Chapter 387

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
The 2500 expeditionary forces, like their predecessors in the CRI tribe, separated a part of the territory from the Powhatans for the time being. They would complete the strategy of appeasement or suppression in the next period of time, until the Powhatans completely surrendered or Colonel Jones had enough horses.

This is also the result of the oral consultation between Shi Xiong and Colonel Jones.

In terms of Jamestown's current strength, even if Richmond, which has just been established in the West for more than 30 years, wants to control the whole of Virginia. So even if the stone bear had promised the area east of blue ridge to Colonel Jones, he would need time to arrange his staff.

Now with the help of the expeditionary forces, Colonel Jones is happy to suppress the Powhatans with the help of the expeditionary forces.

So the time for the expeditionary troops to withdraw was set for the Powhatans to surrender or for Colonel Jones to put together 500 horses.

As long as either of the two goals is achieved, the expeditionary soldiers who stay here will immediately withdraw without hesitation.

If it wasn't for walking around the Powhatan territory in person, the stone bear might be wary of this once powerful tribal alliance. But when the expeditionary army almost eliminated Powhatan's royal court, the stone bear could see the real face of the paper tiger clearly.

Yes, in the eyes of the stone bear, the former powerful Powhatans had been assimilated by the British colonists for a century and a half, but now the Powhatans have long been in decline. To say that they are paper tigers is to praise them. Shi Xiong thinks that the current Powhatan talent is a real chicken.

However, stone bear also knows that the name of Powhatan is still very loud in this area. The leader of the Museum who led a delegation to visit and study in Knoxville before soul wear once said that once the visit and study is over, the stone bears will have a few days to visit Richmond or Norfolk

Shi Xiong, who is good at making preparations in advance, specially inquired about the information of clothing, food, housing and transportation around the two famous cities. As a result, when he inquired, he found many hotels and even place names with the name of "Powhatan".

This is evidence of the influence of this once powerful tribe on the east coast of Virginia.

In fact, this kind of thing is very normal. There is no history in America. Since the founding of the people's Republic of China, there have been many place names and the names of articles are all the names of Indian tribes.

Like Tennessee, in fact, the origin of the name is the outer ear tribe of jorak roulu; And Arkansas, whose name comes from the Sioux language, means "residents where the south wind blows.".

There are also many American states whose names are derived from Indians. For example, the famous Cherokee Jeep comes from Cherokee people. The Apache helicopter, of course, comes from the Apache people

The eastern part of Virginia is the territory of the Powhatans. There are many places here that are famous for Powhatans. It's not surprising that there are scenic spots, hotels and hotels. Later, a famous National Forest Park in the middle of the Appalachian Mountains was named after the Cherokee king timonongahira.

However, all this has nothing to do with the stone bear. His task is to bring back all the high-level officials of the Royal Court of the Powhatan people and give them a powerful deterrent by the way.

Therefore, what the expeditionary soldiers escorting the high-ranking members of the Royal Court of the Powhatans do every day is to swagger and escort these people, including chief aruyet. Where there is a tribe of the Powhatans, the expeditionary army will go there even if it makes a detour. The purpose is to frighten the Powhatans with the fact that aruyet and others have been arrested.

The effect of doing so is obviously very good. Most of the Powhatan tribes who have no fighting spirit show their obedience honestly. But there are also the iron headed bowatan tribe, and even one tribe, when the expeditionary army arrived, all fell out with primitive and backward cold weapons, trying to "rescue" their chief.

As a result, this small tribe with only a few dozen people was naturally suppressed mercilessly by the expeditionary army.

Killing chickens to scare monkeys is always a very effective deterrent. The bloody crackdown completely frightened chief aruyet. When the next expedition passes by the Powhatan tribe, chief aruyet will even go to the tribe to persuade

Stone bear is such a person who only pays attention to the results but not the process. It's not that he doesn't care about the most important process, but now in his capacity, he doesn't need to solve many things himself. He just needs to pay attention to the final result.

And this way is obviously what stone bears want to see. The most important thing is to exchange a small sacrifice for the complete surrender of most of the Powhatans, including aruyet and others.

As for the bloody process, did the stone bear see less before?

It can be said that the progress of the action of the Powhatans in this eastern expedition is extremely smooth. Two thousand recruits, led by five hundred veterans, swept the whole Powhatans in a crushing manner. The whole operation took only one and a half months. The expeditionary army went out after autumn, and when winter came, they returned to the tribe.

In Shi Xiong's opinion, the eastern expedition didn't play a role in training the recruits, but at least the recruits had seen blood. Generally speaking, the eastern expedition was very successful.

If you want to say who is upset, it is estimated that in addition to the escorted chief and his party, there will be bighorn sheep, a warmonger.

This guy has been acting as the second commander with the stone bear in this expedition. A lot of times, this guy did put forward a lot of excellent tactical plans, but these tactical plans did not get the chance to implement.

How to implement it? This guy designed the tactical plan according to the situation that he led the Kerry army to resist the expeditionary army. This tactical plan, which can destroy hundreds or even thousands of people in one battle, can not be implemented in the territory of the Powhatans.

You can't kill the bowatans who show their submission, can you? It's bound to make the Powhatans anxious

This kind of situation makes the bighorn sheep who has completely integrated into the expeditionary army feel very uncomfortable.

This guy has thoroughly demonstrated the potential of an excellent general under the guidance and instruction of the stone bear since he became obedient. And this guy is really crazy about war. In the words of later generations, if this guy grows up, he will be a crazy warmonger!

A guy who has the potential to become a warmonger is suppressed. It must be very, very uncomfortable.

But I can't help it. Stone bear doesn't want to make this guy mature too early. For this kind of person, the best way is to practice as much as an eagle, so that when he goes West or North, he can burst out greater potential when he meets those powerful tribes!

This is what stone bear wants to see