same, but there are differences in color. In front of us, these guys are obviously soldiers of a certain European country, which can be seen from their guns. Ordinary people who can resist the fire? It's just that they can't tell the color of their clothes at all.

"Is it the French who never give up?" The stone Bear looked at the group of vasichus who were about to freeze to death. They couldn't laugh or cry. They dare to come here in this season. What's the point of looking for death?


"Help us, help us, for God's sake, please help us..." the arrival of the stone bear obviously let the group of vasichu see the hope, they will certainly be able to see the leadership position of the stone bear, so one of the guys with a bearded face suddenly fell on his knees. At the beginning, he seemed to speak Spanish, After seeing that the big man didn't quite understand, he immediately changed to strange English.

The stone bear didn't pay attention to this guy, even if this guy seems to be the leader of the group of vasichu, but the stone bear can't save them until he knows what happened. These guys are obviously not British, so the stone bear is not at ease.

Stone bear turned to yingyu and asked, "yingyu, what's the matter with these guys?"

The eagle feather, who had lost half of his arm, shook his head and said, "guardian, I don't know where these people came from. It seems that they suddenly came out of the river, and then they want to go along the river. As soon as I saw that there were many of them, and they were all armed with muskets, I sounded the alarm horn. "

"Well, yingyu, you've done a good job. This vigilance should be maintained for a long time."

Eagle feather simple and honest smile.

Stone bear then turned to ask the guy kneeling on the ground. Of course, he asked in English.

"What country are you from? Why are you here with weapons? "

Shi Xiong's fluent English made the guy's eyes widened. He never thought that there would be a guy who spoke English so fluently in a group of aborigines, who could speak English more fluently than his own.

"Dear leader, I'm major Felisa Fernando of the North American fleet of the Royal Spanish Navy. This time, we came to a tribe with friendship to discuss something. Unfortunately, our fleet encountered a blizzard in the big bend, all four ships hit the rocks and sank, and we are the only people left with more than 300 people. Fortunately, our guide knew the location of the tribe, so we came here on foot. But we underestimated the power of this snowstorm. Our people can't hold on any longer... Dear leader, please ask your people to help us... "

"Are you Spanish? Or a member of the Royal Spanish Navy? " The stone bear was also surprised and widened his eyes. Why did the Spaniard come here? Don't they know it's French and British territory?

Well, it doesn't matter. Now the Spaniards are in hot collusion with the French. The French even give up New Orleans to the Spaniards. It's not impossible for the Spanish fleet to go up the river Mitsui and then down the Tennessee.

Although Kuang Niu came back some time ago and said that he had a fierce fight with the Spanish in the southeast direction of the Cree, killing thousands of Spanish saimino allied troops, Shi Xiong knew that it was most likely that the Spanish had been fooled by the saimino, so he sent out his troops.

But generally speaking, Spain's sphere of influence is in central and South America and the Caribbean, and North America is only limited to Florida, Louisiana and the Gulf coast of Texas, with no conflict of interests.

The stone bear thought about it and looked at the Spanish soldiers who were really dying of freezing. He turned back and said loudly, "give them some clothes, find some withered grass and branches to make a fire, and cook them some porridge."

Stone bear is very clear that what these Spaniards need most now is a mouthful of hot porridge, otherwise it can really freeze to death.

Although the Spaniards killed more people in the whole new world than the British, French and other European countries combined, the Indians in central and South America were too far away from the stone bear, and there was no direct conflict of interest between the Spaniards and the stone bear, so the stone bear was a little softer after hesitation.

This is more than 100 lives after all.

Of course, if the French, the stone bear will not hesitate to order to kill these guys.

A few huge bonfires were soon lit up. The Spanish soldiers were like wild dogs who had run out of the reins. They rolled around. The red flames made these guys with frostbite on their faces and hands smile contentedly.

Several soldiers on horseback soon returned from the tribe, carrying several big pots and a big bag of noodles on horseback.

Several soldiers broke open the frozen river, filled some river water with a big pot, and then put it on the campfire. When the pot was boiling, they poured the stir fried noodles into the pot. After a while, the hot corn porridge could be drunk.

One by one, the Spanish soldiers were crossing their chests. They were constantly grateful to the soldiers of gaoshu tribe. It can be seen that they were grateful from the heart.

In this weather, when they are about to freeze to death, after they have seen many friends die on the road, these pots of hot corn porridge and these bonfires are better for them than the gospel of God.

After a bowl of hot corn porridge, the souls of these Spanish soldiers seem to have come back completely. Those who continue to drink porridge are more grateful to the people of gaoshu tribe. Even if the tribesmen took their muskets and bayonets, they didn't care.

The stone bear asked Felisa Fernand, who was drinking the second bowl of porridge, "where's your guide? I'm going to ask him a few questions. "

Felisa was stunned for a moment, then shook her head, sighed as if she had accepted her life, and pointed to one of the soldiers.

The stone bear is happy when he looks at it. This guy is clearly an Indian, but he's wearing a Spanish uniform, and he doesn't know that he was pulled from the unfortunate ghost.