Chapter 354

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
Stone bear didn't take charge of the training of 2000 recruits' eggs any more. This kind of work should be done by bone spear, mad cow and fierce dog. As for the live ammunition training of muskets and grenades, it's no problem for them to watch.

Five hundred veterans and the other expeditionary soldiers who will come back in the future will be trained one-on-one. It is absolutely no problem to train such a small number of recruits.

The main reason is the arrival of major Adria Fogg, the British army major who came to trade refined salt with the gaoshu tribe instead of major hank. He not only brought a lot of raw materials that the stone bear urgently needed, but also brought major Hank's personal letter.

Major hank has been making new textile machinery according to the drawings provided by stone bear since he left the new world and returned to England more than half a year ago. At the same time, he also opened a textile factory.

The promotion of new textile machinery is very difficult. Therefore, the best way to promote it is undoubtedly to set up a textile factory, so that the owners who need textiles can see for themselves how efficient the new hydraulic driven textile machinery is, and how good the quality of cotton yarn and cotton cloth produced by this kind of textile machinery is.

In this era, the most valuable things are not made by hand as in later generations. In this era, hand-made products represent backwardness and low quality, while products produced by large machines are synonymous with high quality and high efficiency.

In the words of major Hank's letter, after seeing the spectacular scenes of the production of new textile machinery and the excellent products, all the owners who came to visit were crazy. The orders of new textile machinery were like snowflakes, which almost buried major hank

Major hank is not Hargreaves who invented Jennie's spinning machine, nor akerlet who invented the water spinning machine, nor Crompton who will invent the mule machine in the future. Major hank is a major officer in the Royal Army of the British Empire, far from being a civilian like Hargreaves, akerlet and Crompton.

Major hank is not from an aristocratic family, but his family is still a little influential in Southampton. In addition, major hank has been in the army for so many years, and he is No.1 in his hometown Southampton.

And major hank made a lot of pounds in refined salt, so after he set up the textile mill in his hometown of Southampton, no one dared to find fault with it.

For example, the spinning mill built by Hargreaves, the inventor of Jennie's machine, was burned down by those home textile craftsmen, and his patent for Jennie's machine was robbed by others. This did not happen to major hank.

I'm kidding. When major hank returned to Southampton to open a textile mill, he hired more than a dozen security personnel retired from the Royal Army of the British Empire as explained by stone bear.

These security personnel are serious veterans, and their retirement time is not long. They are not only fierce, but also very good at fighting. The 20 or 30 handicraftsmen in the family workshops are not the competitors of these 10 strong men.

In addition, due to the increase of orders, the production of new textile machinery needs a lot of steel, so with these orders, major Hank and some steel tycoons in Southampton and even London get on well with each other.

Now it is said that there is another tycoon in Southampton.

Of course, major hank knew who had given all this, so when he became stable, he immediately tried his best to find all kinds of materials for the big man on the other side of the ocean, as the stone bear had told him before.

Hank said in his letter that a lot of materials have been found. Now we will wait to get more and then get a ship to transport them.

Stone bear is not worried about this. Now I have enough weapons and equipment to deal with the surrounding Indian tribes. As for the independent war in the future, it is still early. In the past few years, the stone bear has been able to hoard enough raw materials through major Hank's hands.

Although major Adria Fogg succeeded major hank, this guy is a man of all aspects. He also knows very well how much profit his immediate superior, that is, Colonel Jones stationed in Jamestown, has made through these refined salt for more than a year. The most important thing is that through these refined salt, Colonel Jones has been in touch with many of the country's great nobles.

This kind of relationship is the most important thing. It's something you can't buy with pounds.

It was for this reason that major Fogg attached great importance to the salt trade with the gaoshu tribe, without any explanation from Colonel Jones. In any case, he can get a lot of benefits from the salt trade.

The last time major Fogg came, the stone bear and the expeditionary army were struggling on the Kerry territory. Of course, he didn't see the big man. When he came to the gaoshu tribe this time, he heard that the Kerry people with a population of 100000 in the South had been conquered by this big man. Major Fogg was also very surprised.

As an army major living in the new world for several years, major Fogg naturally knew how difficult these native Indians were. A Powhatan with only 20000 or 30000 people can make the Royal Army of the British Empire headache, not to mention a large tribe with hundreds of thousands of people.

And this big man was able to conquer a large tribe of 100000 people in less than half a year, and no one else had this ability.

Of course, major Fogg didn't know that the gaoshu tribe had a large number of musketeers, and he didn't know that the stone bear had a large number of grenades in his hand. So he didn't know how the big man conquered a huge tribe in such a short time.

It's a good thing to say that the stone bear, which can be regarded as a strategic weapon in this era, will never be known to those European colonists. Stone bear knows very well that although the British are trading well with themselves now, once the news of the grenade is revealed, the British will definitely tear their face and hit them immediately. They absolutely want to find ways to get the grenade.

With the shrewdness of the British, when they know that there is a weapon with an effective range of 600 meters and more powerful than naval guns, they will definitely get it at all costs.

Ask yourself, if you were British, you would do the same.

A powerful and small weapon plays a decisive role in the foreign strategy of the whole country.

So, when major Fogg's trading team arrives at the gaoshu tribe, all live ammunition training will be suspended immediately.